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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Rhetorical Analysis for an Infographic
Whilst most studies focus on widespread problems facing humanity for a long time such as poverty, natural disaster, and child mortality (Kobayashi et al. 580), this study focus on the contemporary global problem: the ongoing Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. The rhetoric analysis will aim at making data and research on the worldwide most enormous challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic understandable and accessible. The issue is fundamental since only on this basis can we present well-documented data that individuals, organizations, and the government hope to respond appropriately to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the analysis is to offer the best available data and clarify what can be and what cannot be said based on the presented data.
The analysis will rely on data from the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), which publishes daily statics on the COVID-19 pandemic not only for Europe but for the entire world. However, newly reported cases on a particular day do not necessarily new cases on that day (Read et al. 2020). This is because of the long reporting process existing between a new case or death and its inclusion in national or international statistics.
The graphic design of the analysis will assume both single and mixed charts organized on categorical schemes for healthy indulgence. Without extensive testing for the COVID-19, the world can neither know the rate of the pandemic spread nor appropriately respond to it (Roser, Ritchie & Ortiz-Ospina 2020). The interactive charts will be present in confirmed cases, death, recovered patients, and patients in critical conditions. Moreover, the case fatality rate (CFR) – the ratio between confirmed deaths and confirmed cases will be extensively discussed to provide connotation on what can be concluded based on the available statistics about the global pandemic.
Works Cited
Kobayashi, Tetsuro, et al. “Communicating the risk of death from novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).” (2020): 580.
Roser, Max, Hannah Ritchie, and Esteban Ortiz-Ospina. “Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)–Statistics and Research.” Our World in Data (2020).
Read, Jonathan M. et al. “Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV: early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic predictions.” MedRxiv (2020).