Content Policy
Instagram community guidelines specify the type of content allowed for posting on Instagram platforms. The Instagram company has set a group of overseers who ensure that the content posted does not go against the terms of use that a user agrees to before owning an account. An account owner is generally responsible for any content posted through their account. Therefore, the account owner should maintain the privacy of their account to avoid misuse of the platform by irresponsible individuals.
Instagram is a user-based platform, and the users are the highest beneficiaries of the content policy. The regulation of the type of content ensures that people can use the platform profitably with having their rights infringed by others (Russmann, Uta and Svensson, 60). Generally, the type of content allowed on Instagram is neutral and takes care of the rights of every user (Casaló, Flavián and Sánchez, 370). For example, a user can contact marketing through Instagram without receiving backlash from competitors since their rights are protected. Also, the regulation of the age limit ensures that the platform is only comprised of people who can access adult content without much impact on their development.
I agree with the Instagram content policy. First, the content posted should be regulated to avoid cases of sensitive information being spread through a platform (Coelho et al. p. 460). For example, racism and extremism could quickly spread if the content to be posted is not regulated. Also, doing business through the platform could be difficult without regulations (Tiggemann, Marika, and Zaccardo, 1004). Therefore, the Instagram content policy should be upheld.
In sum, the content to be posted on Instagram is regulated as per Instagram community guidelines. The owner of an account is responsible for any activity done using their account. The Instagram content policy governs the type of content to be posted and should be upheld.
Works Cited
Casaló, Luis V., Carlos Flavián, and Sergio Ibáñez-Sánchez. “Understanding consumer interaction on instagram: The role of satisfaction, hedonism, and content characteristics.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 20.6 (2017): 369-375.
Coelho, Ricardo Limongi França, Denise Santos de Oliveira, and Marcos Inácio Severo de Almeida. “Does social media matter for post typology? Impact of post content on Facebook and Instagram metrics.” Online Information Review 40.4 (2016): 458-471.
Russmann, Uta, and Jakob Svensson. “Interaction on Instagram?: Glimpses from the 2014 Swedish Elections.” International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP) 8.1 (2017): 50-66.
Tiggemann, Marika, and Mia Zaccardo. “‘Strong is the new skinny’: A content analysis of# fitspiration images on Instagram.” Journal of Health Psychology 23.8 (2018): 1003-1011.