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On-Page SEO Services Available

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On-Page SEO Services Available

On-site services give you a lot of control over your site’s optimisation. Such elements are independent of external factors. This gives you the freedom to change and leverage them into your brand awareness and customer engagement strategy.

You can use them in any combination for a well-rounded and effective content marketing strategy. Let’s take a brief look at such services and how they can improve your business.

Optimising Title Tags

These elements feature in search engine results based on specific user queries. Keyword usage and prescribe lengths are the best practices when optimising title tags. Creating captivating title tags is a great way to rise in rankings by enticing users into clicking on your site.

Optimising Meta Tags

These tags appear as brief descriptions under title tags on search results. They give users a rough idea on what they’ll get once they load your website. Best practices include making them brief (just 160 characters, including the spaces).

Optimised Content

This is an essential part of any SEO strategy. So, you should skip any SEO company that doesn’t feature it on their list of services. Optimised content needs to be well researched, contain valuable keywords and the right word count. It also needs to provide a Captivating CTA (Call-To-Action) so that your users know what to do after reading.

Use of Headings

Heading guide your users as they read your content. Each heading should come with a sequential tag that starts with H1 and moves on to H2, H3 and so forth. H1 tags are crucial as search engines use them to determine your content’s relevance to a specific search query.

Optimised URLs

Optimised URLs are brief, tidy and contain the desired keywords. Longer URLs tend to overwhelm search engines; therefore, rank lower on search indexes. So, you should avoid any SEO agencies that don’t feature them on their list of services.


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