It’s hard, and I can see it like even with distance learning
It’s hard, and I can see it like even with distance learning, it’s harder to motivate them to even come into the classroom much. Because that motivates students as well as still having that same respect level. Yeah. Did you say still having that same respect level you said? Yeah, so I don’t even know I’m young, but just like kind of like, so they know what line to cross. Like, I’m still like, knowing that I’m still the teacher, and not like one of their classmates or friends. Hmm. I mean, that’s one of the challenges I felt like as being a younger teacher. Mm hmm. And when you said that, uh, I just forgot the question. I was gonna ask Oh, yeah, I’m the student-centered learning is important to do you feel like why plan like the curriculum of life. Is students centered or are there aspects of it that? Um, yeah. Do you feel like it’s student centered? Yeah, I feel like there are certain aspects within the project that we did that was more like student centered in which like the students were more kind of like played a more interactive role especially like with the field trip, or even like I feel like the whole like having a even though we’ve talked about the questions but having the end result into having it more like a project so that they can basically peach everybody else. But I feel like in the beginning, with the wording and stuff like the the terms that were used, it was hard for the students to understand. And yeah, I understand that first, and it was kind of like it wasn’t intriguing to them enough until like later on down them. You know, when we kind of got more, I guess interactive in terms of like the SWOT analysis and going on a field trip and having like speakers, like a different speaker other than myself. Okay. And just to backtrack a little bit You said that you had like your you just finished your an induction year. Can you What is it so you’re still finishing like your credentialing program or I finished my I did my credential at Sac State but for teachers you have like a first. Like the first five years of teaching, you have to get like you have to complete that induction program. So I have my pre credential, pre credential, but in order to be classified, I guess as an official teacher, you have to go through like an induction program. It’s like only two years within the first five years of having that pre credential, preliminary credit Oh, okay, so then you have two more years to go. I have I have one more year I just finished my first year. Oh, okay. It will be my second year. Okay, got it. I think I’m having spoken to like other teachers that are also like in the early stages of their career, like every kind of place does it differently. So, I always have like, trouble keeping track of like, what that looks like. Okay, so are there you already spoke to this a little bit, but if you have anything to add, are there any aspects of your teaching that you feel particularly confident or least confident about right now? I would say like the classroom management aspect, like I have to. Yeah, classroom management which comes in like different different ways. So which is like establishing those classroom routines