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Question 4

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Question 4

Is United States an empire or an imperial force?

The United States is more of an imperial force rather than an empire. Notably, the country possesses a massive influence on the economies, military powers, and the cultures of other countries. Imperialism in the US is rooted in the country’s regard for other countries. She sees herself as an exceptional country and different from the rest. Equipped with economic power and military power, the US holds the element of influence amongst other countries. Easily swaying their opinions and ideologies using its powers. These cross border impacts put forth the impact that US has on other countries thanks to the powers it holds over other sovereign states.

In essence, Imperial force possessed by the US is more of a beneficial element within these influenced countries. Essentially, it opens up other countries economically and culturally. The third world countries exploit this element of Imperialism and thus gain access to technological materials and better healthcare facilities. Proactive access to the healthcare boost the nations’ healthcare webs. Territorial defenses are also strengthened thanks to a borderless approach. Cultural exposures and agricultural surges are also gained through imperialism. Presence of a higher power tends to do away with imposed tariffs and embrace economically viable trends. This improves the economies and increases markets of these countries.

Should US be an empire?

Yes America should be considered an empire. Already a world superpower with powerful economy, military, alliances, science and technological superiority and global influence, US holds sort of hegemonic element. In the current world American can be termed as an empire thanks to the world status it possesses. Politically, US influences the running of other nations indirectly synonymous to any empire. These point to the negation of freedom, self-improvement and liberation within these smaller countries. US smothers these within countries and essentially positioning itself as an empire.


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