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recommendation for the applicant that shares your perspective on why AA high school would be a positive educational experience for their academic, social and personal growth

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recommendation for the applicant that shares your perspective on why AA high school would be a positive educational experience for their academic, social and personal growth

  1. Please Write a recommendation for the applicant that shares your perspective on why AA high school would be a positive educational experience for their academic, social and personal growth. Discuss both strengths and areas for growth. Please attach your response of 3000 characters or less, approximately 500 words on a separate paper.

DD is strong in a free and creative environment out of the standard frame. Therefore, AA HIGH SCHOOL would be a positive experience for him. During the open house, I saw the shops where the students can do all the hands-on experience. DD loves to make things on his own, like making computers. Also, he loves to help his dad when his dad is fixing our own house. Two years ago, DD helped his dad with placing a new roof. He was not scared at all on top of the roof, and I was able to see him enjoying it. I strongly feel that AA HIGH SCHOOL is the school where my son would be able to get the education for real life.

Also, he told me about the class during shadowing, “Mom, I really like the class at AA HIGH SCHOOL. I learned a lot about genes, including DNA. It was a great lesson. I love it.” I never saw him making a big compliment about the class at school. His eyes were shiny when he was talking about it. I saw the life lessons in the class through his talking, not like other boring dead lessons in the classroom in other schools. I know my son, and this is why I think AA HIGH SCHOOL fits for him.

To discuss his strengths, he is good at several aspects like computer, music, science and math. However, among all things, the best is his warm heart. His grandfather had been critically ill since last year and passed away this October. During this hard time, he was a great comfort for me. He was a big help during in and out of his grandfather’s hospitalization in *** (OTHER COUNTRY’S NAME) – helping him with toileting and walking at hospitals. And in the funeral, he was one of the men carrying the casket to be cremated. I was too shocked and sad, but he and his father would be there and support me. I was sincerely thankful to him. When I drop him off to AA HIGH SCHOOL for shadowing, I felt a warm welcome from the students at AA HIGH SCHOOL; I feel like the students are delighted there. I want my son to be one of them. He will be a happy, creative man who goes through his own life, after learning all the skills, live education and love from happy people at AA HIGH SCHOOL.

DD has some areas that need growth, and I am determined that AA HIGH SCHOOL is the best school to foresee his growth. First, DD needs to be organized and needs to remain quiet in the class. His drawers were always messed when he was in elementary school, so I would like him to be neater and more organized. His backpack is always messed if I am not checking even though I see a lot of progress since middle school. Sometimes some teachers say he is too talkative. Other teachers, sometimes, say he is humorous and very proactive in the class. I like his humor as well. He often makes me laugh. Sometimes he continues it in the class. I hope he can finally balance well in between the silence and speaking up depending on the situations. AA HIGH SCHOOL is the right school for him for this reason as well.

I think AA HIGH SCHOOL is the right school for DD to grow educationally, spiritually and socially.

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