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Spirited Away

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Spirited Away

The film, Spirited Away, is classified as an animation since the legendary Hayao Miyazaki has employed animated imagery as his characters. It is a great film that brought new forms of creativity into the industry, winning the Golden Bear award. Upon a close examination of the film, it becomes clear that it is adding to the genre of animation by using it to showcase the exigencies that come with being a woman (Bellot). From the protagonist, Chihiro, the film portrays the triumph of the little girl after her parents lost their way while moving to the country. Chihiro is subjected to an extraordinary place that eventually pushes her beyond the threshold of magic.

Moreover, the film is influenced by several artistic compositions like classical literature and movies. From the imagery depicted in the film, the viewer would be taken aback to the stories of Alice in the Wonderland and A Princess of Mars. However, the film borrows more from the initially composed Princess Mononoke (London). The scriptwriter took more from the environmentally sound aspect of Princess Mononoke and made it the centre stage of the Spirited Away.

Once the film borrowed the dimension of appreciating the environment, it employed the idea in some of the scenes to bring out the themes. For instance, the first spirit is encompassed by the river that is so contaminated, which transforms the vision into a form that is reeking with uncomfortable smell. Additionally, the scene where the parents get lost and trace their way to a tunnel that is open to a wide area covered by grass is highlighting how the film took into consideration the environmental aspect of society.


Spirited Away has washed the film industry with its unique employment of imagery and putting forth the plight of women (London). Consequently, the proceeding films, after its inception into the industry, took a more realistic approach in the movements of characters. This characteristic feature makes films more appealing and resonates with the experiences of the viewers.








Works Cited

Bellot, Gabrielle. “What Hayao Miyazaki’s Films Taught Me About Being a Woman.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 2016.

Miyazaki, Hazao. Spirited Away. Produced by Studio Ghilbi, 2001.

London, Matt. “The Little Things: An Appreciation of Spirited Away.”, 2018.

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