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Reflection on Leadership skills

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Reflection on Leadership skills



Table of Contents

Skill reflection. 3

Implementation of the skills on the Work Profile. 3

Literature Reflective Framework. 3

Reflective Analysis. 4

Conclusion. 5

References list 6

Appendices. 8




Skill reflection

I think that it is vital for developing suitable leadership skills for managing overall procedures in an organization and establish valuable relationships with the employees (Lanaj et al. 2019). In this section, I have chosen leadership skills for providing problem skills in managing various problems and take quick decisions for handling queries.

I have analyzed that there is implementation of decision making and relationship building skills for managing entire process (White et al. 2019). It helps in providing effective communication with one another and creates develop collaborative effort for handling queries.

I think that utilization of quick decision-making procedures creates efficiency in handling operations and improve experience in work. It has helped in creating suitable platform for maintaining effective coordination and manages whole process by building strong relationships among one another (Lawrence et al. 2018). I have analyzed that utilization of suitable skills in leadership acts as systematic process for managing long- term interactions with the people and improve overall performance.

Implementation of the skills on the Work Profile

I have analyzed that the implementation of the appropriate skills has helped in managing my work and improve my performance (Hendricks et al. 2018). The implementation of practical problem- solving skills has helped me in solving queries for the customers regarding products and services related to the bank. Ex- I think that the utilization of problem-solving skills helps me in taking quick decisions by communicating with the customers and analyses information.  Ex- In addition, the development of strong relationship building and decision making skills helps me in guiding customers regarding maintenance of financial accounts and evaluating needs of people.

I think that this skill have helped in creating appropriate guidance for maintaining appropriate solution regarding buying of financial products related to the Metro Plc bank. I have analyzed that there is development of suitable relationships with the junior representatives within the bank for carrying on entire process effectively and handle queries within the work (Taylor, 2017).

Literature Reflective Framework

In this section, I think that utilization of Gibbs Reflective Framework have helped in analyzing skills used for conducting operations as a customer care representative within the bank. It helps in focusing on the issues and develops proper evaluation of the overall practices for handling every situation (Nuñez et al. 2018).

Step 1: Description

In this stage, I have decided to develop appropriate decision making and problem-solving procedures for managing overall queries of customers related to buying financial products and services (Alizadeh et al. 2017). It has helped my team to resolve long- term queries and maintain proper coordination among one another and me.

Step 2: Feelings

I was quite confidents for handling any type of queries related to the people and developed adequate motivation for creating suitable procedures for managing the entire work (Bush et al. 2019).

Step 3: Evaluation

In this stage, there was development of positive good quality performance in conducting operations and provide suitable plans for managing entire work.

Step 4: Analysis

I have analyzed that there was development of excellent performance due to strong co-ordination among one another and execute suitable leadership style for handling work.

Step 5: Conclusion

I have learned that implementation of suitable leadership skills helps in managing work and improve overall performance (Hoffmann‐Longtin et al. 2017).

Step 6: Action Plan

I think that if I conduct operations for next time, I would develop more effective skills for managing competencies and improve overall coordination with team members.[Refer to Appendix 1]

Reflective Analysis

I have analyzed that there is development of strong decision making and problem-solving skills for handling problems of the customers regarding buying of products and services. The utilization of skills has helped me in developing broader scope for enhancing future in conducting long- term operations in the bank and improves my working position (Komives and Wagner, 2016). I think that it has provided me an opportunity to maintain contributed effort for the team and handle every operation in a systematic process.

I think that in the future there should be development of strong communication and integrity skills for developing more effective operations. It will help me in providing appropriate guidance for managing long- term problems and provide relevant information regarding handling problems (Sparr et al. 2017).

It acts as an effective process for enhancing my future within existing operations and enlightens my career as a useful leader in the future (Schedlitzki, 2019). I have analyzed that it will provide suitable preference on improving prospect of an effective leader in the future.


It is eminent from the above study that development of suitable leadership skills ahs helped me to develop my career as a customer respresentive executive in Metro Plc Bank. I think that utilization of Gibbs Reflective Cycle has enabled me to analyze various contributions within the operations. There is proper evaluation of appropriate skills used and improvement in skills for managing entire work in the future. It has helped me to evaluate relevant skills and implement necessary co-ordination among team for managing whole operations.

References list:

Alizadeh, M., Mirzazadeh, A., Parmelee, D.X., Peyton, E., Janani, L., Hassanzadeh, G., and Nedjat, S., 2017. Uncover it, students would learn leadership from team-based learning (TBL): the effect of guided reflection and feedback. Medical teacher39(4), pp.395-401.

Bush, S.A., Seibel, M.M., Corkins, C.R., and Elliott-Engel, J., 2019. Evaluating the Virginia Agriculture Leaders Obtaining Results (VALOR) Program: Blogs as a Reflection Process. Journal of Agricultural Education60(1).

Hendricks, D.G., Yasuhara, K., and Taylor, A., 2018. Enhancing student leadership competencies through reflection. In 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.

Hoffmann‐Longtin, K., Morgan, Z.S., Schmidt, L., Walvoord, E.C., Palmer, M.M., and Dankoski, M.E., 2017. Stepping Stones: A Leadership Development Program to Inspire and Promote Reflection Among Women Faculty and Staff. To Improve the Academy36(2), pp.128-136.

Komives, S.R., and Wagner, W. eds., 2016. Leadership for a better world: Understanding the social change model of leadership development. John Wiley & Sons.

Lanaj, K., Foulk, T.A., and Erez, A., 2019. Energizing leaders via self-reflection: A within-person field experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology104(1), p.1.

Lawrence, E., Dunn, M.W. and Weisfeld-Spolter, S., 2018. Developing leadership potential in graduate students with assessment, self-awareness, reflection and coaching. Journal of Management Development.

Nuñez, L.N., Nuñez, W.N., Acosta, A.R., Parejo, I.B. and Palma, H.G.H., 2018. Management Skills and Leadership Styles: A Reflection with a Global Focus.

Schedlitzki, D., 2019. Developing apprentice leaders through critical reflection. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning.

Sparr, J.L., Knipfer, K. and Willems, F., 2017. How leaders can get the most out of formal training: The significance of feedback‐seeking and reflection as informal learning behaviors. Human resource development quarterly28(1), pp.29-54.

Taylor, K., 2017. The Social Change Model of Leadership Development: A Service-Learning Reflection. The International Undergraduate Journal For Service-Learning, Leadership, and Social Change7(1), pp.34-40.

White, J.M.V., Guthrie, K.L. and Torres, M., 2019. Thinking to Transform: Reflection in Leadership Learning. IAP.




Appendix 1: Gibbs Reflective Cycle








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