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Evaluating public transportation

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Evaluating public transportation

The article explains that in the town’s transit system, the adults pay a fare of $2-$3 per ride, which is equivalent to $50-$80 a month while youths, people with disabilities, and older adults getting a discount. Additionally, it explains the possibility of either increasing al fares or chose categories, or to alter price structures, for instance, to constitute higher amounts for longer distance journeys, or for services considered special such as an express commuter bus or light rail.  However, I believe that it is difficult to predict how fare will change at a particular time, whether it will increase or decrease since there are underlying factors such as climate changes that play a part in determining the cost of transportation.

On the Discounted Bulk Transit, the article explains that groups like students in colleges and universities, or residents of an area can purchase transit passes from public transit agencies. Additionally, it explains that transit passes are revenue-neutral, and the additional revenues balance the extra transit services cost. I feel that Discounted Bulk Transit is a favorable system in public transport since it allocates revenue meant to balance any extra cost that may rise during a trip. Therefore, it prevents a situation where fare may be increased, forcing passengers to pay more for a journey.


























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