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Hawthorne Dental Implants – (Dental Implant) Mini Implants

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Hawthorne Dental Implants – (Dental Implant) Mini Implants

People lose teeth in various ways, causing them embarrassment, challenges talking, and even eating becomes a chore. There are many options for replacing lost teeth with mini dental implants being one of them. This option is different from the conventional restoration, where it involves undergoing invasive surgery. The traditional implants also require a person to have sufficient bone mass to hold the implants in place compared to the requirements in mini dental implants.

Opting to have mini dental implants to replace your missing teeth has many advantages, with one of them being affordability. However, when you feel the need to replace a missing tooth, identifying an experienced dentist to take you through is key to the success of the implants. If you are in California, consider visiting Hawthorne Dental Implants for the professional installation of implants.

Understanding Dental Implants

As earlier stated, when you have missing teeth, you can get them replaced with dentures, bridges or implants. Dentures and bridges are a type of false teeth that sit on the surface of the gum. Dental implants, on the other hand, are inserted into the bone, making them permanent. For dental implants to be fitted, a surgical procedure that involves placing a titanium post into the jaw to hold the prosthetic tooth permanently. The post is supposed to fuse with the jawbone over three and six months.

After the fusion, there is the uncovering of the implant, and a post is fitted into it. This acts as the support for the prosthetic teeth that get attached to it. Many people prefer implants compared to dentures because they are free from the embarrassment of them slipping off. However, for one to have a successful implant, their bone mass must be sufficient to hold it in place.

Mini implants or dental implants are fitted similarly as the regular dental implants. However, as the name suggests, they are smaller in size. Mini dental implants are made of two parts that include a post made of titanium that has a ball at its end and a socket that has a rubber O-ring where the tooth is attached.

Mini implants are also known to support different types of teeth replacement. These will include crowns, dentures, bridges, and also securing dentures on the lower arch.

Getting fitted with regular implants is a process that takes months to complete and is also costly. The visits to the dentist are even more, and where there is no sufficient bone mass, more visits are required for bone grafting. Other patients also are unable to withstand the invasive surgeries to install regular implants or the repeated dental appointments. Others have excessive bone mass, which also does not support regular implants, making mini dental implants the best option.

Typically, you only require a single visit to have mini implants installed. The dentist, in this case, uses local anesthesia and no sutures. Additionally, you can use your teeth comfortably on the day they get fitted.

When it comes to caring for your mini implants, the care is similar to that of natural teeth. You need to floss each day and brush two times using toothpaste with fluoride. Because of the sensitivity experienced following the procedure, using a soft brush is recommended.

Why You Need Mini Implants

As earlier stated, a person can lose their teeth due to various reasons. Some common ways people lose their teeth are through tooth decay, periodontal disease, an accident, or old age. This usually causes people to replace the missing teeth to give them joy in life again. There are various options available for replacing missing teeth. Some of these cause embarrassment to the persons, especially when they come out while eating or talking.

When one loses their teeth, they also experience difficulties speaking or eating. Their self-confidence also disappears as a result. Many wish to restore their lives and smile back to when faced with these challenges.

When faced with all these, among other challenges, you may consider having mini implants to replace the lost teeth. By having mini implants, you overpass the invasive surgeries and the long wait to have your teeth replaced.

The technology of mini implants to solve dental problems is reasonably new. This was developed to take care of the standard or traditional dental implants. These dental implants are not painful and are less invasive. They also do not require the patient to get a bone graft if they have less bone mass or several surgeries. Based on their description, they can be ideal for small spaces and are often used in replacing smaller teeth. Additionally, they are less expensive compared to traditional dental implants.

These dental implants are also ready to be used in a relatively short period. After they get fitted, the patient experiences minimum discomfort, which is managed by simple pain medications. Within one day to a maximum of two, the implants are usable.

Sometimes your mouth has minimal to fit regular implants. This means, if you need to replace your teeth using implants, only the minimal ones will work. Mini implants are an excellent choice in replacing missing teeth.

Conventional restoration methods to replace teeth are not ideal or a preferred choice for everyone. People have various reasons why they avoid dental surgery that is necessary in regular implants. For instance, if you lack sufficient bone density to hold the implant, you may not want a painful and invasive surgery in bone grafting unless it is inevitable.

When compared to the standard dental implant, a mini implant is about half its size. Additionally, because of the size of the mini implants, a lot of bone mass is not required to have them installed. Due to this, they are an excellent alternative for adults that lose their teeth due to damage or accident. The elderly also do well with mini implants because they suffer from a decrease in bone mass.

Aside from them being a better option compared to the traditional dentures or bridges, they are less invasive to install with minimum discomfort. The process is also quicker, requiring a single visit for it to be complete. When a person has a small mouth or small teeth, a dentist will often recommend mini implants for replacing the teeth. This type of implant is also fixed on the jawbone and acts to prevent the collapsing of your face. The implant is usually very thin compared to a toothpick. The implants can replace different teeth types.

Describing Mini Dental Implants

As discussed earlier, these are tiny implants that don’t have to be embedded in the jawbone entirely. They come in a single solid piece whose diameter is 3mm and get directly screwed to the jawbone. Although they resemble regular dental implants, they are much smaller and are ideal for narrow spaces.

To securely fix the implant into the jaw, a metal known as titanium makes the base. This metal is fused into the bone, and the post used in supporting the implant with similar movements as natural teeth. As a patient heals, the titanium and the bone fuse permanently.

The implant dentures are preferred more than adhesive ones because they securely fit and are more comfortable to eat with, chew or bite. Patients that have lost substantial bone mass, their jawbones are receding, or as a result of an accident, their jaws got damaged can use these to restore their teeth. Additionally, having your smile back is a significant confidence boost.

Compared to traditional dentures, you will never worry that they will fall out and embarrass you. These implants last long and are an excellent solution to the problem of lost teeth. They also help to improve your oral health and your appearance as well.

Comparing Dental Implants and Mini Implants

As earlier discussed, when you lose your teeth, you will have many options for replacing them. Some of these include dental implants, dentures, or bridges. Of all of them, the one with the least impact and involves the most uncomplicated procedure is the mini implants. When you opt for mini implants, it means you will not endure invasive surgery to embed the implants to the jaw deeply. Additionally, you will not require another procedure to increase your bone mass, in case you have insufficient one.

When a patient has bone recession due to a lack of roots, this procedure is advised. When a person takes a long time to replace a tooth, they are likely to lose bone mass where the tooth was. This means, for you to return the tooth using the traditional implants, you will have to agree to bone grafting. This is, however, not the case if you opt for mini implants.

With mini implants, a patient will avoid multiple expensive surgeries that are also painful to recover from. You will also avoid spending more money on medication following the procedure because the discomfort experienced is manageable.

For older patients that have had bone resorption, mini implants are an excellent option for them compared to traditional implants. When your body begins to break down, transferring calcium to the blood from the bone, this is what is known as bone resorption. Teeth are also bones, and where your implant will get fitted is a bone as well. With resorption, traditional implants will not be well supported on the jaw as mini implants will.

The size of mini dental implants makes it safer because they are less likely to be placed near the sinus or nerves. Their small size also makes them less painful to fix.

The Procedure of Having Mini Dental Implants

When you feel you need to replace a missing tooth or many teeth, the first step is to identify a dentist that offers these services. Once you are sure of the dental office and clinic, you will need to book an appointment with the clinic.

At the clinic, a comprehensive dental exam is carried out to determine how healthy you are and if you are suffering from other underlying issues. The dentist will want to know how you lost your teeth, which is vital in determining the type of implants to use. Your general health history is also taken before any procedure begins. Some situations can make implants not to be the best choice for you, and others will mean the dentist must practice extra caution while fitting you with the implants.

The process of installing mini-implants involves attaching a tooth. An incision is made on your gum where the implant will sit. The post is then fitted to the jaw securely. With a ball and socket joint, the dental implant is fitted to the post. The traditional implants usually require another metallic piece known as the abutment that is placed on the gum line and attached to the post.

Mini implants, however, do not require this and are directly placed on the available jawbone. Because of its size, the available jawbone can support it, unlike the traditional implant that needs dense bone mass for support.

Before your dentist proceeds to fit the mini implants, an oral X-ray is taken. This is critical in determining the ideal location that will avoid the nerves or sinus and will give you a perfect appearance. With a drill, the dentist will make a tiny hole where the mini implant will be fitted. The post will then get securely tightened so that it gives adequate support to the crown.

The post will come out over the gums whereby the use of O-rings, the new prosthetic tooth is fixed and securely snaps in place. During the first days following the procedure, you will be advised to avoid hard and sticky foods and eat only soft foods. As earlier stated, the pain is minimal, and in a maximum of two days, you will be able to eat regular meals and resume with life.

If the discomfort or pain lasts longer than a few days, you may need to go back to your dentist for a check-up. Your dentist will examine and probably order another X-ray to determine what could be the problem and get it fixed.

Caring for Your Dental Mini Implants

Mini implants are similar to natural teeth and must be cared for similarly. Brushing your teeth twice a day using a soft toothbrush and flossing is recommended. These teeth, when cared for well, will last for many years, and you will forget if they are not your natural ones. Having regular dental appointments to clean and maintain them as you would your other teeth is crucial.

Although the implant is fixed permanently, the denture needs to be removed from time to time for thorough cleaning. You can also take out the tooth to clean the area where the implant is using a soft swab. Using toothpaste and a soft brush, rinse the space and gargle with mouthwash. Clean the tooth too and after, fix it back on the post or implant.

Mini implants can be used to restore a single tooth or for the entire mouth. When well cared for, they can last for many years. With recommended care and dental check-ups, you will have no worries. However, it is essential to note that every individual is different, meaning the effectiveness of the implants may vary from one person to another.

Some conditions can cause the implants not to last as long. Conditions like osteoporosis, excessive consumption of alcohol, lack of care, or smoking can negatively affect the implants. Under such circumstances, the lifespan of the implants is greatly reduced.

Being a regular smoker, however, does not hinder you from getting mini implants. It is, however, essential to keep in mind that smoking affects the overall health of any person, including periodontal health. This may cause challenges with the mini implants, and when they fail, you are likely to suffer excruciating pain.

The Pros and Cons of Mini Implants

Determining the best dental procedure for you can be confusing at times. When you have a tooth or teeth that need replacing, you want to understand your options and what offers you what you need. If you have heard of dental implants, both the traditional ones and the mini ones, your next question would be identifying the best procedure that offers more benefits for you.

After visiting your dentist, you will discuss in detail about mini implants and their advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, you may have heard many myths surrounding mini dental implants. Ask your dentist about them and get the truth about them.

The Pros of Mini Implants

Before you settle on mini implants, it is critical to understand the advantages of them over any other type of teeth replacement treatment. These advantages include:

  • Avoiding complicated flap surgeries – Having mini implants gives you all the benefits of other implants. But, because of their size, you will not require complicated surgeries to get them fitted.
  • The procedure is less invasive – The process of installing mini-implants does not require surgery to fit the artificial tooth. Due to this, the process is faster and the healing as well. With other dental implants, healing can take months. Mini implants require a few days to heal.
  • Bone grafts are not required – To support the implant because they are small; you do not need a lot of bone mass. With traditional implants, when you have insufficient bone mass to support the implant, you must have a bone graft surgery. This extends the period of having the implants fitted and increases your expenses. With no bone grafts required with mini implants, the process is faster and relatively affordable.
  • Less discomfort – Most patients of mini implants experience discomfort for a day or two. The pain is easily manageable with readily available pain medications.
  • Convenience – the procedure of having mini implants takes a day, and one can go back to healthy eating in two days. This is very convenient because you also avoid the several visits to the dentist.
  • Comfort – Compared to dentures, mini implants are comfortable to have and do not slip. They are also ideal in realigning and improving dentures.
  • Preventing collapsing of the face – When a person loses bone mass, their face can collapse. However, with mini implants, the collapse is avoided. This is because the implants are fitted in the jaw and act as roots to the tooth.
  • Few complications – Hardly will mini-implants fail or cause complications. Experienced dentists know how to fit them well and avoid any complications that may arise.

The Cons of Mini Implants

The disadvantages of mini implants are, however, very few, if any. These include:


  • Requirement for vertical bone – Although a lot of bone mass is not required to support the implants, there is a need for vertical bone where the implant will be fitted. This means, if you have inadequate vertical bone, you cannot benefit from mini implants.
  • Grinding of teeth – If you typically grind your teeth regularly, you are not an ideal candidate for implants. Grinding wears teeth down and will wear your implants down as well.

Dispelling Myths in Mini Implants

While there are many advantages to having mini dental implants over other ways of replacing lost teeth, many myths surround this procedure. Dispelling these myths is critical in your being comfortable with the process. Some of these myths are:


  • When you are not ideal for getting traditional implants, then you do not qualify for mini implants. This is a myth because candidates that are not ideal for conventional implants due to insufficient bone mass benefit greatly with mini implants. With a few small implants, they can be placed strategically to support the weight of dentures.
  • It is a myth that the recovery time for mini dentures is as long as that of conventional implants. With no surgery required, patients of mini implants recover in 48 hours, and the procedure is one while those of traditional implants take longer.
  • Another myth is that it takes an extended period to get back to healthy eating and life post mini implants. Most patients of mini implants are, however, able to get back to their normal lives and eating in two days.
  • Some people believe mini implants will be awkward and uncomfortable in their mouths. This is a myth because they typically feel like regular teeth and are easier on your gums and bones.

Find a Dentist Near Me

Losing your teeth can be traumatic, especially if lost through an accident. The impact can cause one to lose their self-esteem and confidence. When you need to get your teeth replaced, you will need to identify a skilled dentist in mini dental implants for the procedure. When in California, you will find an experienced dentist in mini implants at Hawthorne Dental Implants. Book an appointment with us at 310-878-0911 and let us discuss your options.



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