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There is a varied definition of honor. Google defines honor as great respect, while the Oxford dictionary defines honor as regards treating an individual with admiration and respect. Your dictionary, on the other hand, defines honor as a great and admirable reputation that an individual enjoys or receives, and these are not the only definitions. According to Merriam-Webster, honor is “a keen sense of ethical conduct: INTEGRITY,” but what does this mean? Honor has several definitions depending on how an individual looks at the word. The general agreement is that honor means respect or doing the right things.

Emiliano Zapata once stated that “it is better to die with honor than to live with shame.” He further stated that “I would rather die standing than live on my knees!” Both the two statements illustrate the courage and standing up for what is good for a person and the rest of society. The word honor trace its origin from Latin word Honos which means respect, integrity, or doing the right thing. The right thing, in this case, are things that are ethically accepted by all, such as treating less fortunate with honor and dignity that makes them feel happy and worthy to be part of a particular community.

There were times in the days when honor was the driving force behind the life of every great, good, and decent man. Honor dictates every action that an individual does. This includes what comes from an individual mouth, lips, and all that worth undertaking. Honor is not relegated to individual fairytales alone but also untold stories. Some of the outstanding stories of people of great honor include stories of people like Socrates, Aristotle, among other personalities whose contribution to society has earned them a lot of respect and reputation. Such Great individuals died a long time ago but are still remembered in the society for the great work they did even after several years after their death.

Honor to different people may mean different things to the extent that it is almost impossible to come up with a solid definition of the term honor and what it entails. What an individual may consider an honor may mean a different thing to another person. For instance, to some people, being a brave soldier and dying for the sake of the country is an honor, while others may consider that an obligation that soldiers are required to perform while in their line of duty. The right definition of honor encompasses the kind of respect and esteem that individuals show one another. In some instances, honor implies profound respect mingled with love and devotion express to one another. As a result, honor is a priceless respect that an individual earns as a result of how they treat one another.

Honor is a priceless thing that cannot be bought, sold, or traded but can only be gained by respect among peers or the rest of society. Honor is based on individual behavior or conduct and is seen in everyday life through person words or deeds. There are those who do the talk but forget to do the right things that can easily earn them respect and honor. Honor being with an individual because it is hard to earn honor if one does not respect his/herself. Honor is something that one cannot demand to be given but is something that occurs naturally. In ancient times, there are few individuals of great honor or individuals with great integrity as it was in the past. In reality, honorable people have unique characteristics and respect for one another. As a result, it is true that honor determines the hierarchy of an individual and reveals the loyalty and true intentions of individuals because honor involves good attributes expressed outwardly through individual doings.

The greatest dilemma that many individuals sometimes face is how to become an honorable person. It is easier to say an individual deserves honor, but what makes an individual honorable? There are many things that influence an individual’s position in society to be revered honorable, but the most important things are individuals’ characteristics and behaviors. The little things that individuals do can influence an individual position in society to be considered honorable. Most people generally seem to behave well but, in reality, have hidden inner characteristics that prevent them from achieving the status of being called honorable. Therefore, honor depend a lot on how an individual treats one another or acts towards others in society.

There is a little confusion between honor and fairness or equality. Generally, I do not agree that fairness or equality means the same thing. However, both fairness and equality are integral traits of an individual of honor. Despite the slight difference between the two, it is worth noticing that honor and fairness do not always complement each other, but one is a trait that can assist an individual in achieving honorable stature.

In conclusion, honor is a term that defines high respect and is something earned and cannot be bought or forced. Honor depends a lot on what an individual does to others. Honor is often associated with doing the right thing or generally acceptable thing that makes individuals remember the doer for many years to come.


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