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Summative Assessment: Written Essay Title: Give a critical analysis of a complex patient, include reference to culture, ethics, theology and pastoral and spiritual care. 

  • In this assignment, students will be required to identify and explain why they have chosen this particular patient and family,
  • What the cultural and faith/belief implications for health care.
  • Students will be expected to show faith/belief and healthcare ethical understanding and be able to apply this to the patient’s case.
  • With an understanding of the multi-disciplinary implications of ethical round table discussions.

Written Essay Word Limit: 3000 words (+/- 10%) Weighting: 100%


Guidelines for Students

Please read the question carefully. Identify what exactly is being asked. If the question asks you to define, describe, discuss etc. you must do this. Write down the key points for each answer so that you do not forget any of the main points to be covered.









Core Materials

Core Reading:

  Remember! This is just a sample.

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