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Rooms management and Housekeeping 

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Rooms management and Housekeeping 


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Table of Contents

Executive Summary   

The report context focuses on evaluating the day to day running of the Housekeeping department purposely to expand the knowledge of Housekeeping, front office management and, ultimately, the maintenance department.  The main target of the report is to instill inherent supervisory knowledge to students. For valid and reliable data, online sources are relied on as pertinent data collection methods. The internet sources act as the base of answering the objective study questions. After the concrete analysis of the information from the internet sources, there is a true picture painted that standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the opening and closing of a building should be considered a major step in expanding the supervisory knowledge of room and housekeeping department. The report unveils the importance of educating students on housekeeping department roles to ensure smooth working conditions.


Indisputably, management and leadership skills are inherent factors of concern in any field. The hiring and recruitment department should depict a high level of skills assessment and prowess before hiring new members and incorporating them into the working system. Room management and the Housekeeping department is not an exception to this fact. Like any other field, the department requires employees to have the inherent skills required in ensuring top performance realization. Championing towards ensuring quality service delivery is the only root of the success of any organization. Therefore, there is a need to model members to smoothly fit in the box of Housekeeping and focus on ensuring limited complexities to avoid low performance. Over the decades, a gap of quality service is left, and the associated have championed towards utilizing the available resources to educate members on how to handle housekeeping duties and responsibilities holding to the basics of ethics.


The data collected on the housekeeping department operations, internet survey was conducted. The internet sources used answered all the questions and helped ensure that the information provided was reliable. The reason for selecting the internet source was to ensure that the information collected was free from generalization and no time consumption. Furthermore, the method provided the base for comparison to avoid biases. Internet sources are one of the most preferred data collection methods since the sources depict an essence concrete understanding of the topic under study. The data collection method relied on the question presented on the objectives of the study.


  1. Standard operating procedures

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) in rooms’ management and Housekeeping are the written step-by-step instructions used in the description of the performance of the day to day activities in the housekeeping department (Devrim Yilmaz, 2017). The SOPs are there to be completed by the employees in the exact same way every time the employees are in the workplace.  The observance of the SOPs creates consistency in the business. They are the tools for the maintenance of safety and efficiency in all sections of the housekeeping department, such as operations, customer service, employee training, as well as the legal and financial sections. For effectiveness, the SOPs in the housekeeping department should be simple and easy to understand. It should also contain the steps simply easy to follow with time to time updates. Having SOPs saves time the department time, improve communication, create the element of accountability in employees and ensure safety at the workplace.

  1. Housekeeping department daily reports

Reporting is an important element in the daily running of operations in the housekeeping department. It is used for a deeper analysis of the hotel performance through an actual expression of the results is important such as the accounting period. Daily marketing reports, daily expenditure reports, daily expense reports, daily client attendance reports, daily income reports, daily loss reports, daily employee turn up reports and daily stock reports. The daily sales reports are important for the compiling of long-term financial sales (Ambardar & Raheja, 2017). Recording daily expenditures and expenses incurred by the housekeeping department helps in the tracing of the movement of daily finances for the planning, control and management of the department. Understanding the daily income and losses is important not only for the department but also for the entire organization. Loss and income reports are used in preparing the financial income and loss statements. Employee daily turn up records are important in the division of the tasks among them. Keeping track of the daily stock helps in the tracking of daily stock movement for the importance of stock additions.

  1. Coordination of the Front office with the Housekeeping department

The front office and housekeeping department work hand in hand in a hotel setting. The housekeeping department depicts coordination with the reception in letting preparation and later servicing of the rooms. The practice is reached through a constant exchange of information between the two departments. For effectiveness, each must understand the work and the difficulty that the other faces. The housekeeper relies on the receptionist for the information of the expected guest arrival and departure. The two departments coordinate in planning, control and problem-solving in the hotel. The departments prepare similar but individual reports on client arrival, departure, and budgetary reports on expenditure related to the guests.

  1. Housekeeping Schedule

The housekeeping department depends on the framework of a developed schedule. The scheduling, however, relies on certain techniques and strategies. The strategies include critical path analysis, schedule network, crashing and fast-tracking (Nimri et al., 2020). The representation of the housekeeping department activities and time required to complete than by the schedule network analysis ensure efficiency. Critical path analysis reduces the time to spend on undertaking individual activities. Crashing ensures the assignment of more resources to an activity saving the time to spend on it. Fast-tracking, on the other hand, is the rearrangement of activities creating parallel work.

  1. Room lists and Keys

The providence of room supplies and equipment such as room lists and room keys is an important function of the housekeeping department. Providing room lists and keys improve productivity and efficiency. Supplies of good quality supplies and equipment are essential in saving revenue for the hotel and prevent breakdowns in labour and time. Correct allocation room lists and keys also reduce cases of room confusion by the guests (Sulaiman & Limbing, 2019). Security is also boosted as every guest is held accountable for any misconduct in a room occupied. Room key allocation steps include the issuance of the keys to room maids only after receiving their key signatures on the key register, collection after each shift, secure handling of master keys, controlling emergency keys, handling lost keys and carrying regular key inventory training.

  1. Stocking the Attendance Carts

Stocking of the necessary guest supplies according to the allocated number of rooms to the housekeeping department is the process that follows steps. The process involves the counting of the number of the rooms that need to be filled, assessing the expected guests, and evaluating the available resources and checking the size of the cart (Jubaedah et al., 2019).  The heavy items such as bed sheets are stored in the bottom shelf, with lighter items such as linen items stored on the middle and upper items. Hotel guest supplies include ashtrays, sewing kits and cleaning kits such as fresheners and Dettol. Effective room stocking creates efficiency and comfortability for the guests. Guests tend to revisit and make positive referrals for effectively managed hotels with good room stocking.


  1. Duties of a housekeeper

Housekeeper performs different duties in an organization. it is the duty of a  housekeeper to

  • Dust and polish furniture.
  • Maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen and toilets
  • Washing windows
  • Changing linens and making beds
  • Cleaning carpets and rugs.



  1. Tasks and duties of public hotel supervisors

Public hotel supervisors supervise the operations of the front desk. Their duties and tasks include supervising staff members to perform their duties, delegate duties and also train the front desk to maintain protocol, among other duties.

  1. Day to day looking at the swimming pool

When working in a housekeeping department, one should be responsible for looking after the swimming pool.  The swimming pool should be kept clean with a constant flow of water. It is the duty of the assigned individual to maintain the cleanliness.

  1. Interactions Types between the Housekeeping and the maintenance department

Front desk acts as communication medium between the housekeeping department and the maintenance department. Formal communication forms the core of professional lives. The formal communication between the two departments creates the interaction grounds. There are different types of interactions employed between the housekeeping departments. The common types of interactions include business-market interaction, business-to-business interaction and business-customer interaction.

  1. Functions of the laundry department and its relationship with Housekeeping

Laundry department plays an integral role in tan organization. The department focuses on ensuring cleanliness. The basic functions of the department are washing, drying, folding, ironing, mending and ultimately delivery. The laundry department plays a vital role in the Housekeeping as It ensures room cleanliness and tidiness.

12.Role and routine of lost and found department

Lost and found department serves as an assistance point for lost items. The department has a service agent whose duty is to make sure customers items and safe and in case of any irregularity, the agent communicates to a person who lost items. The core routine is keeping customers’ items safe.


Conclusion and Recommendation

Like any other department, the housekeeping department requires strong managerial skills to ensure smooth functioning. The desire to maintain quality sparks the decision to educate students on the core areas of concern to bring a stable and smooth working environment in the Housekeeping and room management. In the supervisory industry, individuals should know their roles and responsibilities to avoid overlapping. Similarly, students should know the roles and responsibilities in the housekeeping department to avoid collision of duties.

It is recommendable to reshape employees to match with the context of Housekeeping and front office management. All the staff should be aware of their duties and responsibilities.  Moreover, the housekeeping department should focus on ensuring that all the activities contacted tend to bring equality and obeys the laws of ethics. Therefore the housekeeping department should avoid working congestion in one area in order to obey quality.



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