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Cultural Immersion

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Cultural Immersion

Cultural immersion is a difficult process as one has to forgo former ways of living and adapt to new cultures. Theories such as the U-curve, Hero’s Journey, and Kim’s model explain immigrant transitions into new environments. This essay analyses an Asian student’s adaptation to the U.S. culture using the listed models, as well as the perspectives of the student and her social group.

U-Curve Model

The U-Curve theory contains four stages that depict a person’s transition from one culture to another (International Students Journal, np). The honeymoon phase of the U-Curve model is the initial process one undergoes after moving to a new country. During this phase, one is busy settling in, familiarizing with the environment, making observations, creating social contacts, and enjoying the difference in culture. The honeymoon phase contains positive reactions due to excitement and curiosity on both the immigrants and their social environment.

As an Asian student in America, one witnesses many interesting differences in food cultures, dressing, and appearances. One is in constant owe of other skin colors, daring dress codes, and accents. Also, it the student’s friends, teachers, roommates, and neighbors tend to access their appearance, method of socialization, and routines with curiosity.

The Hero’s Journey

Volger states that the Hero’s journey is a theory that tries to explain the stages found in fairy tales, myths, and movies (1). All hero’s regardless of different storylines, experience similar changes to their lives after receiving a ‘calling’ to heroism. The belly of the whale in this theory symbolizes full integration into a new society through leaving the ordinary world behind. The theory explains this concept as a way of self-decimation and rebirth into a new form.

For an Asian student to survive in the U.S., one would have to change their norms and beliefs. For instance, one would have to acquire a taste for the different foods, learning styles, religions, and ways of address. In most Asian countries, vegetables like carrots and spinach are well-cooked before serving while Western countries eat them raw (Xiaoqiong, 102). An Asian student would need to assimilate to such dietary changes. Moreover, while Asian cultures understand pale skins and black hair as the epitome of beauty, the U.S. embraces diverse colors. Therefore, a student would have to accustom themselves to these freedoms to individuality.

From an observer’s perspective, other individuals would find Asian characters strange. For example, to Asians, English is not the primary language; Therefore, one’s accent may be different and inaudible causing communication barriers. The concept of belly of the whale consequently states that one has to completely mimic the activities of host countries to survive.

Kim’s Model

The Kim’s integrative communication model is a cross-sectional theory that analyses acculturation processes. Communication is a significant aspect of everyday lives, regardless of one’s origin. Kim’s model contains a subsection named social interaction that facilitates understanding on communication pathways used in assimilation. Analyzing host social communication provides vital details on the mindset and behaviors of local people.

Unlike the socialist culture in Asia, the U.S. contains capitalistic views. Also, privacy is essential to the country’s citizens. One has to understand the cultural limits and opportunities to retain connectedness in new countries. From the society’s perspective, people would worry about the immigrant’s conformity and try to create environments that remind them of their origins like opening restaurants with Asian food.

People move to different countries for reasons such as academics, jobs, adventure, and refuge. All these people face significant instances of cultural shock. Without sufficient support, many immigrants fail in completely integrating into the new environment. Asian international students in the United States would experience numerous differences in cultures in their personal journey to assimilation.

Works Cited

International Student Life. “The stages of cross cultural adjustment based on the U-Curve theory by Oberg.” Student Affairs.2018 // Accessed March 11, 2020

Xiaoqiong, Hu. “The culture shock that Asian students experience in immersion education. “Changing English, Vol.15 No.1, 2008, pp. 101–105. doi:10.1080/13586840701825378

Vogler, Christopher. “Excerpts from myth and the movies.” Stuart Voytilla. 2020, pp.1-9 / Accessed March 11, 2020


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