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Binge Drinking Among College Students

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Binge Drinking Among College Students

Drinking among college students has been on the rise in recent years. Drinking at college has always been glorified in movies and the influence of media adverts. Social influence in college is one way students are likely to engage in unhealthy activities such as binge drinking. Today, binge drinking has become part of unhealthy drinking activities among college students. Several students do not understand that extreme drinking of alcohol can result in health issues and a higher possibility of addiction. Binge Drinking results in risk behavior and the individual who is drinking make unhealthy choices and the negative decision that can not only affect them but other people. One of the behaviors that a binge drinker may exhibit is they may be more inclined to be aggressive. This essay will point out the causes of binge drinking, its effects, and the solution to the problem.

The main cause of binge drinking among college students is associated with the college environment and the influence of social media. Today, social interaction in colleges and universities is associated with club parties and the consumption of alcohol. Many collages students especially those that struggle with loneliness for the first time, adjust their lives through excessive drinking. Besides, depression among college students is one of the major factors that has influenced excessive drinking among college students. Anxiety, stress, and relationship are also factors that have highly contributed to excessive abuse of alcohol among college students. Social media influence is another main cause of binge drinking among college students (Boers 231).

Today, students post the good times they spend drinking in clubs to demonstrate the joy and happiness found in drinking. This habit has influenced many students to engage in binge drinking whenever they complete their assignments. An issue that is quite common among binge drinkers is the lack of control of their emotions and their perception of reality. This can be dangerous because this can lead to suicidal ideations. Living in America, 90% of people will drink alcohol in their life but 40% will have a temporary or permanent alcohol problem. One of the warning signs of suicidal behavior is aggression and impulsivity (Hahn, Samantha, Lipson, and Kendrin 143).

In summation, there are key solutions that can assist victims of binge drinking. Rehabilitation centers are the best places to take students that are struggling with alcohol abuse. The best thing about rehabilitation centers is that they allow victims to realize their mistakes and learn how to take control of their lives. Another major solution is guidance and counseling from pastors or other experts. Counseling enables students to express their feelings or emotions as a driving factor of binge drinking. Students get help from experts that enable them to stop the habit of excessive drinking. It is also important for the government to enforce high prices of alcoholic drinks to curb the issue of binge drinking among college students. Besides, new policies such as raising the age of drinking to 21 years to control the habit of binge drinking among college students.



Work Cited

Boers, Elroy, et al. “Conversations about binge drinking among vocational community college students: the relation with drinking attitudes and intentions and the moderating role of conversation partner popularity.” Psychology & Health 35.4 (2020): 467-481.

Hahn, Samantha L., Sarah K. Lipson, and Kendrin R. Sonneville. “Dietary self-monitoring is associated with an increased likelihood of problematic alcohol use among college students.” Journal of American College Health (2020): 1-6.





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