Does Homeschooling Disadvantage Students?
Education is a crucial aspect of child development as it provides opportunities for cognitive development. However, parents need to choose between school attendance and homeschooling as a strategy for learning. Each of these concepts has advantages and disadvantages that parents need to consider to ensure that they make informed decisions. Homeschooling entails a structure that children do not physically attend classes in school premises due to beliefs that associate with the parents (Neuman and Oz 1). The unstructured nature of homeschooling is highly disadvantageous to a child, and this aspect may adversely impact knowledge acquisition in the future of the affected child.
The classroom setting provides dedicated exercises, and this approach allows learners to acquire knowledge through experience as well as stimulated response. The system also offers a reality of life that supports the ability of a child to learn directly from the instructor (Alamry and Abeer 2). The challenges of technology may also hamper the efficiency of this flipped education as these children will be disadvantaged when they fail to access online resources (Alamry and Abeer 2). These technological challenges may also create frustration that reduces learning efficiency in homeschooling. Some parents lack preparedness of homeschooling, given that the system may lack appropriate evaluation protocols (Rothermel 10). The aspect may also compromise the achievement of a child, which is an essential component of future success.
However, homeschooling promotes self-initiated learning to encourage improvement skills. The use of technology also helps the preparedness of parents that aim to support their children’s education by providing the essential resources (Alamry and Abeer 2). Homeschooling allows students to identify their personal goals due to the application of unique learning models (Alamry and Abeer 3). These challenges indicate that a country needs the development of proper policies to ensure that parents can deliver in homeschooling. However, the unstructured nature of homeschooling is disadvantageous to the children in the long-term.