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IT and management course -A reflective account

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IT and management course -A reflective account

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IT and management course -A reflective account

The course has been designed for IT students, and personally, it has allowed me to gain insights regarding effective IT management systems. Due to the flexibility of the course design, it was possible to learn at a faster rate (Turban, Volonino & Wood, 2015). The course content is progressive in nature, and it has allowed me to make connections with the subject during the learning process. The educators have the option to make the course interesting for students. Therefore, I have managed to learn digital strategies that would ensure sustainable performance in the future. In the beginning, ongoing trends in digital technology have been discussed, and I came across concepts such as data governance, cybersecurity, risk management, and effective ways of conducting businesses in digital times.

Following that, I have been exposed to ways by which customers can be engaged and retained for long using digital technology. Concepts like social networking, e-commerce, and social metrics were presented interestingly. Thereafter, ways in which business performances can be optimized using data visualization as well as GIS or Geographic Information Systems has been explored in this course. Lastly, the concept of ethics and relationship management in businesses has been presented in an easy-to-understand manner. As a student, I received the opportunity to participate in discussions in the classroom, and it was possible to create a study plan as well. There exists a possibility of gaining theoretical knowledge and practically applying it in a professional setting (Wang, 2007). Relevant examples have been given along with problem areas for a better understanding.

Skills acquired from the class and its relevance

The course has been completed, and I have gained necessary professional skills, though, practical exposure can never be substituted with classroom knowledge. Nevertheless, I have gained research and questioning skills because the course allowed the students to collaborate, brainstorm, and focus on interactive learning. At the end of the course, it was possible to polish my IT skills. However, knowledge about relevant software within a professional setting is also a necessity. Our instructor consistently told us to collaborate and interact with each other in the classroom. Encouraging this activity has allowed me to take challenges without fearing the outcome, and it has also allowed me to step into unfamiliar situations. In the future, I would like to specialize in data science, and the course has allowed me to gain confidence. The basics of data science are now clear to me, and employers are likely to hire candidates with strong technical knowledge in their chosen field.

Application of the newly acquired knowledge

The course has served the best interests of a student, and I am particularly interested in the application of the acquired knowledge in a real business setting. A combination of management skills, IT skills, and problem-solving skills would allow me to retain the trust of customers in a business as it is one of the sole criteria in a business. Moreover, knowledge gathered from the course would help anyone during project management (Marshall, Cardon & Godin, 2014).




Marshall, B., Cardon, P., & Godin, J. (2014). A STUDY OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN AN INTRODUCTORY MIS COURSE. Issues in Information Systems15(2).

Turban, E., Volonino, L., & Wood, G. R. (2015). Information technology for management: Digital strategies for insight, action, and sustainable performance. Wiley Publishing.

Wang, S. (2007). An examination of the introductory MIS Course. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research6(1), 135-152.


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