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Business Brief for Organizational Change in Acrisure

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Business Brief for Organizational Change in Acrisure

            Acrisure is a global industry agency that endeavours to deliver high quality insurance to its clients. The function is attained through a joined effort by different partners in several countries. The insurance agency believes in the partnership culture, which contributes to its success. Acrisure has made it possible for businesspeople to venture into the industry business, and at the same time, offer impeccable services to its clients. Each agency partner compliments the other partners to accelerate the growth of the insurance agency. As complex as it may be, the partnership culture has catapulted Acrisure to the successful insurance agency it is today.

In the insurance industry, the human resource department and the claims department are vital offices. They contribute to the general success of an insurance agency. The human resource department is mandated to look at the general affairs of the company, while the claims department aims at reducing costs and litigation. The human resource handles the company while the claims department is linked to the clients of the insurance agency. In Acrisure, the ideal situation would be to have separate human resource and claims department to increase efficiency in both departments. The agency has an efficient team, however, it would perform better once these departments are operated separately. The Kotter’s eight-stage framework should provide an efficient solution to the separation of the departments.

Change is not an easy aspect while running a company. The employees may be uneasy due to changes in the company’s processes. However, there should be a sense of urgency while implementing these changes because they are needed for the general success of the company. As an executive, it may not be an easy task to get the employees on the urgency streak. Hence, there are several steps to be taken to achieve the goal. For instance, the executive could start conversations and discussions about the changes, and offer convincing reasons to get the employees to ponder over the matter (Mind Tools). The executive could also get the opinion of other insurance professionals to fuel his or her point further (Mind Tools). By doing so, urgency would be created hence the changes would finally be implemented.

Implementing changes in a company needs the coalition of several parties. By forming a powerful coalition, it would be easy to convince the parties involved that change is inevitable (Mind Tools). The coalition should work on building the urgency narrative and the changes effected. The coalition should comprise leaders in the organization from different levels and departments, including the stakeholders (Mind Tools). A strong coalition should be accompanied with a strong vision and strategy for change (MSG). The vision should include the company’s core values, and the executive should ensure that members of the coalition are conversant with the vision for change.

Having a strong vision for the company is not enough; it should be communicated in a powerful manner to the employees and the stakeholders. The change conversation should be an everyday affair, whenever the executive is presented with a platform (Mind Tools). The aim is to have it embedded into the minds of those people who are not open to the changes. The executive should also be keen to identify any possible obstacles that may affect the vision for the company. For instance, people who may fight the changes (MSG). However, the parties involved in endorsing the vision of the company should be rewarded. At the same time, the company should create a culture of celebrating small wins. Achieving small wins is easier and less costly than long-term goals; the probability of achieving smaller wins is more than long-term goals (MSG). All these points contribute to the successful introduction of change in the company.

Acrisure needs to separate the claims department from the human resource department. These changes would be hard to achieve but the Kotter’s eight-stage framework should make the process easier and faster. The changes should be effected slowly and gradually to ensure that the vision of the company is not lost. Being a large insurance agency with several partners, the changes would be easy to implement because they depend on one another.


















Works Cited

Mind Tools. ‘’Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model.’’ Mind Tools, Mind Tools.   

MSG. ‘’Kotter’s 8 step Model of Change.’’ Management Study Guide, Management Study           Guide.




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