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Essay 1


            Businesses formulate strategies to compete favorably, expand, increase profitability, build positive goodwill, and increase the market share in a dynamic economy. Organizational managers and CEOs execute numerous tasks to achieve the company vision while adhering to its mission statement. As a figurehead to the company, organizational leaders should align their tasks to organizational goals, and ensuring the businesses retains solvency in a challenging economic and competitive environment. The leaders should examine internal and external environment of the business to design strategies that guides the organizations achieve their goals. Well extracted strategies determine the degree of success in in organization or company. ALDI strategies have shown clear directions on how leaders should formulate strategies that meets minimum threshold to achieve success in the service industry. Organizational leaders should extract standard strategic decisions, for instance, analytical, expertise, and heuristic decision, that facilitates the company to realize its vision while adhering to ethical values in the industry.

Characteristics of strategic decisions

            Strategic decisions should possess distinctive and qualitative features that enables the Australian supermarkets to deliver quality services and products at an inexpensive price. Some of the characteristics of strategic decisions include resource distribution in an organization, align organizational strengths against external environment opportunities and threats, they appear complicated in appearance, they are long-term, and are unpredictable as many business and market risks are involving. Business organization should select experienced leaders and recruit competent staff to drive its vision. ALDI approach requires business to be efficient and effective to minimize pilferage and misappropriation of resources.

3 Strategic Decisions

Strategic decisions of an organization are analytical, expertise, and heuristic. Analytic decisions explain and examine facts, evidence, causes, effects, statistical data and the implications they have in the growth and expansion of a business. Expertise decisions are executed based on the judgement of the expert. Experts are professionals in a specific field who have worked in the field for many years and have adequate skills to perform tasks. Heuristic decisions are decisions that involves processes and procedures to arrive at the final judgement. They can also involve computer process of processing information.

In conclusion, strategic decisions determine the organization destiny. Competent and skilled employees formulate strategic decisions that aligns with the organizational goals.

Essay two


Organizations use various approaches and tactics to arrive at formulation of the strategies. Strategies are measures and plans that the business extracts to survive in a perfectly competitive market structure. Businesses should maintain the accounting principle of going concern as it attracts and creates confidence to various stakeholders including customers, suppliers, lenders, government and the society at large. Approaches commonly used in strategy formulation includes design lens and experience design lens. Design lens is when top management in an organization formulates short-term and long-term organizational strategies that are implemented downwards the organizational structure to achieve the organizational goals.  Middle level managers, line managers and operational managers executes the plans and tactics to achieve the organizational goals. Experience lens approach is whereby experienced experts in a relevant field formulate decisions that are used in realizing the organizational objectives and vision. They system of governance is centralization as top leaders are the only people allowed to create policies that are implemented to achieve the organizational goals. Although most organizations use design lens and experience lens approach to create strategies, their assumptions and implications can impact the business in either way.

Assumptions of the Design Lens and Experience Lens

These approaches are broadly executed as organizations believe that it is the responsibility of top management to drive the business plan in the long-run. They assume that the top managers have the required capabilities to make the feasible decisions that are directed towards achieving the organizational goals. In addition, managers are assumed to be skillfully utilizing the scarce resources at their disposal to maximize the output. The approaches also assume that top management decisions need to be rational as they involve critical functions, for instance, cost reduction, budge estimation, market analysis, financial reports analysis, business risk analysis, and interpretation of internal and external business environment. Businesses should implement both centralized and decentralized systems of administration to enhance fast decision making to minimize waiting and service costs.

Implications of Design Lenses and Experience lenses

Though the design and experience lenses are essential in formulating organization strategies, they have some limitations in handling particular business issue. Most of the top managers are not involved in routine operational responsibilities at the field. These restrains them from formulating right strategies which are relevant in achieving the organizational goals. Operational teams and line managers have more advantages of initiating creativity and innovation unlikely the top managers. Strategic decision formulation should be participative and not centralized to top managers who have limited knowledge to operational economies and diseconomies.

In conclusion, design lenses and experience lenses assist the organizations arrive at relevant strategies that are directed towards achieving the organization vision. However, they have some implications that can cost a business the right opportunities. Decision making should be decentralized and participative utilize the intellectual abilities of the employees.

Essay 3


Although marketing is important, organizational culture is crucial to company progression. Organizational leadership classify culture as an essential element that defines the creation of strategies, their implementation, and control of the organizational resources. Culture is the traditions, beliefs, norms, and values that defines the behavior of workers in the company. A right culture motivates employees and instills a positive attitude towards the organizational activities that are directed towards realizing the organizational goals. Practicing managers and strategists should understand the impacts of culture as it influences significantly the strategies that a company formulates.

Significance of culture in a company

Organizational culture defines the system of administration and dissemination of information. People adopt various behaviors, values, norms that defines the goodwill of the company. For instance, some companies are customer oriented and ensures they confirm customer expectations and specifications. They build good relationship with its stakeholders including the government, competitors, suppliers, and the society. Business culture determines the systematic flow of information in the company. It defines smooth flow of power between various organizational departments. It divides the roles of each department to avoid friction and resentment from works. Managers have the right to recruit, reward, promote, dismiss and punish employees who are against the organizational strategies.

Organization culture also determines creativity and innovation in a company. Most companies are aware of technological changes that needs to be administered to avoid leading the company into insolvency. Businesses have invested resources to research and marketing teams to analyze the changing economic trends and customer behaviors that are used to examine market needs of a particular region. Culture should not be taken for granted but aa a vital tool that can assist the organization to succeed. In addition, cultures facilitate adoption of new change in a company that helps operational teams to handle issues professionally.

However, culture can cause a negative impact to an organization if not monitored and controlled. Poor leadership in an organization can drift peoples’ attitude towards organization strategies. When leaders intimidate workers as well as underpaying them leads to resentment and dissatisfaction. Leaders use coercive force to implement strategies which the operational teams were not involved in formulation. Coercion and underpayment leads to theft and pilferage of the company assets.

In conclusion, organizations should have built a positive culture which is feasible to the staff and the organization. Leaders should restrain from using coercive force in implementing strategies but use participation and consensus to accommodate all views of relevant stakeholders.

Essay 4


Organizational change is essential when rectifying deviations that arises due to negative variance of actual organizational results against standard standards. The importance of planning is to enable the organization measures its performance and enable it design policies and tactics to correct the situation. Different organizations have implemented various strategies on how to initiate change and execute new strategies. Levers of strategic change help the business to implement strategic change without friction and resentment from workers the process in inclusive to all junior staffs in decision making. The levers motivate employees to facilitate change as they understand the importance of change and its impact to the company.

Mass exposure and personal contact

These levers assist the businesses to involve all the relevant stakeholders to participate in strategic formulation, implementation, and it corporation change. Middle level managers, line managers and junior staff’s views are incorporated in decision making processes. At the meeting, everybody has the opportunity to raise questions concerning the change. The importance of change is elaborated to everybody in the organization. These levers enable the organizational employees to be satisfied and feel to be part of the organization. Operational managers have the opportunity to express the challenges they incur on routine works.

Selecting experts and shifting resistance

Top organization select experts to drive the strategic change if the internal employees have inadequate skills to implement the change. The organization also formulates strategies on ways to manage those teams that fail buy the idea of change. Hiring of experts sometimes causes resent from existing employees. Concerns of those resisting change are handled appropriately. Those who resist change completely are advised to resign to allow devoted employees to steer the company plan.

In conclusion, the levers of strategic change help companies to implement the strategic change efficiently without resistance. Relevant stakeholders are involved in decision making thus everybody is informed on the reasons that necessitated the change. Concerns to those opposing the change are managed appropriately.


In conclusion, the levers of strategic change help companies to implement the strategic change efficiently without resistance. Relevant stakeholders are involved in decision making thus everybody is informed on the reasons that necessitated the change. Concerns to those opposing the change are managed appropriately.


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