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Inequality in Educational Funding

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Inequality in Educational Funding

Research question: What is one thing you would change about our school system, and why?

“Until we get equality in education, we won’t have an equal society” the words of Sonia Sotomayor are an amplification of the thoughts and the belief of the activists advocating for equality in these schools. Contrary to the promises that were made by the ‘No Child Left Behind’ policy about enhancing equality in all sectors including race and the socioeconomic background, the educational areas in the United States of America have not only harbored but also nurtured inequality that has grown and sprouted to be a huge problem. One of the main sectors that have been noted to contribute to increased institutionalized inequality that is impacting negatively on the students and the families. Ideally, research has pointed out that the funding system that is responsible for issuing funds evaluates aspects of the race, the amount of wealth that a student’s family holds, the availability of the resources, and above all, the government policy. The inadequate finding in these schools is impacting the whole education system, and this is affecting the ability of the students to learn effectively. Equality in finding education is essential since some students are from humble backgrounds and can barely afford good housing, leave alone school fees. The book Street Life presents a scenario where the protagonist could not have gained education if it were not for well-wishers. Ideally, since the funding project targeted equality in the learning institutions, the government must reinforce equal funding. Arguably, if there is one thing, I would change in this education system is eradicate unequal funding.

Unequal findings in learning institutions disrupts the quality of education that students gain from their in-class actives. Ideally, research has it that some states receive minimal or stagnant funding that impacts on the operations of the institution. Arguably, due to inadequate funding and resources that have been allocated in these regions, the schools exploit the early childhood sectors, and this includes the teachers as well as cutting costs on the learning material since the schools in these regions are not funded sufficiently to meet the capacity needs of the school (Taylor). In this case, for instance, it is evident that some sections of the schools are affected by the nature of the funding, and it is essential that the federal government intervenes in the finding so that schools in the rural areas get their share so that the students in these schools can also gain the right experience in school. Center of American Progress points out that “The purpose of this comparability requirement is to ensure that federal assistance is providing additional resources in high-need schools rather than compensating for an inequitable distribution of funds that benefits more affluent schools” (18). Arguably, most of the states that are funded poorly have high rates of poverty since the funding impacts also on the pay of the teachers. These teachers are made to work a lot, and yet they are paid small amounts of income. This explains the reason why most of these schools in these states fail to perform well.


Promoting equal educational funding can contribute to better performance for the students since they will have more time to stay in class and concentrate on their books. Research associate poor academic performance to the students who come from poverty-stricken backgrounds. This is due to the discrimination that leaves them out of the funding. Pasachoff supports that “Even after decades of intervention at the federal and state levels, the poverty of students and communities is still connected to lower educational achievement” (3). The main aim of funding in the education system is to uplift people from struggling backgrounds to gain an education. With equality as the primary focus as the long-term goal, the federal government opted to offer financial aid. Even so, the funding system has proven to be corrupt to the point that the poor in the communities are not funded, or their funding is inadequate and stagnant, while the students from affluent families are awarded massive financial financing. Some communities and students who are passionate about learning have tried to sue the federal government for inadequate funding and lack of funding in some cases (Lockett). Even so, there is a large group that is likely to give up on education, following the increased rates of frustrations that a student gets while at school due to a lack of tuition fees. Performance in the education sector can be determined by the number of students who graduate as compared to the number of students that were enrolled. It is no surprise that many students drop out of school to work so that they can raise money for their tuition and upkeep. Ideally, the federal government has to intervene in the issue so that the students can gain the right environment where they can improve on their grades and better their future.

Moreover, eliminating inequality in funding will be the beginning of removing all kinds of bias that might exists in schools. Equal funding will mean that most of the students will remain in school, and they will pursue their careers. In such a scenario, the school acts as a neutral ground, where the society is not defined by the social classes or the racial minority group but by the unity and integration through learning. Arguably, schools are like sanctuaries that offer a peaceful arena in which the students have only one goal in life. Research has pointed out some of the cases of the students who have been forced into dropping out of schools due to a lack of tuition funds, and the future of these young people is destroyed. A good example is a narration that Rios gives concerning the life that he had to live in the streets when his mother could not afford this education. Rios explains that “Looking back at the gangster days, I realized that in trying to flee from poverty and trauma, I landed in a worse environment” (53). Ideally, leaving these youths without the ability to fund their education is a way of killing their potential. This can be seen through the character Rios, who after struggling to fend for himself with a gang, he managed to go to school and finally completed with a Ph.D. From this incident, it is evident that there is potential in these people. If the federal government can step up and reinforce the task of funding to incorporate more people and support them accordingly, it will save the souls of many misguided youths. As such, equal funding for these students will give them the chance to escape the bad life that they have had to live all through their childhood.

Additionally, initiating equal funding in the education system contributes to nurturing the students into all-round people in society. Ideally, learning institutions offer so much more than reading and writing. Through these platforms, students can pursue their talents by engaging in extra curriculum activities that aid in securing their future, either as sportspeople or they enter into the professional world. Levine explains that “But in America today, vast numbers of children don’t have access to the kind of elementary school and high school educations that prepare them for college admissions”. However, if the school is facing issues of inadequate funding, then the school cannot provide efficient resources and equipment for the students to use to better themselves when it comes to sports. As much as many people might not know about it, government funding contributes handsomely to the field of extracurricular activities. This is because the funds give the learning institutions that chance to purchase the right equipment that is required to facilitate easy and flexible operations of the schools. Other than sports, other social clubs contribute to enhancing or building the social arena of the students. Through these social groups, the students learn to involve themselves in the social arena I which they get to learn how to associate with people and how to accommodate other people in their lives adequately. Through this kind of growth, these students had the opportunity to grow in the social aspect, and this helps them later in the future. The meaning of education is not only restricted to the element of reading and writing. However, it entails learning that is common in the social and other sectors of the human environment that contribute to humans having a better life. Following the nature of knowledge that students acquire when they are in schools, the federal government must intervene in the issue so that the students can enjoy their learning process.

Equal funding in the schools gives the children with disabilities the chance to gain knowledge and better themselves through pursuing their careers. Limitation they say is not inability. Arguably, the society is working towards finding ways to give them a chance to make their lives better so that they can learn to depend on themselves. Children with disabilities and the minority communities have faced instances of discrimination that many activists have been working to eradicate in contemporary society. Children who are visually impaired will require special education that can only be achieved through sufficient funding. The installation of visual and hearing aids requires adequate funding. The implementation of such mechanisms can only be done if schools and institutions are provided with the right resources that ensure that such children are taken care of adequately. More so, regular teachers in schools cannot take care of such students since they are unique in their way. However, adequate resources can be used to find teachers for special needs kind of children. Schools that are funded adequately will usually have the resources to take care of such students, and they can, therefore, grow to become independent and responsible members of society. It thus implies that children who are abled differently have the option of growing up to become independent and active members of the community. The latter contributes to the economy of the nation. Henceforth, equality in education will also bring about equality in society regardless of disability or impairment.

Additionally, equal funding ensures that children with disabilities, as well as students in higher education, are provided with the correct facilities that help them in their daily activities. Accessibilities for the disabled are not only essential in cities and towns but, more importantly, in schools and colleges. That means disabled persons can maneuver with ease around the school compound, and even in other facilities such as the toilets, the restaurants and even in transport. Ramps are essential for persons who are in wheelchairs; they ensure that movement is not affected and that persons in wheelchairs can move comfortably. Such is an example of equality regardless of disability. The availability of funds for the construction of such is required, and therefore institutions that do not get sufficient funding are not able to install such structures. Disabled persons will function better when they are treated with respect, and their needs are taken care of just like any other person. They will, therefore, perform better in their education in schools where their necessary facilities are provided, unlike in those where they do not get them.

Equal funding is essential in determining the type of services that the school receives from its teachers as well as other members of staff, including; cooks, drivers, security guards, and alike. A school that is well funded can employ an adequate number of teachers that will make sure that the learning process continues smoothly, ensuring more students progress to higher education, graduate, and alike. When a school is not provided with adequate funding, there is a considerable risk of having an inadequate number of teachers, and such will cause learning to be minimal, leading to drop out cases, and even general poor performance. It is also correct to mention that teachers are an essential part of any education system. Therefore when they are adequately compensated, that will ensure that they provide their services in the best way possible. Inadequate compensation comes with a smaller number of teachers who are usually overworked and even monitored too closely by the education ministry. Center for American progress explains that “put all new-teacher slots into high-needs schools, and increase the perks at those schools so that the new teachers do not feel the desire to leave as soon as they earn that option” (33). Such working conditions are not the best, and ultimately poor performance is bound to be part of such schools. Other essentials in the school system, such as guards, ensure that children do not come in with illegal substances in the school compound. When such people are paid well, it ensures that they perform their tasks with absolute loyalty. Hence cases of students coming in school with drugs and even weapons will cease to exist. Such activities are essential in raising the discipline of students and the safety of the entire community. It is noticeable for schools with proper funding to have better performances and less number of students hooked to drugs and other indiscipline issues. Thus, equal financing is responsible for equality in schools regarding fewer children using drugs and other substances, together with underperformance in academics.

Unequal funding in schools is a topic that is yet to be solved in our country, and it is a significant setback to many schools’ performance, discipline, and even the use of drugs and substances. The unequal funding in schools is a substantial supporter of inequality in our societies as learners are exposed to inequality at a very young age. Such is unhealthy for the growth of students to become all-around citizens that are independent and are contributing to the development of the country at large. It has also been proven how a majority of students drop out of school because of inadequate resources in terms of books and even infrastructure (Taylor).  Such materials are responsible for shaping students to become future leaders because of academics as well as successful sportsmen and women due to extracurricular activities. Unequal funding is, therefore, a significant barrier towards the development of extracurricular activities that are essential for talented students.  Also, disabled persons in schools and institutions are significantly affected when there is the unequal provision of funds, as most of the structures that promote equality cannot be installed. Nonetheless, equal funding will encourage the provision of aids, and infrastructure that will make the lives of individual students easier and ultimately improve their performance in school. Semuels explains that “In Kansas, the state decides how much each school district can spend on education, and then gives aid to districts that cannot come up with the money themselves”. Equal funding, therefore, promotes equality regardless of disability, race, or even socioeconomic strength. Education is a right for every child, and consequently, all children deserve to acquire knowledge in the best or friendly environments that promote better performance, safety, and accepted behavior. Finally, equality in funding schools is a critical factor in raising the economic power of a given community. Schools that receive sufficient funding also pay their workers well, and such will promote better lives for their families and the communities they live in. Equality in schools funding is a matter that needs to be looked at and resolved. It is significant to understand the many advantages that come with equal funding of schools cannot be compared to the challenges. Equality of the whole society can be resolved if only schools are treated equally so that these institutions can promote the same virtue to future generations that are dependent on schools as their pathway to success.

In response to the inequality and the issues that have been raised by parents and students regarding the corrupt and discriminatory practices, the government should intervene in the matter through implementing policies that can be effective in shaping the educational sector of the economy since it contributes to the betterment of the society. A useful step that the federal government can take in this effect is to increase the federal funding that is issued so that individual programs can be taught in these schools, and the students can enjoy better facilities. Other than that, getting rid of inequality and discrimination is the primary step to promoting good education. Pasachoff explains that “an interstate federal foundation program to reduce disparities between states, as similar programs at the state level have reduced disparities between districts” (3). Ideally, the government should get involved in the funding process so that it can streamline the process of funding towards meeting the goal of equality. Also, financing by state or by district can be more effective than the federal government. As such, the government should distribute the funds at different levels of leadership and ensure that the money is used for the right purpose, which is education.

Conclusively, unequal funding, in general, has impacted negatively on the education system and the students. Ideally, it is a significant way through which instances of inequality are propagated in society. First of all, it disrupts the quality of education since the teachers have inadequate resources that would aid in the teaching of the students. Unequal funding, mainly based on the student’s race, is impactful on the students who are forced to remain at home when others are learning and, as such, cannot gain the required amount of knowledge and skills that will aid in building a career in the future. Unequal funding is also affecting the teachers, especially those of early childhood which are not paid well, and most of them are overworked. Inequal funding impacts the ability of children with disabilities to gain education and access to schools. This is because these people required individual facilities and teachers. However, with the corrupt system of funding, these children with a disability do not get the chance to get educated, and as such, most of them remain dependents for the most parts of their lives.



Works Cited

Center of American Progress. Unequal Education Federal Loophole Enables Lower Spending On Students Of Color. 1st ed., Ary Spatig-Amerikaner, 2012, We accessed 13 Apr 2020.

Levine, Arthur. “American Education: Still Separate, Still Unequal: [HOME EDITION].” Los Angeles Times, Feb 02 2003, ProQuest. Web. 17 Apr. 2020.

Lockett, Amanda Washington. “Examining performance-based funding and historically Black colleges: Unequal footing.” Educational challenges at minority-serving institutions. Routledge, 2017. 36-51.

Pasachoff, Eloise. How Can The Federal Government Improve School Financing Systems? 1st ed., 2020, Accessed 13 Apr 2020.

Rios, Victor. Street Life: Poverty, Gangs, and a Ph.D. CreateSpace, 2011.

Semuels, Alana. “Kansas School Funding Bill Falls Short with Educators; the Measure Takes Away Aid to at-Risk Students and could Increase Wealth Disparities, they Say”. Los Angeles Times, Apr 17 2014, ProQuest. Web. 17 Apr. 2020.

Taylor, Barrett J., and Brendan Cantwell. Unequal higher education: Wealth, status, and student opportunity. Rutgers University Press, 2019.















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