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High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is cardio interval training involving short periods of vigorous anaerobic exercise. High-intensity interval training involves sessions of maximum-effort, hard work, followed by a session of low-intensity recovery. The goal of HIIT is to recuperate enough that one can work hard again during the next workout interval. HIIT workouts typically last for thirty minutes or less. The exercise is good because it burns a lot of calories, helps improve one’s endurance, compliment strength development, increases metabolism, and regulates insulin levels. However, High-intensity interval training is not ideal in boosting muscle and bone mass or treating obesity and hyperlipidaemia.

Origin of HIIT

High-intensity interval training has been used for many years by athletes, sports players, and sprinter. Around 1910, HIIT was used by Paavo Nurmi and his trainer Lauri Pikhala during training sessions. Hannes Kolehmainen, a Finnish gold medallist, also used interval training to train for the Olympics. The athletes focused on alternating from fast to slow jogging intervals to boost strength and stamina. During mid-1930s Gosta Holmer, a Swedish trainer, developed a unique interval training system that involved varying the sessions based on the athlete’s feelings (Burford, 2016). The training is known as “Fartlek” is Swedish, and it is still a popular type of training for athletes.

During the Second World War, interval training somewhat faded and re-emerged later with athlete Emile Zapotek. Zapotek ran in heavy military boots to boost resistance and then rest longer to increase the intensity of his burst of power. Intensity training was developed further by Woldemar Gerchler, who concentrated on more intense sessions followed by intervals of light jogging or rest to allow for partial restoration. The interval training is substantially similar to the current interval training.


The concepts involved in HIIT

High-intensity interval training sessions involve a warm-up period, followed by several recurring high-density exercises. The high-intensity exercise is done as a short session of very hard work which is aimed at kicking up the intensity of the cardio. HIIT session involves bodyweight work such as kettle-bells, dumbbells, push-ups, and medicine balls, which spike up heart rates and muscles. The exercise also requires rest and recovery periods in-between each session. The rest periods are significant because when the body is forced to adjust between two distinct states repeatedly gives excellent cardio conditioning (Marrisa, 2018). The rest sessions also help prepare the body and enable it to perform to the maximum during the next high-intensity bursts.

The rules for high-intensity interval training is basically to work very hard, take a rest, and then work very hard again. For beginners, one can start with a 1:2 ratio of work to rest. Here, one works out for say, sixty seconds, and rests for 120 seconds, then starts the next session. The goal of taking a rest is to recover enough so that one can go hard again in the nest workout session. A beginner may need longer rest sessions or workout intervals that are challenging but at a minimum effort.

Benefits and limitations of HIIT

High-intensity interval training involves anaerobic and aerobic exercise to enhance cardio-respiratory, muscular fitness, and general body health. One of the biggest advantages of HIIT is that it burns calories up to twenty-four hours after the exercise (Keating et al., 2014). HIIT significantly increases the levels of epinephrine and non-epinephrine after a workout session (Marrisa, 2018). The workout makes one engage in continuous metabolism, which means that one can burn calories even when they are asleep or resting. The exercise is ideal for people seeking to lose weight and burning fats.

High-intensity interval training also enhances hormonal response, which helps improve the loss of belly fat. HIIT also helps loss fats without shedding muscle mass. Most people also enjoy HIIT solid state cardio style because it sets new challenges and releases endorphins quickly. A study by McMaster University revealed that HIIT could help improve cardio-metabolic health in 12 weeks of training. HIIT exercise also helps increase endurance, strength, and power quicker than other types of training. The feeling of being “worked” and fatigued can be achieved in as little as 6-8 minutes; thus, its effectiveness is achieved within a short period.

High-intensity interval training is ideal for people with a busy schedule because one can easily fix a session even during a lunch break. 20-minute solid state cardio can be done in 6-8 minutes using high-intensity interval training (Biddle & Batterham, 2015. The exercise can also help one get in shape for an approaching event within a short period. Research by American College of Sports shows that two weeks of intensive interval training, done three times a week, improves aerobic capacity more than jogging on the treadmill.

High-intensity interval training does not require any equipment to get it done. HIIT can be done by jump roping, rowing, running, or biking. Therefore, high-intensity interval training can be adjusted to suit anyone’s unique conditions and fitness levels. Individuals can use a variety of programs which they are most likely going to enjoy and stick to for longer terms. HIIT can be done anywhere anytime because no special gym equipment is required (Ramos et al., 2015). Therefore, the exercise is not only efficient, but it is also readily available to everyone anytime and anywhere. However, intense and daily HIIT exercise can lead to overtraining and injury. Overtraining can also prevent one from working to the maximum capacity in the next session. HIIT also requires a lot of hard work, which leaves one worked out and exhausted.

In conclusion, HIIT is a cardio exercise involving short bursts of arduous work. The workout lasts for around 30 minutes, with intervals of high and low intensity and rests. HIIT helps boost cardio-metabolism, burning calories, and losing weight. HIIT is ideal for people with busy schedules because it lasts for a few minutes. It also requires no special equipment and can be done anywhere; therefore, it is reliable and efficient. However, it can cause injury when done daily.





















Biddle, S. J., & Batterham, A. M. (2015). High-intensity interval exercise training for public health: a big HIT or shall we HIT it on the head?. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity12(1), 95.

Daniel Burford, (July 31, 2016). High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Benefits, History, & Recommendations. Retrieved from

Keating, S. E., Machan, E. A., O’Connor, H. T., Gerofi, J. A., Sainsbury, A., Caterson, I. D., & Johnson, N. A. (2014). Continuous exercise but not high-intensity interval training improves fat distribution in overweight adults. Journal of obesity2014.

Marrisa Gold, (2017 January 2). “High-Intensity Interval Training: What Is HIIT, And How Do You Know If You’re Doing It?” Retrieved from

Ramos, J. S., Dalleck, L. C., Tjonna, A. E., Beetham, K. S., & Coombes, J. S. (2015). The impact of high-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training on vascular function: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports medicine45(5), 679-692.


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