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Book Description. 3

Introduction. 4

Chapter 1:The Basics of Nutrition. 6

Dietary Guidelines. 15

Chapter 2: Intermittent Fasting. 18

Chapter 3: Plant-Based Diet 23

Gains From A Plant-Based Diet 23

Chapter 4: Kato Diet 25

Chapter 5:Detox Diet. 28

Chapter 7: 10 Days detox plan. 31

Conclusion. 35










Book Description

What does eating right even mean? It means you eat organic and farm-grown produce, nuts, and dairy (if you’re not lactose intolerant) and fill yourself up with healthy, wholesome, and real food. Once you get into this habit, you will never ever look at junk food again. Your meals should comprise protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. The controlling portion also sizes matters in the long run to avoid unnecessary weight gain. Snacking in between is okay as long as those snacks are healthy, too, such as protein bars, sprouts, peanut butter bars, etc. Eat at regular intervals and have smaller portions, so that your digestion can work smoothly.









healthy eating involves eating good foods that give the body strength, keep diseases away, and helps with body and mind development. It does not in any way mean starving only on a few foods but includes eating everything, in their right proportions.

Healthy eating and good nutrition involve eating foods with plenty of water, vegetables, starchy foods, fruits, fibers, milk and dairy products, and especially proteins. When taken in the right portion sizes this is what is called a balanced diet.

Benefits of a Healthy Diet

Healthy Heart

Diets, directly and indirectly, affect the heart’s health, both negatively and positively. Meals low in sodium, fats, and cholesterol are good for maintaining a healthy heart. Saturated fats or trans fats which are found in junk foods, processed or convenience foods, fried foods, red meats, margarine, etc. all increase your chances of having heart problems. Reducing sodium intake is necessary for reducing blood pressure which is important for a healthy heart.

Brain Health

It has been scientifically proven that a healthy meal may help in the prevention or management of some mental disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive decline. Also, proper nutrition can improve blood flow to the brain, protect brain cells, and keep the brain in an alert and sharp state.

Weight Control

Eating foods rich in fiber, vegetables like carrots and cucumbers, and raw fruits like apples are the better choice instead of fries, chocolate, cakes, and pizzas. Better food choices can go a long way to keep weight in check. Eating healthy helps control weight gain, hence preventing the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, poor bone density, and some cancers.

Healthy Mood, Healthy Smile

When your mind is healthy, you will have a healthy mood. And with a good mood, comes a reason to smile. A mouth without tooth decay is a sure bet for a healthy smile. All these can happen if you eat healthily.

Consequences of Poor Nutrition

Nutritional Deficiencies

Many people in the world today are overfed but are heavily malnourished. That is to say that they eat plenty of foods, but the foods are of the convenience variety (easy to make) or are processed items that have been stripped of their nutrients.

  • Obesity

It should not be a surprise that obesity is one of the major consequences of not eating healthy. That’s not to say that every case of obesity is caused by unhealthy eating, but with the sudden increased availability of unhealthy foods, such as convenience foods and processed foods, also came the sudden emergence of a severe rate of childhood and adult obesity.

Type 2 Diabetes

When refined grains and sugar-rich foods or drinks are consumed over a long period of time, they cause sudden rising and dropping of blood sugar levels. The instability of the blood sugar level leads to the resistance of insulin, a hormone that is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates (converting glucose to glycogen), which is majorly characterized by a decreased sensitivity to insulin.

Heart Disease

Unhealthy foods high in salt and sugar, when taken on a regular basis can increase blood pressure, cause atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, as well as increase triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the blood. This will certainly lead to heart disease if it isn’t kept under control.



Chapter 1:The Basics of Nutrition

With the rise in obesity levels and other lifestyle diseases in most of the Western world and with the increasing prevalence of this condition across many under-developed countries, there have been hundreds of diets that have been promoted, both to reduce weight and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Whether you want to reduce weight or simply eat a healthier diet, the solution does not lie in the latest fad eating regime. Instead, what you need is a system of eating that is both healthy and sustainable over the long term.

Well, the solution to that problem may not be as complicated as you think. Many modern health problems – or the lack thereof – stem from changes in eating habits made over the last 50 years. Prior to World War II, the average male in London consumed over 3000 calories per day, and yet, obesity was not the problem that it now is. Sure, there was, by necessity, more exercise being done, but jogging and aerobics were not around then. Exercise tended to be moderate and performed within the course of general daily routine, such as riding or walking to work or using a push mower rather than a drive-on one. If that is the case, what changes have been made to our modern lifestyles that facilitate the increase in weight among such a large proportion of our population?

To enable ease of access to a healthy diet, the government developed a system known as the food plate. We will start by taking a broad look at this system, and from there, we will look at some easy ways to change eating habits for the better in more detail. These habits are not only healthier but, in many cases, they are cheaper, too. The fact is that much of the obesity explosion we have been witnessing has taken place in the poorer communities of our society, and any changes made need to be accessible to both rich and poor alike.

If you want to live a healthy and well-balanced life, it is important that you maintain a well-balanced diet. The problem is that not all people know how to make sure that their meals are balanced and that they are eating the right kinds of foods to get all the nutrients that their bodies need. It is also important to know how much of these foods you should be eating.

In 2011, the Food Plate replaced the Food Pyramid as an easier means of showing people what they should eat for every meal. It’s a way of zoning your plate and making sure that you fill your plate up with the right food choices. This Food Plate is known as “MyPlate” and is the current nutritional guide published by the United States Department of Agriculture.

Basically, a food plate should consist of at least 75% vegetables, and then the remaining 25% should be partitioned between protein, grains, and fruits. A small saucer of dairy can also be included. Oils are also important to eat because they contain important nutrients, but they are not a real food group. They, however, will still be mentioned. The notes below will help you understand the partitions of the Food Plate better.


In the early nineties, the World Health Organization came up with the five-a-day fruit and veg plan that most people are familiar with. A significant amount of servings have been added since then, and most health organizations now recommend between seven and thirteen cups of fruits or vegetables per day, with vegetables making up the majority.

The problem is that even on the five-a-day system, only 30% of the population achieved the WHO target. The importance of vegetables in a diet cannot be overstressed. Vegetables are four times healthier than fruit, and with the exception of those high in starch, they can be eaten without limit and are thus great and healthy snacks to grab when you are feeling hungry.

Many of the dark green vegetables are known as superfoods. These include spinach, kale, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts. These superfoods have a lot of benefits that many people don’t know about. The biggest benefit provided by these foods is the high ais present in them. These foods are more nutrient-dense than any other vegetables on the list. Spinach is especially good, with plenty of vitamin K, which helps promote bone health and has lots of antioxidants and plenty of anti-inflammatories. It’s no wonder spinach is often considered one of the best superfoods.

Many of the red and orange vegetables have plenty of nutrients that promote not only bone health but eye health as well. Nutrients like zeaxanthin play an important role in the health of your eyes. They help protect your eyes when they are exposed to UV rays and other harmful high-energy light.

Lycopene is another antioxidant that is incredibly beneficial to your body. This antioxidant can protect your body from any harm that pesticides can induce. Pesticides are full of harmful chemicals that people digest on a daily basis. Lycopene is a great way to help stop any damage in its tracks.

Starchy vegetables are a great source of fiber. Fiber is one of the nutrients that some people don’t consume enough of. It aids in digestion and helps keep your blood sugar levels stable, thus making fiber an incredibly important nutrient.

B-vitamins are also prominent in starchy vegetables. Many scientists agree that these vitamins can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. They also aid in promoting positive moods. They interact with the dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain, guarding against memory loss. Most adults do not eat the recommended amount of starchy vegetables that they should. One cup of potatoes can go a long way.

There are tons of benefits from beans and peas. Many beans are a significant source of protein, which is beneficial to those who are vegetarian or vegan. They are also full of different minerals, including copper, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Copper is very important throughout life, and infants who are deprived of copper by being given cow’s milk may have many issues as they get older. Copper is stored in the liver. A deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, increased risk of infection, impaired neurological growth, and stunted growth. Adults and adolescents don’t need a significant amount of copper, only 900 micrograms a day.

Peas, on the other hand, have different benefits. While many of the nutrients are similar, the top two nutrients in specifically found in green peas are vitamin K and manganese. Vitamin K is important for bone health and also plays a huge role in making sure your blood clots correctly. Meanwhile, manganese also has a ton of benefits for your bones. It’s also used as a co-enzyme in the metabolism, thus helping with digestion.

People who eat large quantities of vegetables have a significantly lower risk of premature death than those who do not. Those with high intake are also much less likely to get cancer. Adults should eat at least 2 ½ to 3 cups of vegetables each day. It’s suggested to eat different kinds of vegetables of various colors. This variety will let you remain enthusiastic in consuming your food, aside from offering a wider range of nutrients. Below is a chart that would enable you to become familiar with the various types of vegetables.

Dark Green VegetablesRomaine Lettuce, Spinach, Collard Greens, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Dark Green Leafy Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Turnip Greens
Red and Orange VegetablesButternut Squash, Acorn Squash, Carrots, Red Peppers, Orange Peppers, Pumpkin, Hubbard Squash, Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes
Starchy VegetablesCorn, Cassava, Green Bananas, Cowpeas, Green Peas, Potatoes, Green Lima Beans, Taro, Water Chestnuts, Plantains
Beans and PeasGarbanzos, Black-Eyed Peas, Black Beans, Lentils, Kidney Beans, Pinto Beans, Navy Beans, Split Peas, Soy Beans, White Beans
Other VegetablesArtichokes, Asparagus, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Beets, Bean Sprouts, Cucumbers, Celery, Eggplant, Green Peppers, Green Beans, Onions, Okra, Mushrooms, Iceberg Lettuce, Zucchini, Wax Beans, Turnips



The average male should eat at least 56 grams of protein per day, whereas the average female should eat 46 grams daily. These figures are for the average sedentary adult, and many active people should be eating more.

Protein is what our bodies use to manufacture things. In short, our bodies are like small, highly advanced factories that are constantly rebuilding and repairing themselves. They are forever building muscle, growing hair, and nails, repairing organs, and strengthening bones. The main building block for all these activities comes from protein, and that is also the reason why it is quite tricky to determine the exact daily intake needed.

This amount will vary according to how much exercise we do, what age we are, what our body mass is, etc. Without protein, it would be impossible to maintain life as we know it. Protein is also highly sating to the appetite and can, therefore, be a useful tool for controlling calorie intake.

Most proteins come in the form of animal products, particularly red meat. If your choice is not to eat red meat, then you can eat seafood in place of meat to make sure you are including enough protein in your meals.

If you want the most protein in your meat, pork tenderloin, chicken, turkey, and steak have the most protein per bite. These are great for people who are working out often and want to build up muscle. Lean meat is definitely the best when it comes to this, as there is less fat. You’ll be able to eat the meat without worrying about putting on too much weight.

Chicken is the most widely-eaten kind of poultry in the world, and for good reason. It has a lot of protein while also being beneficial in other ways. It has an amino acid called tryptophan, which gives you a comforting feeling. This helps bring your serotonin levels up, making you feel happier.

Chicken is also rich in phosphorus, which promotes teeth and bone health. It also helps make sure that your kidneys, liver, and central nervous system function normally. If you want a boost in your metabolism, a chicken would be a good food to eat. Meanwhile, niacin is a B-vitamin that can help guard against cancer and other types of DNA damaging diseases.

Seafood is a great alternative to other meats. Not only do they have plenty of protein, but they have a ton of vitamins and minerals, some of which are harder to find in certain foods. Fish oil, for example, has a multitude of benefits. It has omega-3s, which decreases the symptoms of depression, hypertension, ADHD, joint pain, arthritis, and some chronic skin ailments. It also helps with weight loss, fertility, and pregnancy, as well as increases energy. Eating some fish every week will help reduce your chances of suffering from a heart attack by nearly half.

Eggs are a great source of protein. The protein is concentrated in the whites of the eggs. Some people prefer to eat only egg whites because of the protein that’s in them. Moreover, eggs have plenty of other nutrients, including vitamin B-2, selenium, vitamin D, zinc, iron, and copper. Selenium is important in keeping your immune system healthy.

With weight loss, eggs can be incredibly good for helping to keep you feeling full for a lot longer, as well as giving you energy. Biotin is a big thing in helping with metabolizing fat. This can be a hard thing for your body to do, so it’s good that there is something that can help with fat metabolism.

Nuts and seeds other protein-filled foods. They can be added to your meals in many different ways, including on salads, in cereals, or just as a snack food. These are also filled with healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats, which are helpful for managing inflammation and the normal structure of your body.

Fiber is also a big part of nuts and seeds. This is a great nutrient that helps keep your body feeling fuller for a lot longer, making these a great snack food.

Beans and peas are some of the foods with protein and are among the best sources of protein for vegans and vegetarians. Most of the benefits of these foods are mentioned in the vegetable section.

Processed soy products also are a good source of protein. They also have plenty of vitamins and minerals, like B-vitamins and iron. These are great for vegans and vegetarians. An example is a tofu.

The benefits of tofu include having eight essential amino acids. It has been shown to reduce the possibility of having prostate and breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, type-2 diabetes, age-related brain diseases, or liver damage. Some scientists have found that people who eat too many soy products can have issues later in life because of isoflavones, which can lead to estrogen overload in both men and women and can cause a lot of problems.


It’s also important for adults to eat at least 5 to 7 ounces of grains each day. It would be best to eat whole grains, as they contain the highest amount of nutrients.

Whole grains have tons of benefits, including having a reduced risk of stroke, heart attack, and type 2 diabetes. There are tons of nutrients in whole grains, all of which aid in keeping these things at bay.

Iron is important in producing red blood cells and preventing anemia. Anemia can cause fatigue and reduce your energy by a lot, so making sure you have a proper amount of iron in your diet is crucial. Whole wheat pasta is a great source of fiber, which promotes digestive health and reduces the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

Refined grains do lose some of the benefits that whole grains have and don’t contain any fiber. However, they do have certain B-vitamins and iron, which are put back into the grains after they are refined. As long as an average adult still gets a good amount of fiber in his or her diet, consuming some refined grains is not the end of the world.

Pasta is a great source of carbohydrates. These carbs will give you energy, helping you stay energized for a longer period of time. Selenium, which is a mineral that activates antioxidant enzymes to prevent molecular damage in your cells, is present in all types of pasta. Folate is very prominent in pasta as well, with about 42% of the required daily folate intake fulfilled by a serving of pasta.

Breakfast cereals have tons of vitamins and minerals, but the amount changes depending on the type of breakfast cereal. Many cereals, including oatmeal and bran cereals, are rich in fiber. Corn flakes are rich in thiamine, which helps immensely with carbohydrate metabolism and energy production. While they might not be as high in fiber as some of the other cereals, they are high in iron. This is important to not only maintain healthy blood levels but also to keep the brain alert.

These include brown rice, pasta, oatmeal, and whole-wheat cereal. Below is a grain chart for you with additional options.

Whole GrainsBrown Rice, Amaranth, Millet, Bulgur, Buckwheat, Triticale, Popcorn, Oatmeal, Quinoa, Whole Grain Cornmeal, Whole Grain Barley, Whole Wheat Pasta, Whole Wheat Crackers, Whole Wheat Rolls and Sandwich Buns, Wild Rice
Refined GrainsCorn Tortillas, Cornbread, Crackers, Couscous, Grits, Flour Tortillas, Pitas, Noodles, White Bread, Pretzels, White Rice, White Sandwich Buns and Rolls
PastaMacaroni, Spaghetti
Breakfast CerealsMuesli, Whole Wheat Cereal Flakes, Corn Flakes



Fruits are always delicious and are great to eat as a snack or dessert. Adults should try to eat around 1 ½ to 2 cups of fruit each day, be it raw fruit or fruit juice.

When it comes to fruits, some people think that daily consumption should be high. However, many people forget that there are natural sugars in these fruits. Vegetables should be more frequently eaten than fruits, but that doesn’t mean fruits should be forgotten.

Everyone has heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and it is common knowledge that it isn’t entirely an old wives’ tale. Apples are full of antioxidants, which help fight off diseases and prevent future diseases. They are among the best fruits to eat, given that they do so many different things to help with your body.

Berries are a little different. They are best known for their phytochemicals, which help prevent damage to the cells. The great thing about this is that berries can be eaten by the handful. Other fruits are generally eaten one at a time rather than in bunches, making berries a great snack food. This can also be a great food to help lower your cholesterol. Strawberries, red raspberries, and bilberries are the best berries for heart health.

Melons are another type of fruit with some surprising benefits. They have little to no fat or saturated fat but have a lot of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins C and A are the most abundant vitamins in melons. Vitamin C is very important in giving you the essentials that you need for maintaining tissues and healing injuries. Vitamin A is important in keeping your immune system functioning well, keeping your teeth healthy, and helping your vision. Moreover, melons have some weight-loss benefits, as they are a sweet, sugary dessert that isn’t at the same unhealthy level that other sugary sweets are.

Fruit juice isn’t the first choice when it comes to getting your recommended fruit intake. Juice tends to have more sugars and things that you shouldn’t be drinking. However, 100% fruit juice is a good choice. This can be freshly squeezed, which is the best idea when it comes to drinking juice, as it comes directly from the fruit. Although consuming juice is a good idea, try to limit how much you drink. You don’t want to consume too much sugar.

Take a look at the fruit chart below for more options.

Commonly Eaten FruitsApricots, Apples, Kiwis, Cherries, Bananas, Grapes, Nectarines, Mangoes, Limes, Lemon, Plums, Pineapples, Papaya, Pears, Tangerines, Raisins, Prunes, Oranges, Peaches
BerriesRaspberries, Strawberries, Blueberries
MelonsHoneydew, Cantaloupe, Watermelon
100% Fruit JuiceGrape, Apple, Orange, Grapefruit



Three servings of dairy should be consumed daily. It would be best to choose fat-free or low-fat dairy to ensure that weight loss is achieved more effectively.

Everyone knows that milk is a good source of calcium. Calcium, of course, helps with keeping bones strong and healthy. Right along with that, vitamin D is important in keeping good levels of calcium and phosphorus. This is found in milk, so you don’t have to worry about not having enough.

There are many different kinds of cheese, all of which have different kinds of fat content. Some cheeses, like goat cheese, feta cheese, and blue cheese, have higher fat content than others. These cheeses have been given a lot of “fillers,” which add to their flavor but make them much more concentrated in fat. Other cheeses, such as part-skim mozzarella, parmesan, or grated Romano, are generally lower in fat. There are also low-fat and fat-free versions of different cheeses that are available to buy. Outside of the fat content, you’ll be getting plenty of vitamins and nutrients in any cheese.

Yogurt is rapidly becoming a very popular option as a snack food or breakfast food. Any grocery store will be overrun with yogurt options in the dairy section. Yogurt, as it is made from milk, has all of the benefits of milk, including calcium, potassium, vitamin B-2, and vitamin B-12. Probiotics are another part of yogurt, which is something people are skeptical about. These are the good bacteria found in the digestive system. They help fight off infections by boosting the immune system. Yogurt also plays a role in reducing the chances of osteoporosis because of the calcium and vitamin D found in it. These two nutrients keep bones healthy and strong.

Below are further examples of dairy sources.

MilkLow-Fat, Skim, Reduced-Fat, Whole Milk, Lactose-Reduced, Lactose-Free, Flavored Milk (Strawberry, Chocolate)
CheeseMozzarella, Cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan, Cottage Cheese, Ricotta, American
YogurtLow-Fat, Fat-Free, Whole Milk Yogurt, Reduced-Fat
SoySoy Milk, Soy Beverages
Milk-Based DessertsIce Milk, Pudding, Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt


Again, this isn’t really a food group, but oils do have essential nutrients your body needs.

Oils of any kind should be consumed in very small amounts; no more than 6 teaspoons of oil should be consumed by anybody.

Many oils are full of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats while being low in saturated fats. If the oil is plant-based, such as olive oil, then it has no cholesterol. Some plant-based oils, such as coconut oil, are high in saturated fats, so be wary of how much oil you use when cooking or eating, as well as what kind you are using.

There are also foods that are made up of lots of oil or have oil in them, such as mayonnaise, fish, and nuts. Just be aware of what you are consuming. Don’t try to have oil tossed and spread over every single thing you eat, and you’ll be fine.

Dietary Guidelines

Control Calorie Intake

As a rule of thumb, if you control your calorie intake and burn the same amount of calories as you consume, your weight will be maintained at the same level. Although this generally makes good sense, there are several problems that may quickly be encountered here. In the first place, counting calories accurately can be complicated. It has been proven in several broad-scale studies that people counting their calorie intake is notoriously bad at getting the figures right. We almost always tend to underestimate the calories we consume and overestimate the amount we burn. Moreover, not all calories are created equal.

On the Subject of Sugar

Over the next 10 years, we will see the escalation of the war on added sugar, which is now recognized as a health threat on par with tobacco. The sugar industry is already starting to put up a fight to defend their business in much the same way that the tobacco industry did; only this time, they have been able to learn from the mistakes made by the big tobacco companies.

Experts now believe that sugar can easily become a completely addictive substance in much the same way as drugs are. In an experiment conducted by French scientists in Bordeaux, it was discovered that rats chose sugar rather than cocaine, even when they were addicted to cocaine.

Here is the real catch: sugar is really difficult to avoid, especially if you eat fast food and ready meals because it is an essential ingredient used by the food industry to add taste. Taste is even more necessary if the fat levels of meals have been lowered to persuade people that they are eating something healthy.

When looking at foods to eat, it’s pretty obvious that you should find the foods that have less sugar. Any foods that have no sugar added are even better. Anything that you might want to add sugar to should not have any sugar in the first place. This way, you won’t be eating too much sugar.

So Where Do We Go From Here?

We may be marketed very aggressively, but we can still choose to eat healthy foods if we want to. Most of the salt and sugar we eat come in the form of real food that is engineered. If we go back to real food, we suddenly find our sugar and salt levels dropping dramatically, and that is not to say anything about colorings and preservatives.

The food industry would have us believe that buying real meat and vegetables is going to hurt our budgets, but considerable research is now proving that this is simply not true. Where food companies are at an advantage is that they sell convenience. Real food needs to be cooked or prepared in some way, whereas much of the prepared food we are sold simply needs to be popped into a microwave for a few minutes, and a lot of fast food does not even require that.

The single most powerful thing you can do to improve both your health and that of your family is to develop a passion for home cooking. Sure, you are busy, and you have had a hard day at work, but isn’t the health of your family more important?

During the course of this book, I will show you several ways to make home cooking easier and more fun. We will also give you some easy, quick-to-prepare recipes that are not only healthy but can also be stored to warm up on those days when you simply don’t want to spend a long time cooking. These are only examples, however, and this is not a cookbook. There are thousands of healthy eating cookbooks on the market, as well as dozens of programs on television.

Why don’t you try eliminating all processed food from your diet for just one week and see how much better you feel? Hopefully, after that, you will be on the road to continuing a healthy lifestyle.

Choose Macro-Nutrients

The literal definition of a macro-nutrient is any substance that a living organism needs in large quantities. Animals that are carnivores need more protein, as their diet is primarily meat. For omnivores, they have a plant-based diet. Then, there are omnivores, like humans. They need a mix of both meat and plants to have a healthy diet. Therefore, the macro-nutrients that an omnivore needs will be much more than what other species need, given that they need a mix of plants and meat.

Dogs are another example of an omnivore, as their diet is a mix of plants and meat. However, they can’t be deprived of meat, even if they are an omnivore. This can cause many issues in their body, as the food they should be eating needs to have a balance. Cats, however, are mainly carnivores. They can’t go without eating meat, as they need more meat than any other food to survive.

Simply put, macro-nutrients are a combination of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. If you are trying to lose weight, it is important that you eat 1 to 1.5 grams of protein, less than a gram of carbohydrates, and around 0.5 to 2.5 grams of fat per pound of your body weight per day. As an example, someone weighing 150 lbs would need to eat 150 to 225 grams of protein, less than 150 grams of carbohydrates, and between 75 and 375 grams of fat each day.

Go Easy on Sodium

Salt is another of those additives that are eating way too much of for our own good, but most of what we do eat does not come from that small quantity we choose to sprinkle over our meals. It is recommended that we consume no more than 2.3 milligrams of salt per day. In the US, the average daily intake is 3.4 milligrams. This excessive intake can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, osteoporosis, and even asthma.

Don’t Starve Yourself

Skipping meals to lose weight does not work! Some people think that if they skip meals, then they are helping themselves lose weight faster. The thing is, if you skip meals or starve yourself, you’re actually slowing down your metabolism, which means that your body stores fat instead of burning it. If your body doesn’t know when its next meal is coming, it will hold on to the fat it has in case energy is needed. Starving yourself has no fat loss benefits and is not healthy in any way, so just don’t do it.

Doing this a few times might make you think that you’re losing weight, but you really aren’t. It can lead to anorexia or any other combination of eating disorders. Moreover, the more that your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs, the more likely it might start breaking down the muscle in your body to give it some energy. Not eating only leads to issues with your body; it doesn’t help you lose weight in a healthy way.

Know More about the Glycemic Index

The glycemic index is a means of measuring the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. It’s important to eat foods with a low glycemic index because they keep your blood sugar levels balanced. Moreover, the body is able to burn these foods efficiently to give you the right amount of energy.

Meanwhile, foods with a high glycemic index cause a spike in your blood sugar levels, thus forcing your body to go into a fat-storing phase. These are the foods you want to avoid. Take a look at the chart below, which provides a sample of commonly eaten foods.

Low GI (less than 55)Apple, Broccoli, Cherries, Grapefruit, Orange, Pear, Tomatoes
Medium GI (56 to 69)Banana, Brown Rice, Oatmeal, Popcorn, Sweet Potato, White Rice, Whole Wheat Bread
High GI (70 and up)Bagel, Doughnuts, Rice Cakes, Pretzels, Watermelon, White Bread, White Potatoes


Read Nutrition Labels

It’s extremely important to read nutrition labels or “nutrition facts” on food packages. Understanding what makes up the food that you eat is important. Knowing if you are eating the right amount of nutrients or if what you’ve bought is high in calories or high in sodium is extremely helpful. Knowing how to read nutrition labels will go a long way in helping you reach your weight loss goals. In the next chapter, you will learn more about reading nutrition labels.



Chapter 2: Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of the best health and fitness trends that involve eating and fasting in cycles. It does not stipulate what you should eat, but when to eat and how. It makes intermittent fasting more of an eating pattern rather than a diet. Intermittent fasting helps in the improvement of your metabolism, protection against diseases, reduction of blood sugar levels, and the best one is losing weight. It is also true that intermittent fasting can reduce heart disease. The most common methods of fasting entail 16 or 24hour fasts which can be done two times a week. Throughout evolution, fasting has been practiced by the early man because they were hunters and gatherers, and they couldn’t always find anything to eat. It resulted in them functioning for long periods without food. While we sleep, it is said that we are already fasting. Intermittent fasting simply comes in whereby you extend the fast by not having breakfast and eating your first meal of the day at midday and your last meal by 8 pm. It will mean that you are doing the 16hour fast and eating within the 8 hour window period. Intermittent fasting is not as hard as people think, and most people feel more energetic when fasting. In the beginning, it may be difficult to fast since the body is still not used to going for long periods without food, but after a short while, you will find out how easy it is to fast. Religious or spiritual purposes are also another reason for fasting. Usually, during a fast, no food is allowed. Only beverages that have no calories, such as water, coffee, or green tea, is allowed. Supplements are also permitted when fasting as long as they don’t have calories in them.


When you choose to embrace the intermittent fasting lifestyle, regardless of what style of this diet, you decide to eat, you stand to gain many incredible benefits. In addition to convenience and flexibility, there several other benefits that you stand to gain. From a reduced likelihood of contracting diseases and illnesses to supporting you in healing from injuries at a greater speed, there is plenty to look forward to from the intermittent fasting diet. In this chapter, we are going to cover some of the biggest reasons as to why intermittent fasting is superior to any other alternative diet that you might consider.

Healthier Way to Lose Weight

Intermittent fasting is a healthier way for people to lose weight. As a result of the flexibility of this diet, you are still able to continue consuming everything healthy for you. Any dietary considerations that you may need to accommodate can quickly be taken into consideration and accounted for with intermittent fasting. This makes it easy and effortless when it comes to losing weight.

Supports Healthy Bodily Functions

Intermittent fasting gives your body time to complete processes and functions before introducing more food into your system. This means that every time you eat, you are giving your body adequate time actually to metabolize the food and use it appropriately.

Finally, intermittent fasting is known for supporting people with gene expression. This means that this dietary habit can support your genes in changing in ways that protect them against diseases and promote a longer lifespan. Your body has a much stronger ability to remain healthy and function when you eat according to the intermittent fasting diet.

Supports You in Healing Faster

When your cells have an easier time restoring themselves, and your body is exposed to less stress, you have an easier time in healing faster. This means that any time you place a physical strain on your body, you can look forward to spending less time healing from that experience.

Activities such as working out require your body to take some downtime to heal in between. Any time you are seeking to increase your muscular strength, you will experience ripping in your muscles. Then, the muscle tissue heals and grows back in a greater quantity. This is what leads to muscle growth. It is also what leads to pain after working out.

When you eat according to the intermittent fasting diet, your ability to heal from this type of damage is improved. This means that you can gain muscle faster and without having a negative impact on your overall health.

In addition to intentional healing that is required after activities such as working out, you will also have an easier time healing from other physical ailments.

You Can Maintain a More Youthful Appearance

Improved cellular repairs and gene expression is not only great for healing, but it is also great for maintaining a youthful vitality! When these functions improve for you, your body’s ability to maintain healthier skin, hair, nails, and other bodily features is improved, too. Also, people who eat the intermittent fasting diet report feeling greater levels of energy. As a result, they can start enjoying life with a greater vitality about them.

Lowers Your Risk of Contracting Diseases

When your immune system is operating optimally, and your entire bodily functions are improved, you can enjoy the benefits of reduced risk of contracting diseases. As you already know, diseases like type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer have been prevented by the intermittent fasting diet. However, this diet can also support you in preventing other potential diseases, too.

Eating the intermittent fasting diet has proven to level out blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol, lower inflammatory markers, and lower blood sugar levels in your blood. This means that you can look forward to having better heart health. You also work toward preventing heart disease by eating this way.

Reduced instances of inflammation markers also mean that the intermittent fasting diet can also support you in preventing or curing symptoms of diseases like fibromyalgia. They can also aid you in healing from chronic fatigue syndrome and other conditions that are typically related to poor inner health.

Your improved diet will also support your healthy brain functions. When you eat per the intermittent fasting diet, you also support the growth of new nerve cells, as well as a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF.) Both of these instances can support you in improving brain health and function overall. This means that you are at a lower risk of experiencing clinical depression, or that you may even be able to reverse the symptoms that you have already experienced. Furthermore, this can also support you in recovering from any damage that could be experienced as a result of a stroke.

Reduces Inflammation and Physical Stress

The intermittent fasting diet is known to eliminate free radicals from your body. This means that you are less likely to experience chronic inflammation and physical stress that is based on nutrition and nourishment.

For many people, chronic inflammation and physical stress that is derived from nourishment can be the root cause of many physical symptoms. Often, people go undiagnosed yet continue to experience frustrating symptoms like pain, swelling, headaches, and metabolic issues when they experience chronic inflammation. This can be frustrating and can lead to a feeling of hopelessness and anger when it comes to trying to resume a healthy and active lifestyle. Intermittent fasting may be able to support you in overcoming these symptoms if they are being caused by chronic inflammation or physical stress.

May Extend Your Lifespan 

Intermittent fasting has shown in some studies that it may be able to extend your lifespan. Many people find themselves living shorter lives with a more inferior quality of experience as a result of poor health. Disease and illness kill far more people each year than actual old age or natural causes do. Using the intermittent fasting diet may support you in preventing these illnesses and diseases so that you can live a longer, healthier, natural life.

Boosts Your Immune System

As a result of the many benefits that you gain from intermittent fasting, you also get to look forward to having an improved immune system. This is from the combination of reduced physical stress, increased cellular reparation abilities, weight loss, and other benefits that you gain from intermittent fasting.

Increased Ketones

Fasting for anywhere from 10-16 hours every single day is said to improve your body’s ability to release ketones into your bloodstream. This releasing of ketones encourages your body to consume and burn fat rather than carbohydrates when it comes to producing energy for you throughout the day.
































Chapter 3: Plant-Based Diet

There has often been some confusion as to whether the plant-based diet is just another word for veganism, or if they are a completely different concept with different rules, so let’s go into that. There are many similarities between the two, but also some distinct differences. Are veganism and a plant-based diet the same thing? The short answer is no. the particular diet that is chosen and the label it is given depends on the individual and the reason they have chosen to live this lifestyle. Many vegans want to be so because they disagree with the slaughter and poor treatment of farm animals, and so they do not consume these foods. They also usually choose not to use leather or wear fur or any other animal products.


Vegans do not eat any sort of meat, or product containing traces of meat. This includes any broths or ingredients such as gelatin. Vegans also do not eat any food products that contain ANY part from an animal, including milk or honey. They do not eat any cheese, or yogurt, or margarine or butter, etc. Some slightly more hidden ingredients that contain animal products are whey and casein. These are all avoided. Vegans get most of their food from plant sources, but they are not strictly whole food plant-based. They may not be as health-conscious, and so many may choose to eat packaged and processed foods yet stay away from those made of animals. This technically still falls within the parameter of their diet.


Plant-based folks eat a primarily plant-derived diet-as close to nature as possible. But this does not mean that they are vegan, or even vegetarian. They may simply choose to eat mostly fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes, etc. However, they may still want to eat meat, and carefully choose meats that are antibiotics free, grass-fed, and lived a free-range life. Many plant-based dieters believe that meat is still an integral part of a healthy diet, and so they just choose the best quality possible.


Whole food, plant-based diets usually take the qualities of both diets and even go a step further. Keeping food whole refers to leaving them in their most natural state. So, vegetables and fruit are eaten as they are fresh, frozen, or dried without preservatives or added flavor. Nuts are natural, without salt or sugar; grains are not refined or enriched or bleached. Most foods are prepared at home, or in a restaurant where the chefs share the same standards, as not to degrade any of the ingredients or take away any of their nutritional value. Many processed foods use what is known as plant fragments, rather than whole plants. They are reduced or extracted or otherwise processed in some way


Gains From A Plant-Based Diet

More and more people are becoming aware of the potential of a whole diet based on food plants to help alleviate and even prevent most chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, leukemia, autoimmune disease, kidney stones, inflammatory bowel disease, and more. A plant-based diet is more affordable, not to mention – particularly when you purchase seasonal local organic produce. So, let’s check some of the advantages of plant-based work.

  • It lowers blood pressure: Plant-based foods tend to have a higher potassium content, the benefits of which include: reducing blood pressure and reducing stress and anxiety. Many potassium-rich foods contain beans, almonds, seeds, whole grains, and berries. On the other hand, meat contains very little or no potassium.
  • It lowers cholesterol: Plants contain NO cholesterol, including saturated forms such as chocolate and coffee. Therefore, living a plant-based diet will help you reduce the body’s cholesterol levels, resulting in lower heart disease risks.
  • Checks your blood sugar levels: Foods based on plants tend to have a lot of protein. It helps slow down blood sugar production and leave you feeling full for more extended periods of time. It also helps to balance the levels of cortisol in the body, reducing stress.
  • It helps prevent and fight off chronic diseases: The rates of chronic diseases such as cancer, obesity, and diabetes are usually meager in societies where a majority of people live a plant-based lifestyle. It has also been proven that this diet will prolong the lives of those already suffering from these chronic diseases.
  • It is suitable for weight loss: In societies where a majority of people live a plant-based lifestyle, rates of chronic diseases like cancer, obesity, and diabetes are usually very low. It has also been shown that this diet can prolong the life of those who already suffer from these chronic diseases.

What to Look Out For When Adopting this Lifestyle 

Protein is always a significant concern for most people who want to go plant-based. There is this notion that the mainstream media, backed by large meat producers, perpetuates that protein is found only in meat. Okay, this is simply not true. A lot of food comes from typical foods, including almonds, peas, oats, and brown rice.


Nutrients such as calcium are also often marketed as originating only from animal sources. The truth is that there is a lot of calcium in foods like kale, broccoli, and almonds. If calcium comes from meat, ask yourself, from where did the animal get it? It’s definitely the greens they’re eating.











Chapter 4: Kato Diet

A ketogenic diet, or Keto, is a low-carb, high-fat, and moderate-protein diet, which is based on the theory that if you get most of your calories from fat, rather than carbohydrates, your body will have to burn fat for energy.


The critical thing to be aware of with this diet is that if you eat a lot of carbs e.g., bread, pasta, sweets, etc., your body will produce high levels of glucose and insulin. Insulin is needed to carry the glucose throughout the bloodstream. However, as glucose is easily converted into energy, it will be your body’s first choice when it needs fuel.


However, once you limit the intake of carbs and proteins, you will force your body to start using alternative sources of energy, i.e., the fat stored in various parts of your body. That’s when your body starts producing ketones and goes into ketosis. This is the primary purpose of the ketogenic diet – to reach a state of ketosis.



What is the Ketogenic Diet About?


To experience most of the benefits of this diet, all you have to do is limit the carbs intake to 50 grams of carbs a day (ideally, it should be only 20 grams). Surviving on so few carbs is not easy, especially in the beginning, but keep in mind that the fewer carbs you take, the sooner

`you will reach ketosis and start losing weight.



However, don’t force this diet upon yourself at all costs, for it does not suit everyone. Be particularly careful if you are on chronic medication or suffer from a chronic condition that could be made worse with a drastic reduction of carbs. In either case, it’s best to consult your medical practitioner before deciding to try Keto. Besides, to stay healthy with so few carbs and protein, you have to work out how to compensate for the nutrients you’re deprived.


The foods you are not supposed to eat on this diet include, unfortunately, most of the foods we eat a lot of, e.g., grains, sweets, fruits, starches, beans, legumes, etc. The trick to succeeding with a keto diet is to avoid or limit these foods but stay healthy.


When you first go on a keto diet, your body will be in a shock for the first few days, and you may continuously have headaches, feel irritable, or be generally weak.  Fortunately, these symptoms of keto-adaptation will go away after a week or so.


The easiest way of reaching ketosis, and starting to burn fat,  is to follow the basic principles of the ketogenic lifestyle.

Keto  health Benefits

Diets are often met with criticism, and the keto diet is not immune to controversy. In particular, some have raised concerns about the high fat intake that Keto requires, as fatty foods are known to raise cholesterol and cause heart disease. However, studies had shown that when carefully planned and adhered to, low-carb regimens win out against all others. They are not only advantageous to those trying to lose weight but come with a whole host of extra health benefits that will improve your overall wellbeing.

In some cases, the keto diet can even reduce your cholesterol levels. Let’s delve deeper into the various perks of the keto diet. The main process at play with the ketogenic diet is ketosis. Entering this metabolic state has been shown to positively impact the body in several ways, even if you are only on a diet for a brief period. Ketosis itself has several benefits. It has been shown to:


improves the body’s ability to draw on fats as an energy source.

Spare your proteins, as your body starts to use ketones as fuel instead.

Lower insulin levels in the body, which influences the secretion of growth hormones.


Now let’s get to grips with some of the overall benefits of the ketogenic diet.


Suppressed appetite – Most diets require you to reduce your overall food consumption, and the consequential hunger is likely to cause you some discomfort. Hunger is a stumbling block for many, and an important reason why so many dieters fail. Low-carb diets, on the other hand, have the added benefit of reducing your appetite. Cutting carbs and substituting them with fats and proteins means you cut your caloric intake without going hungry.


Increased potential for weight loss – Compared with many other popular diets, low-carb regimens promotes a much faster rate of weight loss. Low levels of carbohydrates help reduce the excess water in the body, which often accounts for a considerable percentage of our unwanted pounds. Moreover, the keto diet diminishes insulin levels, flushing the body of the surplus sodium that retains the extra weight.


Reduction of triglycerides – The presence of triglycerides, or fat molecules, in the body correlates strongly with illnesses like heart disease. The fewer carbs you consume, the fewer triglycerides there are in your system, which is great news for your long-term health.


More good cholesterol – You may be under the impression that cholesterol is universally bad for you. Still, there is, in fact, a form of cholesterol that reduces the risk of heart disease: high-density lipoprotein or HDL. The increased consumption of fats associated with the keto diet raises levels of HDL. HDL is not only a positive addition to your system, but it helps eradicate bad cholesterol (LDL) from your bloodstream.


Reduced blood sugar and insulin levels – Carbohydrate-rich foods are broken down into simple sugars by our digestive system, which inevitably elevates blood sugar levels. Insulin is needed to combat these toxins. A high-carb diet, maintained over a long period, can interfere with the body’s ability to produce insulin, leading to type 2 diabetes. The ketogenic diet is advantageous in this regard, as it lowers blood sugar and insulin levels significantly.


Natural treatment for cancer – According to some researchers, disciplined regulation of your body’s metabolic functions can potentially reduce the risk of and even treat cancer. Low-carb diets deprive cancerous cells of fuel, as these types of cells feed off of glucose and cannot adapt to the shift in energy sources involved with ketosis. As a result, the keto diet may be able to prevent cancerous cells from spreading.


Treatment for metabolic syndrome – Metabolic syndrome is a severe medical condition that increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. There are numerous symptoms, including:

Low levels of HDL

High triglyceride levels

Raised fasting blood sugar levels

Elevated blood pressure


Therapy for some brain disorders – Certain parts of our brains rely exclusively on glucose for fuel. This is why our livers need to derive glucose from protein if our carb intake is low. However, larger sections of the brain are capable of using ketones for fuel. With the keto diet, certain biochemical changes may occur in the brain, which can potentially eradicate the circuit system that is responsible for seizures. Think back to Hugh Conklin and his use of the ketogenic diet as a treatment for sufferers of epileptic seizures – 50% of his patients reported their condition was much improved.












Chapter 5:Detox Diet

Detox diets are generally short-term dietary interventions designed to eliminate toxins from your body. A typical detox diet involves a period of fasting, followed by a strict diet of fruit, vegetables, fruit juices, and water. Sometimes a detox also includes herbs, teas, supplements, and colon cleanse or enemas. This is claimed to:

  • Rest your organs by fasting
  • Stimulate your liver to get rid of toxins
  • Promote toxin elimination through feces, urine, and sweat
  • Improve circulation
  • Provide your body with healthy nutrients

Detox therapies are most commonly recommended because of potential exposure to toxic chemicals in the environment or your diet. These include pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, and other harmful compounds.

Why Detoxification?

The first step to healing your body of any disease is to identify the root cause of the health crisis. Once you identify the root cause of what is keeping you sick, you can detoxify the body of those accumulated toxins, which can aid in eliminating the root cause, which is keeping you sick. An accumulation of toxins lies in the colon, small intestines, digestive tract, blood, and tissue and may eventually lead to ill health and disease. Once you get to the root cause of the problem and remove the toxins within the body, the body can begin to heal and repair itself.

Detoxification of the body will help to rid the body of the accumulated toxins that caused the illness or ailment in the first place. For detoxification to be the most effective, it should be done in a specific order to make sure the channels of elimination are clear to release the toxins. During detoxification, you may feel sick and lethargic, and this is due to a Herxheimer reaction, also known as a healing crisis. Detoxification can make you feel as if you are coming down with the flu, but this will pass once you are released from your body. During detoxification, it is imperative to get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water to flush the toxins out of your system.

How to Detoxify the Body Properly:

There are many ways to detoxify the body and which method works for you will depend upon your level of toxicity and various health conditions. You see, one detox method may work well for one person but may not work well for another because everyone is trying to heal from different health conditions in which the root cause may be different, and the levels of toxicity will vary from individual to individual.

One person may have infections, biofilms, and parasites, which will cause chronically ill conditions in which it may take many years to detoxify the body properly, peeling away the layers of toxins and inflammation. Another person may only have mild toxicity and be able to detoxify the body in 30 days or less and see a huge difference. We are all different, and no matter which case you are experiencing, you need to practice patience, which is much easier said than done.

If you have chronic infections, biofilms, candida, and parasites in healing leaky gut, advanced adrenal fatigue, and other chronic issues. It might take having to heal the gut lining first and getting rid of biofilm infections before the body begins to respond to any of the detoxification protocols. The reason is that if you suffer from intestinal permeability (aka; leaky gut), detoxification will not work as well or sometimes at all because any supplement you take or food you eat is not being appropriately absorbed because it is escaping through the holes in the digestive tract and directly into the bloodstream. Also, if you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), this can hinder the detox process because your body is not working normally to detoxify properly. Even eating the healthiest foods can make your health worse because you cannot assimilate your diet or the nutrients properly. Therefore, it can take years of healing the gut lining to be able to detoxify the body properly.

Once you have detoxified your body and begin to eat very clean and free from allergenic foods, you may notice that you will be able to “feel” what is happening in your body. This is how you tap into the ability that God gave to everyone. God gave us all the ability to heal ourselves, but if you are constantly bombarding your body with toxic foods and chemicals, then your pathways are clogged. Once you unclog those detox pathways and start eating clean, you can begin to “feel” what happens in your body. Listen to your body, keep a journal if necessary, to identify what you eat while you are detoxing so you can begin to notice any patterns. Eating clean, detoxing the body, and keeping a journal will help you to become more sensitive to what your body is telling you, and you can tap into the God-given ability to heal yourself.

Support Digestion and Weight Management. Detoxification can also help with long-term weight management by removing the toxins that are currently interfering with proper metabolic function and helping to set you up with healthy habits.

Reduce Inflammation. Diet is an essential aspect of detox.  By supporting your digestive system through eating a diet of whole foods packed full of the nutrients your body needs, you will help to reduce inflammation that contributes to a host of problems.

Promote Healthy Skin. Diet and environmental toxins undeniably affect the skin. By supporting the body in the removal of free radicals, heavy metals, and other toxins, you will help to improve the appearance of your skin.

Strengthen Your Immune System. After your detoxification, your body will have better digestive and lymphatic function.  Both of these are key to a healthy and balanced immune system.

Alzheimer’s and other mental problem toxins and free radicals that accumulate in the body can also affect brain function. By removing the accumulations interfering with your mental and emotional state, you will open yourself up to better sleep, clear thought, and positive energy.





Chapter 7: 10 Days Detox Plan

10 Day Breakfast Plan

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is the meal that supplies you with the most energy for the day so care should be taken what you eat.

It is therefore important to plan out what you are going to have for breakfast so you won’t run out of energy during the rest of the day.

Also, bear in mind that as you start detoxing for the first time, you will experience a few symptoms like lightheadedness, flatulence, and more frequent trips to the bathroom. It is therefore ideal to start diet therapy on a weekend to give your body time to adjust and avoid those embarrassing moments.

Here is a 10-day breakfast suggestion list which you can mix and match as desired:

Day 1: Fresh fruit smoothie– Make a smoothie from a serving of fresh fruit and natural yogurt. If you must sweeten, use honey rather than sugar or an artificial sweetener.

Day 2: Oatmeal– have a serving of oatmeal topped with berries, bananas and natural yogurt instead of cream

Day 3: All veggie sandwiches– use carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Create your own dressing from apple cider and olive oil and sprinkle with black pepper. Use thin slices of dark rye bread or a cornmeal taco.

Day 4: Fruit Porridge– Whip up a fruit porridge made from fresh fruit and natural yogurt. Sweeten with honey.

Day 5: – Instead of bacon and eggs, go for a side of grilled salmon and egg whites or skip the eggs and have a side salad

Day 6: Fresh Veggie smoothie – same as your fresh fruit but use celery, carrots, beets or any of your favorite vegetables

Day 7: Muesli and yogurt. Have homemade muesli made from your favorite raw seeds, nuts, and dried fruit and serve with natural yogurt.

Day 8: Tuna Veggie sandwich. Have a tuna sandwich with light rye bread with canned tuna, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers with a vinegar and olive oil dressing.

Day 9:  Fresh fruit platter with rice biscuits

Day 10: Veggie sticks, this is a good breakfast of carrots, celery, and any of your favorite vegetables. Pair with a light dressing of balsamic vinegar and olive oil with a dash of cracked black pepper.

Accompany your breakfast with lemon, ginger or chamomile tea or detox




10 Day Lunch Plan

Lunch is meant to sustain your energy for the remaining hours.

For lunch, feel free to have any of the other foods that you should eat. Pack it with as much fruit and vegetables as needed. Some suggestions for a great lunch are as follows:

Day 1: Stir-fried Veggies. Using a Chinese wok, stir fry carrots, broccoli, bell papers, mushrooms in olive oil. Add a lemon squeeze, ginger and a dash of pepper

Day 2: Grilled Tuna Steak – have a grilled tuna side with a dash of lemon and rock salt, some dill, and basil. Pair with a side salad or a jacket potato.

Day 3: Bean and Lentil soup – use any type of beans or lentils. Skip the cream and add tomatoes and onions. Pair it with oatcakes.

Day 4: Prawn Salad Delight – Whip up a salad of cherry tomatoes, oranges, avocados, greens, and some prawns. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and olive oil

Day 5: Steamed Salmon– Instead of your usual grilled fish, wrap a side of salmon in Bok choi or spinach leaves with some leeks, tomatoes, and spring onions. Season the salmon with dill and basil and drizzle with lemon or balsamic vinegar then steam. Serve with brown rice.

Day 6: Mushroom Tuna Stir Fry – Stir fry tuna flakes with some mushrooms, bell peppers, leeks, and carrots for an Oriental twist.

Day 7: Eggplant Salad. Steam and eggplant then serve it shredded with onions, leeks, and tomatoes. Pair with fish or grilled chicken breast.

Day 8: Homemade guacamole and shrimp – make guacamole from avocado, lemon juice, tomatoes, garlic, and fresh chilies. Serve with shrimp and vegetable crudités.

Day 9: Mediterranean salad. Toss arugula, salad greens, avocado, tomatoes, pistachios, or any kind of nuts and some fresh basil. Season with olive oil and black pepper. Pair with grill fish or chicken breast.

Day 10: Vegetable Soup is a good lunch to pair with vegetable sticks. Stir in your favorite mix of vegetables into prawn stock with some tomatoes and pepper. Add a few mint leaves or lemongrass for a sizzling bite.

Accompany your lunch with plain or detox water. In fact, keep drinking your detox water instead of a snack. If you must then go for unsalted nuts, fresh fruit slices, or juiced up fruits and vegetables. Oh and skip the cigarettes too.

10-day Dinner Plan


Close your day with a good detoxifying dinner. As it goes, dinner should be your lightest meal. During your 10-day detoxifying period, skip out any dinner invitation or if you have, go for salads and fish.

Again here is a 10-day dinner plan that should go well with your breakfast and lunch plans.

Day 1: Potato and bean casserole. Sauté a selection of your favorite vegetables with onions, garlic, and parsnip in olive oil. Add potatoes and carrots then fresh vegetable stock and your favorite beans. Season with black pepper and sea salt and simmer until the casserole thickens

Day 2: Grilled Vegetable kebabs – Make a vegetable kebab by skewering onions, potatoes, peppers, and carrots and grill. Include some pineapple chunks for a sweetish taste and pair with grilled trout

Day 3: Sweet and Sour stir-fry. Stir fry some Bok choi, kale, onions, peppers, and mushrooms before adding canned pineapple chunks and fresh or canned tomatoes. Add some apple cider or white wine vinegar and honey. Boil then simmer until the sauce thickens.

Day 4: Vegetable curry – Sauté a selection of potatoes, carrots, turnips with onions in olive or sesame oil. Stir in some pepper, curry, and saffron for a golden glaze then add in bell peppers, Pair with brown rice.

Day 5: Salmon and tuna sushi– Go Japanese with detoxifying salmon and tuna sushi in brown rice rather than white with fresh carrot, cucumber, and radish shreds. Skip the soy sauces and use lemon and wasabi for a unique kick.

Day 6: Mushroom Mignon ramen – Stir fry tuna or salmon fillets with some mushrooms, and leeks before adding fish or prawn stock. Stir in glass noodles and leafy greens.

Day 7: Zucchini Stir fry. Stir fry zucchini or eggplant slices with pepper, carrots, and leaks then season with white wine or apple cider vinegar, Top with sliced tomatoes and server with fish or grilled chicken breast.

Day 8: Baked Salmon and Steamed vegetables. – Bake a fillet of salmon and serve on a bed of steamed broccoli and cauliflower.

Day 9: Prawn and vegetable ramen. This oriental comfort soup consists of prawns, Bok choi, radish, leeks and carrot strips stewed in fish or prawn stock with glass or thin rice noodles. Season with mint and lemongrass.

Day 10: Mandarin Chicken salad. Toss salad greens with pine nuts and mandarin orange wedges and some grilled chicken breasts. Drizzle with lime and honey and a few drops of olive oil.

Accompany your dinner with plain or detox water. You may also have natural fruit or vegetable juices.





I would like to personally thank you for reading this book. We put a lot of effort to compile it and our main goal is to provide value to your lives.

I deeply wish that this book gave you the spark to become a better, healthier version of yourself. You are capable of anything! As they say, impossible is nothing. So the best time to act is now!

It is far better to take small imperfect steps than waiting for the perfect moment, where everything will hopefully lock in place. This rarely happens in life, so please take some action from today and commit to change your life! As time goes by it will become effortless and part of who you are!





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