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Job Packet Peer Review Form” and return the “Job Packet Peer Review Form”

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Job Packet Peer Review Form” and return the “Job Packet Peer Review Form”



  1. Open the Job Materials Assignment to be familiar with the assignment and criteria while responding to these questions.


  1. On another tab, have the “peer review sample.docx” (available via Unit 1 Peer Review and Final Draft Submission Folder) document open to help guide your responses.


  1. Select a draft to review that has not already been reviewed or only has one review.


  1. Enter your feedback in the “Job Packet Peer Review Form” and return the “Job Packet Peer Review Form” to your peer. Due: Sunday of Week 3 by 11:59 pm


Your narrative responses must be in complete sentences and must use language found in “peer review sample”



Peer Review Questions


  1. The job application package is complete, containing one application letter and one tailored résumé. Each document is complete and contains all required elements as stated in the handout.

Your job application package is complete. You have written a clear application letter and a detailed résumé. Each part of the job application package contains all the required elements, as indicated in the guidelines.


  1. The letter and résumé are tailored to the specific job for which you are “applying” and include information relevant to that job. The information included makes clear why you are qualified for the job.

The letter and résumé are specific to the position of a registered nurse that you are applying for. The information you have provided is relevant to that position and clearly indicates why you are qualified for the job. You have clearly shown that your experiences meet the job requirements


  1. The résumé is clean and well organized. The use of space is uniform and well considered. The font and type size are easy to read. Different levels of headings are used consistently to demarcate different levels and categories.

You have clearly elaborated on the most important elements of the résumé. The font type used is easy to read, and also you have used different levels of headings to indicate different categories. However, the use of space is not uniform, and the alignment of text creates inconsistency in the work’s organization.


  1. The description of job duties and responsibilities at each position include vivid, concrete, action verbs (in past tense if you no longer hold the position). The verbs are in parallel structure. The style and tone are formal. Paragraphs utilize effective topic sentences.

The description of job responsibilities and duties is clear since you have concrete and action verbs. In addition, you have used the correct tense to describe your experiences and skills. A formal tone has also been used throughout the document.


  1. The letter and résumé are each formatted correctly following the specified guidelines in the textbook and assignment instructions.

Your letter failed to meet some of the assignment instructions. It did not follow the block format as required, and the inside address was not provided. Additionally, the letter failed to include the date and enclosure notation. In the résumé, I believe personal details should have been at the beginning and not the end.


  1. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. If there are errors, point those out to your peer.

The punctuation, spelling, and grammar were correct. There were no observable errors.


  1. Rate how well the paper aligns with the assignment guidelines: (minimal = does not meet assignment guidelines; medium = meets about 75% of the assignment guidelines; very high = meets 95% or above of the assignment guidelines)






                                    Very high

The letter was not well-formatted, and most of the elements were left out. Therefore, I will rate it as medium


  1. Suggestions for meeting the assignment guidelines.

I would suggest that you follow the block format for the letter. Also, ensure the uniform use of space in the résumé


  1. Write a final comment to your peer about two of the overall strengths and one overall weakness of the first draft.

The overall strengths were (a) the job application package was complete, containing both the application letter and résumé, and (b) the information was relevant to the position of a registered nurse that you are applying. The overall weakness was failing to follow the block format for the letter.




Grading: Worth 20 points


  • 10 points for each peer review


You will receive deductions for the following:

  1. Not using complete sentences
  2. Not answering each question on the form
  3. Not using the guided language from the “Peer Review Sample,” in each response
  4. Using only one sentence responses for each question


Due: Sunday of Week 3 by 11:59pm CST as a “reply” to your peer’s post.


No points will be awarded for missing/late peer review.


Finally, if you choose to post only your own draft and do not review the drafts of at least two of your peers, you will receive a “0” for the assignment.

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