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Police officers today depend more on technology

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Police officers today depend more on technology

Police officers today depend more on technology to execute their daily duties and their investigative purposes. Technologies help to identify vital information and also in processing digital evidences. In city X, investigators will use footage collected from traffic cameras and those the cameras installed by business people on their premises. They will also use footage from surveillance cameras from the crime scenes. They will collect all this information and compare it to find if there are any similarities. Traffic cameras help in tracking the criminals and in identifying the vehicles they used or, in some cases, the cameras capture their faces. The investigators publish their information, including their physical appearance and attach a reward for anyone who provides information about their whereabouts. Analysis of Fingerprints collected from the crime scenes by analysts using a laser or a vapor wand, is “uploaded to the Combined DNA Information System (CODIS) and sent to other agencies.” Such data helps investigators see forensic evidence from other agencies to know its connection to the crime under investigation and the criminals pattern of offenses. Crime mapping tool helps the analyst to know if there is a relationship between the crimes in surrounding areas and that of city X. The analyst can develop complex mapping information using Geographical Information Software.

Analyzes of the Pattern of Robbery Activity

The investigators need to use the SARA method. SARA is “a relatively straightforward process that involves scanning your area of responsibility for problems, conducting a reasonably in-depth analysis of the source of the problem and resources available to assist with the problem’s solution, designing, and implementing a response to the problem and assessing the effectiveness of your solution.” The investigators of the city X robbery require following the SARA method. First, they need to identify he problem which in this case is an rise in robbery incidences in the city X area and collect the raw data. This information will come from the report from law enforcers dealing with the case, surrounding jurisdiction and the city’s tactical report. The investigators will need to analyze the statistical information and reports from the police officers in the area. The policing agency requires visiting the area after five years to determine the changes experienced regarding the robberies.

Synthesizing Data and Concluding

The analyst need to unify all the data, go through it, and remove irrelevant information and have only a fine detailed information about the robberies. The investigators will have to interview eye witnesses of the robberies and evaluate the police reports. They will also need to reexamine footages from cameras to ensure that no details were missed out during the investigation. The investigators will also evaluate the statistic information and check for any changes in robbery crimes during a specified period. The analyst will have to arrange the data collected in a specific order to make it easy to pick data needed when the offenders get caught. The well arranged information will help relevant bodies determine what to do to end or reduce crime in city X and surrounding areas.

The collected information shows that city X has rapidly grown and increased in population and number of businesses in the last six years. Most robberies have been reported in banks located in the central business areas and happen during pick hours when its busy and there are many customers. Organized robbers strike and steal from cahiers in that confusion and get away using an identified car wanting outside the bank. Other robbery has been reported in gas stations when there is slow traffic and fewer customers, between 11:00pm and 3:00pm. The analyst concludes that police patrols should be increased along the highway where most gas stations prune to these robberies are located and in the city centres where there are many activities. They also conclude that banks should use ensure their employees feel appreciated and valued to avoid internal arrangement by robbers.

Investigative Units

Effective strategic investigative plan require cooperation between relevant investigative units such as policing agency, analysts, forensic team, patrol officers, detectives and jurisdictions. The policing agencies of city X will require to deploy more patrol offices in the area to help reduce criminal activities in the area.

Funding, Supplies, and equipment

For investigative plan to succeed there needs to be specific equipment for the various units. For example, the analysts will need computers with high speed internet and GIS and CODIS software. The computers will need to have police reports database. The technicians helping to collect data from the crime scene need to have a laser or a vapor wand. The analyst will also require video player to help assess the footage collected from the cameras.

Over 13,000 agencies need funds from the Department of Justice which is also ready a heavy burden. The policing agencies have to provide convincing need to prove to the Department of Justice that there is critical need for the money to have it approved.


Accurate and organized information is necessary for any crime analysis to be carried out effectively. Analysts need to follow a plan to help them address crime problems in an area. They also need to work with different investigative units. After synthesizing the data from the different departments, the analyst can then use the information to get a solutions to the problem. In the case of city X, the investigative plan shows an increase in robbery cases in the area and surrounding jurisdictions. The solution is to increase patrol officers in all areas.



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