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MAGFAST: Offering Wireless Charging Solutions

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MAGFAST: Offering Wireless Charging Solutions

Handling a messy charging system is among the many things that can be annoying. It’s also not very easy to carry around multiple charging cables for all your devices. People want an efficient charging system that can improve their charging experience. This means that people want a charging system that is free from tangles and twisted cords. The wireless MAGFAST family charging system offers a new charging solution. A crowdfunded campaign for the new charging system that launched in the 21st march, which went life for 15 minutes, was able to raise a whopping $300,000. Which was a clear indication that people wanted an alternative charging experience?

MAGFAST family charging system is described as an excellent charging alternative to cables. The new wireless system is powered by magnets that connect and enable them to work together. The new charging system consists of six charges that are easier to use and efficient. They suit every charging environment and promise an increased speed in charging all your modern portable gadgets. Its power banks come with exclusive advanced features, including a replaceable inbuilt and self-storing cable. Additionally, the MAGFAST family system also has a new USB-C and a traditional USB-A outlet and a wireless charger.

The design of the wireless charging system allows them to work separately. However, through its modular, you can connect several devices for a more efficient and faster charging without cords, tangles, and wires. On the other hand, the portable power bank is flexible can be used to charge all your mobile devices. Similarly, the LifeCharger Extreme part of the system takes pride in its maximum power that can easily jump-start your vehicle. Another fantastic feature is the RoadCharger that also generates massive power. If plugged to a 12v outlet, it provides 4 USB outlets, which is capable of charging your devices all at once. Then the wall charger promises to offer a wireless charging station for all your devices and MAGFAST charges.

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