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Higher Education

The Advantages of Using Student Response Systems

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The Advantages of Using Student Response Systems

Do you ever tend to find this very difficult to introduce the interactive learning strategies in a classroom? If so, then you could simply try implementing the SRS or student response system to see whether this enhances the learner participation in your classes. The student response system is one of the effective tools, which permit all the teachers to generate some engaging lesions for the learners. Basically, with the help of this SRS, the faculties can hold the students’ attention.

Most of the systems contain learning software that pairs with a handheld device. This software is quite beneficial for the teachers as they can visually poll the students and also display the results on the screen. Students utilize the handheld device to key in answers to their teacher’s questions.

A teacher would definitely not feel good when they find out that the learners do not participate in the activities. A number of students do not like to take part in various classrooms happen in their classroom, where student response systems come into the picture. Once the SRS becomes active in the class, it will also improve the participation in the classes as well.

What is SRS?

In recent days, the uses of student response system have increased to a certain extent. A student response system is an effectual technology, which utilizes the infrared or radiofrequency to transmit learner answers to the teacher questions. One can record and display these responses as a part of a class presentation display. Mainly, the student response system is a tool that is a combination of hardware and software components.

Here, the hardware contains the remote, or you can say clicker that is of a learner’s use. There is a receiver that a teacher connects to a computer via a USB port. The software collects and displays the learner’s answers. Due to the increasing demand for SRS, people are using this particular technology to create small and large group sessions.

This assists in offering multiple-choice questions and answer sessions and in discovering controversial or sensitive topics due to anonymous responses. The live voting or poll sessions can happen with the help of SRS.

Why Use Student Response Systems?

Student Response Systems play a major role in the classroom as each student participates actively. It makes them listen to their teachers attentively, ask questions, and involve in the lecture. Each and everyone is challenged to formulate an answer to the question so that they can easily think about course material. This also leads to a better understanding of difficult concepts, as well.

In recent days, there are various applications and software of student response systems available, and amongst all, classroom clickers app is popular. The app brings ample advantages.

Stimulating Reflection and Discussion

Learners comprehend the actual course material even better if answers are linked to the peer instruction moment.

Detecting Opinions, Prior Knowledge, and Misconceptions

Teachers gain insight into students’ competences. They are able to verify if they have already understood the course material, group’s opinions, and expectations. The best part is teachers can adapt and also anticipate because of it. They can give an additional explanation to their students, or they can also ask extra questions through this too.

Clickers Help in Active Learning

However, there are plenty of student response systems apps available online, but one of the most famous ones is classroom clickers. There are tons of benefits accessible through this app. The current research shows that one can have active learning approaches with the help of this app. Clickers, or student response systems, are mainly a technology used to endorse active learning.

The advantages of active learning are extensively acclaimed in higher education. Not every time in the classroom, a student can be attentive. They tend to fall asleep sometimes, even in the middle of the lecture. This is where clicker or student response systems come to help them. As per the researchers, it makes the student engaged and active in the classroom. Not just they become engaged, but most of the learners also enjoy them in their classroom as it comes up with some fun sessions as well. Without raising their hand to answer a question, one can simply vote or use a live poll.

  • Clickers offer the mechanism for students so that each student can take part actively.
  • Clickers also integrate the “game approach” that may slot in students more than some other traditional class discussion.

Instead of the boring and traditional lecture, students can see plenty of live presentation with the help of clickers. Most of the reports describe that the learning outcomes are quite higher when an individual uses clickers.

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