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Milk Bar Business

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Milk Bar Business


To cater for the basic needs the family, my parents started a simple milk bar in a shopping Centre near our home so as they could be in a position to pay our school fees. After several years of working in the small milk bar due to the efforts my parents put in that small business, the milk bar grew and became bigger, and it also started supplying milk over a wide area, areas beyond our zone. My parents used the money obtained to cater to family needs and even continued with the business even after all my brothers and sisters were out of home and could provide for their own basic needs. Due to the advancement of the milk bar, now my parents have employed two workers to assist them in the milk bar. The milk bar has advanced to a position that it did not only purchase and sell milk but also was involved in yoghurt production in small quantities.

After growing up, I asked my parents how they managed to advance their small milk bar to such a large milk bar. My parents told me that they associate the success of their business to three things. The first thing which they said to me that it was the most important thing was a good customer relation. The customer needs were the number one priority. When a customer arrived at the milk bar, he or she was asked what he needed, and he is served as quick as possible. My parents have also trained their employees on how to deliver effective and efficient services to the customers. They have made them understand that customers are the most crucial person in any business venture. The second thing is the cleanliness of the business environment and the workers themselves. Depending on the nature of the product sold in my parents, business customers prefer purchasing from a clean and hygienic environment. The sterile environment in my parent’s milk bar has attracted a big deal of customers leading to the continuous growth of the business. The third thing that my parents associated with the success of their business is the valuing of ideas from other stakeholders in the industry. Other stakeholders include suppliers and customers. My parents value the views given by suppliers and customers. Outside the milk bar, there is a suggestion box where anyone who comes into the milk bar can put his or her suggestion concerning anything he or she experienced while inside and how he or she thinks can be done to improve services. My parents do consider the tips collected and does what they can to ensure that the customers are comfortable with everything in the milk bar. Having worked closely and discussed issues concerning the business, I have come to understand almost every process in the company. I am going to use my parent’s milk bar in discussing my assignment.


According to the dictionary, suppliers are people who provide equipment and raw materials needed in a given business or industrial process. Suppliers are also relevant stakeholders towards the success of any given enterprise. My parents value their suppliers and do treat them with respect. They always ensure that they are a positive relationship between the suppliers and the business. They achieve this by paying their suppliers on time and respect all the agreement they make. To avoid confusion and ensure this good relationship, my parents do deal with the supplier’s one at a time. Also, to prevent unnecessary conflicts before coming into deal with any supplier, my parents ensure that they sign agreement forms. Not all suppliers who request to supply get a go-ahead; various factors too have to be thought about before anyone is allowed to supply. This factors include; the goods he or she is supplying should be of high quality. Most of the supplies are milk, so the milk being supplied should be of high quality and have very high levels of cleanliness. The aim of any business enterprise is making a profit, so my parents also consider the cost of the supplier. The chosen suppliers should be cost-effective so as also my parents can make a profit. The other factor is time, bearing in mind that most of the milk is purchased in the morning and evening hours so the supplier should be in a position to deliver the milk in an appropriate time to avoid delaying the customers. My parents use the following methods to determine if a given person is a suitable supplier.

  • They use the rating system-This is done by the employees in the milk bar together with my parents.
  • They also use the certification system-This is done by personnel’s outside the business.

Evaluation of suppliers is also done to ensure there competence and reliability. This is achieved by researching on their previous supply records if any to determine how they performed at that time. This information can is obtained from other business which the same supplier had supplied them with the same good he or she is providing my parents. Evaluation can also be done by checking on the quality of products being supplied by the given supplier. My parents do check whether the milk being supplied is clean and is suitable for consumption. This includes checking the premises where milking is done the equipment’s used in milking whether they meet the required standards. After identifying suitable suppliers, my parents give them the tender to supply for the agreed time. To ensure they are complying to the set standards my parent keep on checking the supplies being made by the suppliers time tom time to ensure that they supply milk of high quality with high standards of cleanliness.


Inputs refer to the materials put in a process to produce outputs. Various inputs are needed in a milk bar; this inputs include milk, storage containers, measuring equipment and fridge. The other inputs needed in a milk bar are the employees who provide services to the customers in the milk bar. For profitability purposes, my parents due ensure that they minimize inputs to maximize output and ensure the profit of the milk enterprise. They also ensure that they reduce wastage of the inputs to maximize outputs of the business. My parents also ensure that the inputs used are of high quality to produce outputs of high quality too. My parents also ensure the maximum use of their employees. They ensure that they deliver to their level best. They also ensure that there is a good relationship with their employees so as they can serve well. This is done by ensuring that all their rights are obeyed, and they also ensure that they pay them on time. My parents also ensure that what is inputted to the business is required. It helps avoid the purchase of unnecessary materials and ordering of excess milk which can go to waste.


A lot but not compress process happen in the milk bar. When the milk is received from the suppliers, the following process occurs.

  1. Checking whether the milk is flesh- This can be done in two ways. The first method used is boiling a little of the milk supplied to check if it’s still fresh. The second method used is the use of specific rod-like equipment which is dipped into the milk to measure if it has gone bad or its still flesh.
  2. The milk is then removed from the supplier’s container and placed in the milk bars container. This is done by the employees in the milk bar.
  3. Measuring the quantity of milk supplied-Milk is measured in terms of litres. It is done when transferring the milk from the supplier’s container to the milk bar container.
  4. Recording- It is another important process which occurs in the milk bar. The milk supplied by each supplier is recorded in the record book in terms of litres.
  5. Boiling- The collected milk is then boiled and cooled.
  6. Some of the milk is stored in containers and some in fridges to await the customers to purchase.

After the customer arrives the milk he or she request is measured and placed in his or her container.




Output can be defined as the products obtained from a particular process in which there were inputs. The outputs are the products that are sold so as a business can get profit. The primary output of a milk bar is milk. The milk is placed in special containers for storage as it awaits customers. Some of the milk is placed in fridges also as it awaits purchase. The milk is sold in terms of litres depending on the requirement of various customers.


They are the people who purchase the outputs of the business. Customers are of outermost importance in any given business enterprise, and so they should be treated with lots of respect. Customers determine the success of any business. The primary customers of my parent’s milk bar are the residents of the Shopping Centre, where the bar is located. Also, the milk bar has its customers from the villages neighbouring the shopping Centre. The milk is mostly bought in the morning and evening hours. Sales are also made mid-day but not in high quantities compared to the evening and morning hours. Customer’s suggestions are highly valued in my parent’s milk bar. Customer’s service is of significant priority to the bar.

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