Data elements which I will recommend to incorporate in the patient portal include; cost evaluation which will consist of the actual cost of treatment, patent identifiers such as the patient contact information including phone number and address and the treatment data which includes the information concerning the primary data such as the drug name, surgical intervention such as organ transplant. Primary data, such as the patient’s discharge and transfer system, may be obtained from the current pharmacy database or EHR. Secondary data embraces data that are collected for purposes rather than registries, such as insurance claiming processing and standard medical care. The source of this data is mainly from electronics, whereby data is available for use in various electronic formats with appropriate permission. This information has to be entered into the EHR manually. Automatic transfer using EHR increases efficiency and better security of the patient’s data. It also comprises of cons such as high cost, which is incurred in implementing and maintaining an EHR in a healthcare organization. Manual data entry into the EHR is cost-effective, and therefore, it is appropriate for small organizations. Similarly, entering data manually is time-consuming and inefficient.
Following data that I intend to incorporate the patient’s portal, the patients will be able to upload data from other institutions. Additionally, the patient portal will enable the patients to upload the results of the test conducted within their institution and hence being able to download them and send them to other institutions. The patients will interact with the portal being able to determine the treatment cost since it is among the data to be incorporated in the portal and hence being able to communicate with the physician in case there are variations in treatment. Additionally, the portal will enable the patients to make appointments, therefore, creating awareness on when to secure certain medication services. The portal will also include various data structures that will allow patients to ask and offer different answers regarding nutrition, among other things. The patient’s portal will incorporate tables which will aid in storing data in a standardized manner.