I am a Molecular Genetics Supervisor
I am a Molecular Genetics Supervisor for (Name) where he/she has been working for (XXXX) years. I am thrilled to recommend him/her as she has proved to be instrumental, professional, and highly competent in offering quality services to kids with special needs in our company.
Name surname is an experienced and cooperative Molecular Genetics specialist with a deep love for children and great yearning to learn new skills and operational procedures. He/she has deep expertise in the complex disorders and deficiency diseases suffered by the kids and their treatment techniques. Name is highly interactive and loving to the kids and often helpful in addressing their parents’ concerns and worries. He/she possess exemplary interpersonal skills and communication skills that enable her/him to offer aid to the patients. Name has adept public relations and team player skills that will propel her/him to their future career in a genetic counselor. Name combines sharp analytical skills with a strong intuition and an unwavering love for kids, which saw her develop strong relations with all kids in our firm and other stakeholders.
While her/his presence and support applauded, we consider growth in more specialized areas of genetic counseling as a profound idea which they choose. I am positive and confident that my recommendation for Name will be of great value to you, for the decision to accept her/his application for further studies.
As there is much to relate about my encounter with Name, kindly contact me via email (XXXX) or telephone (XXXX).