Steps You Should Take After Your Home in Jacksonville, FL, Floods
When your home in Jacksonville, FL, floods, be aware that your house may be contaminated with bacteria and fungus that can be harmful to your health. Regardless of the source of floods, the following steps will help you protect your family from health hazards and also gain from your insurer.
Protect Your Health
Flood water could have contaminants from sewage or household chemicals. You should wear high waist waterproof boots and rubber gloves while removing damaged belongings to avoid contaminants.
Additionally, ensure you throw away any food that has come in contact with floodwater – For example, foods with bad smell or perishable foods, which have not been refrigerated well. Even if it smells and tastes normal, it could be having bacteria.
Finally, use clean water. Flood water can contaminate your drinking water, so it’s advisable to boil drinking water until the authorities declare the water is safe for consumption.
Turn off the Water at its Source
If the flooding is not as a result of an act of nature, stop the water at its source or seal it up. It is essential to know where the water valve is located in your house so you can easily find it in case of floods.
Switch Off the Electricity
Switch off the main power if the fuse box is on a dry location. If you cannot access the switch without walking through water, call an electrician to turn it off. Do not power it on again until you’re sure the electrical system is okay.
Document Everything and Call your Insurer
Take quality photographs of the scene to show your insurer. Notify your insurer about the condition of your home. Ensure to follow the insurance company’s instructions on whether to wait for inspection or proceed with cleaning the house.
Benefits of Hiring a Water Damage Professional
Cleaning a flooded home on your own can be challenging as you subject yourself to health hazards. Professional cleaners not only sanitize your home, but they also replace damaged materials.
They help you with initial assessment and damage assessment process and secure your possessions to avoid future damage. Professional cleaners use special detergents and equipment to clean and dry your house.
At ServiceMaster Restore, we offer quality water extraction services in Jacksonville, FL. Contact us today for 24/7 emergency services.