Table of Contents
The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a research analysis on the citizens of the UK to understand about their mental health condition and its direct connection to poverty. In this assignment, the purpose of the assignment, along with materials, procedures, and outcomes are given. A study that was done in 2015 compared to the mental health of the people from 2005 to 2012 showed the result of women more susceptible to mental health issues in comparison to men. In this assignment, there is a detailed discussion about the poverty and mental health of the UK and its consequences on the standard mass.
Aim of the research
To find out and initiate the mental health policy implementation and improvement in the UK (Mowat, 2019).
To increased mental health conditions relying on the evidence that has been collected from the research and communicated to other developing countries.
The design of the research was the more descriptive type where a questionnaire is served to the participants related to the experiment. It is a survey type of research study, where the primary data are collected for analysis and further research on mental health and poverty.
The independent variable in the research is the sample questionnaire survey that is given to the respondents, the respondents are only supposed to answer the questions that are offered, and within the guidelines that are instructed, it is under the control of experimenting researchers.
The dependent variables of the research are what is not under the control of the research that is the answers of the respondents to the questions of the survey.
The research was conducted on over 180 people from the low financial status of the society. They were specially recruited to understand and analyze how poverty can affect the well-being of the mental health of an individual. The study is mainly aimed at the lower stratus of people as they tend to face various mental health issues because of their financial background. The respondents of the research work are collected from Bath, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, and Cambridge of the UK. The ethnicity of the people is mostly British, but some are mixed, and two participants are British African Caribbean people. The education level is low, and all are married people. This study was approved by the ethics committed to ensuring the dignity, safety, and participants as the primary consideration of research work data (Bass, 2019).
The assessment that was carried out on the participants are –
- Appropriate awareness is generated by dealing with the variables that are necessary for the proper mental health policy.
- Awareness also generated involving the factors that are essential for the appropriate mental health policy.
- The study outcome thus received has been utilized for the improved mental health conditions in the country of the UK and other developing countries.
- Information and communication of it, maximized in participatory places and institutions (Wickham et al. 2016)
A questionnaire set of 200 questions of multiple-choice types was given to the participants to fill up. The questions where mostly personal interrogating the personal mental health and financial condition of each individual (Lai and Taylor-Robinson, 2018). The research was strictly kept confidential so that the respondents feel comfortable to answer each of them honestly. After submission of the questionnaire, a small interview session of 10 minutes, each was conducted where the participants were asked basic questions to understand their day to day life and condition.
The research of mental health and poverty was carried out on evaluating papers that report the below criteria
The study was mainly done on communal settings
The people who were asked to participate in the activity are usually declared as low income as stated by the World Bank (Bentley and Barr, 2018).
The task included asking the respondents to answer the set of questionnaires honestly and taking as much time required, followed by a brief interview interaction between the researcher and respondent. The guidelines of how to feel up the form were mentioned before the questionnaire was distributed so that they do not face problems while answering. The questions were kept short and easy in language for everyone to understand. The respondents were left alone at the time of answering the questions so that they can be comfortable and be themselves while answering those questions. A calm and safe environment was maintained. There were specific personal questions that have been asked in the questionnaire to each of the participants. Where the guarantee was given on the personal data will remain confidential. The debrief form was given at the end for the participants to fill up after the completion of the research.
The methodology included the measurement of mental health and the direct or indirect impact of poverty on mental health. The research analyzed each part separately as there remains a chance of overlap between the subgroups of the mental disorders through the epidemiological study shows the similarity between the common outcomes of similar mental disorders (Payne, 2018).
Therefore the policy method used here is an analysis research method to understand how the mental condition deteriorates in a healthy person due to poverty. The research thus conducted follows the WHO guidelines for the questionnaire assessment tool (Green et al. 2018).
Ethical consideration
There were no ethical issues related to confidentiality of data that were not found. The researchers here have taken special measures to see that the mental health of the respondents is not further harm; hence all the data were kept confidential as promised. From the very beginning, the respondent’s dignity was prioritized on all levels. Lastly, the researchers obtained the full consent of the participant before involving him in the research work, and utmost precautions were taken to ensure the full privacy of the research, participants, and data collected (Wickham et al. 2017).
It can be concluded that in this assignment, it is shown how mental health is related to poverty and the purpose why it is required to address such issues, which does affect not only the individual but also the families, community, and society as a whole. The assignment has outlined the mental health and poverty across life and harm it can cause to the affected individual in countries like the UK. In such mental cases, it is recommended for the individual to get support from his family, learn self-management, and community development.
Reference list
Wickham, S., Whitehead, M., Taylor-Robinson, D., and Barr, B., 2017. The effect of a transition into poverty on child and maternal mental health: a longitudinal analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study. The Lancet Public Health, 2(3), pp.e141-e148.
Green, M.J., Stritzel, H., Smith, C., Popham, F. and Crosnoe, R., 2018. Timing of poverty in childhood and adolescent health: evidence from the US and UK. Social Science & Medicine, 197, pp.136-143.
Payne, S., 2018. Poverty and mental health. In Breadline Britain in the 1990s (pp. 159-176). Routledge.
Bentley, L. and Barr, B., 2018. Poverty and income support among older people with disabilities and out of work in the UK and Canada. European Journal of Public Health, 28(suppl_4), pp.cky213-817.
Lai, E.T. and Taylor-Robinson, D., 2018. Simulating the impact of poverty reduction on social inequalities in adolescent mental health in the UK: a causal mediation analysis using the UK Millennium Cohort Study. The Lancet, 392, p.S48.
Mowat, J.G., 2019. Exploring the impact of social inequality and poverty on the mental health and wellbeing and attainment of children and young people in Scotland. Improving Schools, 22(3), pp.204-223.
Bass, J., 2019. The Relationship Between Mental Health and Poverty in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. In The Routledge Handbook of International Development, Mental Health and Wellbeing (pp. 58-68). Routledge.
Wickham, S., Barr, B. and Taylor-Robinson, D., 2016. Impact of moving into poverty on maternal and child mental health: longitudinal analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study. The Lancet, 388, p.S4.