Prisoner reentry refers to returning to the community by the released prisoners
Question 1
Prisoner reentry refers to returning to the community by the released prisoners (Staff, 2016). It is one of the delicate processes since the individuals in society do not welcome those people warmly, an aspect which makes them become victims. Most of the people affected by that cold welcome in the community are youth, a scenario that triggers them to do unexpected things. A perfect example is in the USA, whereby the youthful prisoners face a challenging environment aa situation that hinders them from becoming productive members of society. The research shows that within three years after release, 67.80 % of the ex-offenders are rearrested.
Furthermore, within five years, 76.60 % of the ex-offenders are rearrested (Staff, 2016). Lack of good connection with the family members and society makes these individuals become victims of alienation. As a result of isolation or rejection, they find themselves involved in recidivism and got rearrested.
Question 2
As a court judge o probation officer, it is necessary to exhibit some professional traits while dealing with reentry, especially youth. The court judges and officers are trained to understand that offenders are also human beings despite being guilty. Besides, they understand that life is not smooth in detention facilities since there is a limitation of freedom. While in the detention facility, they are separated by their loved ones, which may affect them emotionally and psychologically. Also, there is this painted perception that the detention facility is for the “criminals,” which is not always the case. It is situations that can make victims have low self-esteem or some psychological imbalances that can lead to recidivism. With all that understanding, a juvenile court judge or officer will handle the reentry of a youthful offender with a lot of care. There is a need to show understanding and a high level of acceptance to reduce recidivism, especially by youth offenders.