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Kanye West

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Kanye West

 Kanye has been and has continued being a positive influence on the public despite his controversial ways. He has continuously offered spiritual guidance and supported people’s lives in various capacities. However, he has been met with criticism over some of his actions, such as his comments on slavery being a choice as well as on Taylor Swift. Reports were made on how he never made Taylor Swift aware of the fact that he was going to use the line ‘I made that bitch famous’ in a song that had a massive backlash from the public (Kim, There’s People That Are Dying). He also caused a lot of controversies when he said, “When you hear about slavery for 400 years… For 400 years? That sounds like a choice.” which saw him receive criticism from a lot of people (Kanye West just said 400 years of slavery was a choice). However, West has been noted to continuously help people by facilitating meal deliveries in Chicago and Los Angeles as well as empowering the youth and women (Kanye Donates Thousands of Meals in LA and Chicago). His project, Jesus is King, and other spiritual endeavors have been instrumental in helping people who need support in their lives, offering a unique support system (Kanye West Pledges His Life to a Higher Power on ‘Jesus is King’ Album). These instances show how the controversy has rocked West’s life through some of his comments that have received such wide coverage and reactions. However, his acts of kindness and support through his music is quite impactful, changing lives completely, which says much more about him. The incidents and actions in West’s life have been quite influential in shaping his public outlook in both ways, which is a normal occurrence in the lives of celebrities.



Works Cited

Billboard, Friday, October 25, 2019 “Kanye West Pledges His Life to a Higher Power on ‘Jesus is King’ Album”

CNN, Friday, May 4th, 2018, “Kanye West just said 400 years of slavery was a choice”

Paper, March 20, 2020, “Kanye Donates Thousands of Meals in LA and Chicago”

Rolling Stones, March 24, 2020, “Kim, There’s People That Are Dying”

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