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Globalization and Social Justice

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Globalization and Social Justice

America has been known for generosity both for its citizens and outsiders. Immigrants have generally enjoyed generosity owing to their contribution to the development of America during the slave trade era. Also, America has been known for helping struggling economies without counting the costs incurred. However, the generosity of America appears to have changed in the recent past. Immigrants are no longer welcome as they used to be, while international contribution has significantly gone down owing to the economic difficulties facing America and the world at large. Americans have a right to decide whether or not to extend their generosity and are not obliged to remain generous.

The generosity of America might have been founded on the existence of surplus. The change in circumstances might have been associated with the shift in terms of economic growth in the US (Singer, 1999). Recent years have seen the US failing to satisfy its citizens on several occasions (Dwyer, 2004). For example, the struggling healthcare sector and unemployment have risen a concern over the ability of the nation to remain generous towards the rest of the world. Americans, therefore, have a right to reconsider their generosity because they, too, have the right to liberty and ownership of property.

Aristotle would support the argument on the position of Americans. Generally, Aristotle made an argument based on the premises rather than content. The situation of America justifies and act of reduced generosity, and thus Americans are free to concentrate on their development. Generally, America is not obliged to be generous to the rest of the world.

In sum, Americans have a right to decide whether or not to extend their generosity and are not obliged to remain generous. The situation surrounding America justifies any form of action, though legal, that the Americans may take to preserve their identity. Generally, Aristotle would support the claim on the generosity of the Americans.


Dwyer, J. (2004). Illegal immigrants, health care, and social responsibility. Hastings Center Report, 34(1), 34-41.

Singer, P. (1999). The Singer solution to world poverty. The New York Times Magazine, 5(September), 60-63.


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