The Philippine Government, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
The Philippine Government, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, has administered a counterterrorism law that seeks to obliterate organizations and individuals the government pronounced as terrorists to face a life sentence without appropriate legal procedures and safeguards.
The Youth Advocates for the Philippines aspires to end any behaviors of terrorism in the country. The safety and security of the Filipino citizens are of utmost importance particularly in these trying times; however, considering that the country is at contemporary distress, we firmly oppose the prompt ratifying of the Anti- Terrorism Law as we believe that there much need to put attention to the health crisis and the depleting economy the country is facing.
The expeditious enactment of the Anti- Terror bill stifled dubious content, particularly as it sets aside essential elements needed for a sovereign country such as the freedom of speech, public discourse, and the right to due process. Furthermore, the Philippine’s Commission on Human Rights has mentioned that the eclectic interpretation of “terrorism” may lead to possible abuse. Like any other law, this bill can be subjected to interpretation by the law enforcers.
According to the Philippine 2018 Human Rights Report, at least 248 activists are killed in a span of five years from 2015 to 2019 regarding their work relations. This circumstance is questionable and alarming as the police impunity significantly increased following the sharp increase in killings in 2016. With the ratifying of the Anti-Terror Law and its dubious provisions, law enforcers may use it through fallacious reasons.
In these trying times, the Philippine Government should hear the voices of its people. As a community of advocates, the YAP Region V firmly believes that the Philippine Legislature should review and amend the provisions incorporated with the Anti-Terrorism Bill. The safety and security of the people should be prioritized without violating people’s rights and privileges.