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Madagascar Part One

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Madagascar Part One


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Madagascar Part One

The process of human development operates on several aspects, but the distinctive ones involve communication, creativity, and innovation, as well as decision making. According to Ebert (2005), a significant percentage of people spend more time on screens right from their childhood. The movie industry comes in and uses this opportunity to transfer specific knowledge to its target audiences. Notably, movies are made to communicate and also convey knowledge to both children and adults. In this study, a discussion regarding the three common aspects of human development is provided concerning a comedy animation movie Madagascar. The discussion mainly focuses on giving various opinions on how communication, creativity, and innovation, as well as decision making, are expressed in this movie and how they can potentially affect one’s development.

In this analysis, a 2005 animated movie Madagascar is provided. Ebert (2005) asserts that the movie was directed by Tom McGrath and his colleague Eric Darnell. During the time of its release, the movie had a significant audience, but it mostly had a bigger impact on the children watching. The movie starts from a zoo in New York where a hippo, a lion, a giraffe, and a zebra became best friends. The four friends had a dialogue about how they would like to explore the world outside the zoo. Later on, the zebra (Marty) made a decision, and he broke out of his cage, which influenced the other three also to break so that they can look for their best friend. In this situation, it can be observed that communication played a significant role in decision making when zebra was found the four friends realized that they were on a ship that was on its way to Africa. The aspect of creativity comes in here because the animals started to plan on how they are going to live in the wild where they were not used to live.

The rest of this movie presents how the four friends were trying to figure out if they wanted to leave Africa and go back to their homeland. In the process, the animals came across some humans who were exploring the safari, and it is presented that the animals had seen one of the humans in New York. Besides, the movie portrays mimesis of the quotidian life conversation, a blend of verbal and non-verbal components expected to make solid a made-up story. The cinematographic dialogue adjusted to the circumstances of correspondence introduced in a film; it varies as indicated by the characters associated with the narrative and is customized to suit the intended interest groups. Ideally, it means that several communication techniques are utilized in the movie. Since communication involves the exchange of information, thoughts, as well as ideas that result in mutual understanding among people, the movie industry has tried much to connect with their audiences.

Ultimately, there were a couple of life lessons in this movie that I believe is critical to bring to consideration that could help structure a human development, especially the young one and the manner in which they interface with their friends and family. The first lesson is one should treat everybody, regardless of how you or different looks, with affection and regard. Notably, the entirety of animals in this movie, regardless of being from different species, treated one another with kindness and warm hearts. None of them took a second look or offered wily comments at the other because of the diverse shading hide or absence of fur. Friendship is the other takeaway in this movie. The movie Madagascar presents an extraordinary portrayal of the true definition of a cherishing and sound friendship. In the film, each and every creature, once more, approached others with deference. To be increasingly explicit, the four principal characters, a lion, a giraffe, a zebra, and a hippo were the best of companions in the entire film, and one can easily observe this by the manner they act towards one another and how faithful they remain all through the film.

To sum up, the movie Madagascar is generally produced to provide essential knowledge to its audience, especially the children. However, it sometimes depends on who is asked, as some people may consider this movie to be fortunate or unfortunate. Based on my opinion, I imagine that as long as the young ones can interpret the different messages and lessons that are entailed in this movie, the film is not of any harm to them. In the same way, the aspect of communication is appropriately conveyed as the four animals communicated to each other on everything that happened in their journey experiences. It is also seen that the four friends where good decision-makers because they always tried to get what is best for them. The aspect of creativity was also highly expressed in a way that with all that they the four animals had planned, none of their decisions could harm them.















Ebert, R. (2005). Zoo-break makes for OK comedy. Retrieved from

Madagascar. (2005).

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