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Self-care Plan

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Self-care Plan

At the beginning of the year, I decided to embark on an emotional self-care mission. The emotion self-care will help me understand my emotions and what trigger different feelings. Also, the routine would ensure I learned how to express my feelings to avoid bottled up feelings. My self-care plan consists of daily, weekly, and monthly practices.

Daily, I listen to motivational speakers during my six o’clock morning walk. The motivation ensures I spend the day in a positive mood. Also, I read my affirmations out loud to keep me in a lively mood. During the day’s routine, I ensure that I laugh throughout the day to maintain high spirits. Just before I retire to bed, I listen to calming music to attain relaxation. Most importantly, I never let the sun set while angry. To ensure I do not sleep mad, I recall the day to evaluate the high points and the low points. I create a plan on how to convert low moments to happy ones.

I attend yoga classes thrice a week. I realized that yoga helps me explore my emotions and learn how to control anger. I attend the classes early in the morning before I start my daily routine. The yoga sessions also help me release bottled feelings and all emotional baggage. I also go for a massage once a week to relax my mind and body. A relaxed body helps me think clearly throughout the week.

I attend a weekend retreat monthly. Initially, I disliked outdoor activities because they were tiresome. However, the monthly retreat helps me interact with different people and learn how different people react in different situations. The exposure also helps me control my emotions.

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