Eric Lefkofsky’s Tempus Acquires Akesogen’s Commercial Lab
Tempus, Eric Lefkofsky’s brainchild, is the newest kid in the genomic and pharmaceutical industry, yet it has made significant strides. Since its formation, Tempus has grown tremendously with a current valuation of about $5billion a sharp increase from $3.1billion previously.
The latest happenings from Tempus is the acquisition of Akesogen commercial lab. According to Tempus, the purchase of this genomic and precision medicine provider will facilitate its expansion into other disease areas apart from cancer. The newly acquired laboratories are also expected to supplement their Chicago-based labs. The financial aspect of this acquisition is, however, not known.
In its statement, Tempus acknowledges Akesogen’s CLIA compliance and CAP-accredited laboratory services. Types of testing services provided by Akesogen labs include: microbiome profiling, epigenomic methylation profiling, to mention a few. Eric Lefkofsky founder and CEO Tempus, echoes the importance of this acquisition by saying the diverse capabilities of Akesogen would complement their labs.
With a vast library of clinical and molecular data, coupled with Acquisition of Akesogen, Tempus is anticipating to bring artificial intelligence and data to healthcare. Blending artificial intelligence with healthcare will make data easy to access and enable physicians to make data-informed decisions to facilitate quick recovery for patients.