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Myths on Couselling

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  1. Counseling takes time

This is a myth that is not rare among many people. However, the truth is that counseling does not take a lot of time. The length of advice depends on the various factors such as the severity of the problem and how long you have been facing the problem. It is also dependent on the time that you want to make changes in your life. Sometimes you might need some several sessions of counseling for you to get treated properly. This is because your problem can be severe, or it has affected vastly.


  1. Counseling is expensive

Counselors are trained to help individuals solve the bizarre problems that they face in their lives. Therefore, their primary goal is not money but indeed to offer support and help to the society. Furthermore, when you see a counselor, he/she will provide you with his/her services depending regardless on the size of your pocket. You will be able to come into agreement in terms of payment with the counselor. The main focus of a professional and a reputable counselor is to help you overcome the problems that are affecting you mentally, physically, and emotionally.


  1. No need for counseling if you are taking medication

This is a myth, and you should know that medications will not treat the unusual social conditions or problems that you have. Apart from the medications, counseling can also help you in improving your health and general social life. For example, a patient who is taking ARVs also needs social support for him/her to live comfortably. Counseling comes in to help the HIV positive patient to live positively without which, the drugs will not bring significant impacts.


  1. Couples counseling is for people with relationship problems only

A good relationship is that which its parties practice making it grow and thrive. Consider your relationship like a tree that you will always need to water it, the same way you should take care of your relationship. Relationships are delicate, and they can break anytime. It is crucial to put a counselor in your relationship, for he/ she is of great importance to your marriage. If you want your marriage to last longer, then pay regular visits to a psychiatrist or a counselor to make it healthier. The counselor will provide you with excellent relationship skills like conflict resolution, communication, and intimacy skills that will strengthen your bond.


  1. All counselors/ psychiatrists are the same

Maybe someone might have met a lousy counselor who did not help him/her in solving the problems, and then you create a myth that all counselors are the same. Remember, different counselors studied in different universities, and they have different experiences. Maybe you encountered an unskilled counselor, and that is why it did not work on you. However, it is crucial to look at the reputation and the history of a counselor before going to him/her. Various counselors employ different approaches to solving problems facing their clients. Some of the approaches are effective, while others are less effective.


  1. There is a difference between psychotherapy and counseling

Many people think that there is a difference between psychotherapy and counseling. This is not true because there is no much difference between the two since both of them are talk and psychological therapies. Both a psychotherapist and a counselor use the approach of listening to the client’s problems and solving them by integrating the physical and mental impression that it brings. All of them studied psychology, and there are excellent in advising various people. Most of the time, you will find a person who is dealing with addicts being referred to as a counselor while the one who is working privately, is referred to as a psychiatrist. The usage of the terms ” counselors” and ”psychotherapist” are mainly in the course of branding oneself.



It now clear that all the mentioned above myths and misconceptions that no one should consider them. Counseling is essential in our lives because we face challenges daily. However, it is up to you to look for the best counselor who will offer you maximum support to overcome the life challenges that you are facing.



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