The presenter talks about how the mind of people tends to dwell on negative things. She explains that it is difficult to view something in its positive light when its bad sight was the first description. At this point, she explains that changing from one point of view to another depends on the side introduced first. In this case, one can start viewing something as bad easily but experience a lot of challenges changing from bad to a good point of view. She explains that people must put more effort into seeing the positive side instead of negative things in their lives. It is evident that negative things occur in one’s life. With such certainty, people should confine their minds to stick to positive thoughts.
I agree with the presenter since it is the nature of humans to have a hard time viewing an aspect in a positive way if it was associated with negative attributes at first. In most cases, the mind does not forget the bad things, a setting that undermines the positive events which have happened in our lives. In my case, it is hard for me to start trusting a person if I was first introduced to their negative past. I tend to judge them using their past mistakes even if that person has more positive qualities. It is also true that the negative thoughts created by our minds can ruin the preceding events in our lives. With such habitats being a true representation of the nature of the human mind, the arguments of the presenter are valid.
Meru is a film that gives the account of the first ascent of the Meru peak. It is an adventure documentary showing the events that entail mountain climbing. After the failure of their first mission to summit Meru, Anker, Chin, and Ozturk come back to climb its peak dubbed the shark’s fin. They document their ascent as they climb, but the film gives the account of both the failed and successful missions. It narrates the attempts of the climbers to face their fears. For example, it accounts that Ozturk had five months to recover from an accident he encountered while filming the location. Chin returns to the location to film where she is caught in an avalanche, but she survives without being hurt. On the other hand, Anker is haunted by the incidence where he lost his climbing partner but wrestled it with fulfilling the dream of his mentor. The film serves as an adventure documentary, and it captures the human endurance in harsh events depicted by nature and how humans can endure them to succeed in their endeavors. It also encourages people to conquer their fears to achieve substantial success.
The film supports my knowledge as it documents the real circumstances that entail mountain climbing. It shows the hazards that mountain climbers meet in their journeys to explore high-attitude places such as climber falls, ice, falling rocks, avalanches, and poor weather conditions. It also shows that people can surpass the obstacles on their way to achieve their aspirations. Furthermore, one should not be discouraged by their failures. Instead, they should treat them as an event that gives them a chance to reflect on where they went wrong and how they can improve to reach their success.
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The Meru Film Analysis
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