Children behaviour
Children behave in different ways when interacting with others. In this case, the sociogram observation tool alongside event samples would be efficient in keeping records of the preschool child (Lorina, 2016). The sociogram would help in identifying whom the child likes to play, interact and share with while the event samples would keep records of particular incidences that the child failed to share with others and cried.
If you observe a group of 4-year-old children struggling with various self-help skills- what would you consider doing, and what observation tool(s) would you use?
In this case, the most appropriate observation tools would be learning stories together with jottings. The learning stories would help in giving specific information and also provide ample details regarding the decisions the child makes as well as the consequences (Lorina, 2016). Conversely, the jotting observation tool would help in recording different events quickly without going into details since the problems have been outlined using the learning stories. Jotting is easy to record and quick to note significant events and behaviors that need observing and the attention of a parent or even an expert.
If you have observed a 2-year-old child hit her peers on a regular basis, what would you do, what observation tool(s) would you use, and how and when would you approach the parents? What would you say?
The time samples would be a useful observation tool to help keep record and tally of the times the child hits another (Lorina, 2016). Also, the event samples would help record the triggers that made the 2-year old to hit her peers. Consequently, approaching the kid’s parents would need one to be calm and contact them when they are composed. It would be best to approach the parents when the child is playing with others and have hit her peers at least three times in a row during their playtime together. I would ask the parents if they heard the kids crying outside, assuming that the peers cried after being hit by the 2-year old. I would then ask them if their child have physical impulsive behaviors and explain what it is and how the child is exhibiting it to her peers.