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Confirmation bias

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Confirmation bias

From the excerpt, there is evidence of how people are using confirmation bias today.  Men are displaying this bias by interpreting information and occurrence in a biased way. After committing a similar mistake, seeing a woman as a wrong driver and not the same as a man is corrupt and biased. It is a confirmation bias to pick information that supports one’s belief and ignoring the other part of the information that is not supportive. It is the effect of confirmation bias that one disregards wrongs based on gender and beliefs they support. In interpersonal relations, confirmation bias is problematic because of its nature to cause inaccurate and biased impressions about others. The biased perception may lead to miscommunication and conflict in the intergroup setting. Treating others based on expectation, one can change their way of life to match the expectation, thus supporting the perceiver’s confirmation bias.

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