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Purchasing equipment

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Purchasing equipment

Purchasing new equipment is very important, and it requires a lot of research and consideration. Every company wants to buy or lease equipment knowing or being assured of returns within a good time. The buying or leasing equipment is under the purchasing and procurement departments, which is responsible for buying equipment and production materials to ensure a smooth and profitable production is taking place. My week five business report will propose to purchase the manager coca-cola North America region to adopt a new process of purchasing equipment. Other members involved in decision making to give the go-ahead of purchasing new equipment include production, marketing, and human resource, managers because the company aims to increase productivity, efficiency, and profit.

The first step of the purchasing process should be assessing the business reality, getting an external point of view, consulting external experts to make sure they arrive with the best purchase. Also, they should invest in digital technologies, create a technology road map, remember the training, shop around, decide whether to buy or lease, keep safety first, choose quality over price, and keep it green. The benefits of such a process are many, including an increase in productivity, processes, and the capacity to innovate. This prevents the company from being competitive because it will produce well-designed new goods in the market and in a timely fashion. Second, the company will be able to achieve its short-term and long-term goals because growth is not limited. The third is  the company will save a lot of time and resources by using the new purchasing process, which is also less costly.

The following professional sources will be used to support the recommendation to use a new process of purchasing equipment.

BDC. 2020. 9 Tips For Making The Right Equipment Purchase. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 June 2020].

BDC. 2020. 6 Tips For Buying The Best Business Equipment ǀ BDC.Ca. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 June 2020]. 2020. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 June 2020].

Summit Financial Resources. 2020. What To Consider Before Purchasing Business Equipment – Summit Financial Resources. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 June 2020].



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