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Explain what transcultural nursing is and why it is so important
Transcultural nursing refers to a functional unit in the nursing profession, that is incorporated to consider the beliefs, fundamental values and daily practices of health care patients and people in general. The cultural backgrounds of the patients are given consideration. The transcultural nursing concept paves the way for the provision of nursing care, that is culturally standard and considerate. Furthermore, it has mandated the nurses, to identify, and give credit to diverse culture, customs and beliefs. Culture is supported by nursing and anthropology. The concept was invented in the year 1955 to ensure that all nursing care operations were carried out as per the minimum required standards (Scherman, 2017). It enables patients to receive holistic medical care. The concept grants the nurses cultural competency. It equips one with communication skills and education for both nurses and patients.
What is the impact it has on nursing care?
The culture has influenced the nursing care practice in a number of ways. It has improved cultural competency in health care centres. Globally, nurses have been exposed to more learning experiences through international medical missions and experiences. It brings a sense of conservancy and maintenance. As a result, the direct services that are offered to patients will improve. The culture has restructured the nursing profession in that patients undergo creation of awareness to educate them on the difference between cultural beliefs and hospital treatment. Some hospitals have mission statements saying, “We treat but God heals.” This indicates how deep transcultural nursing has been merged with the nursing career (Savage, 2008). Patients receive treatment in a manner that satisfies that makes them feel fully contented. It has resulted in a positive outcome whereby patients get satisfied with the general understanding of the nurses and the manner in which they are handled.
Explain the components of the culture
The key elements that comprise this culture include;
Respect for the patients. The culture dictates that the views of every patient must be considered during the treatment process. Despite the cultural background of the patient, a nurse is mandated by this culture component to respect the client’s culture. Different patients will have diverse clinical responses during treatment. As a professional nurse, one should fully adhere to this policy—recognition of culture. A nurse needs to identify the difference in the culture of patients and their backgrounds. Cultural understanding is a key component. When a medical practitioner has a deep interpretation of diverse cultures, holding equality and equity becomes a routine.
Explain specific religious and cultural dietary practices
Some religious beliefs dictate the members never to get medical treatment. Prophet David Owuor, for instance, has been singled out for advising his followers never to believe in medical treatment. Other religious beliefs and practices belief in the existence of Lucifer. When a member of a denomination is sick, more attention and blame is focused on Satan. As a result, one can end up losing his life. Health complications such as kidney failure can only be treated by kidney transplant and not faith or holy spirit. The eating habits such as Indians refusing to eat meat from a cow impact the career. Consumption of animal proteins has been linked to causing parents to give birth to male kids only.
Explain specific beliefs and practices around health care and treatment
It is believed that when a mother sleeps with her new-born baby, there are chances that one day, she will sleep on the baby and kill her child. Mothers are advised to maintain a safe distance when sleeping with their babies, especially at an early age. It is a belief that the psychology of a patient can result in quick recovery (Baddock SA. Galland BC, 2007). A patient who has lost hope will not survive, but the client with hope to recover will make it out of the hospital bed. It is believed that a child must cry during delivery. When the new-born does not cry, it brings medical attention. If a person is hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit for many days and finally recovers, the patient is said to have a chance of living many more years. These are some of the beliefs in the nursing profession.
From the text, it can be unanimously depicted that transcultural nursing has greatly changed the nursing profession. Right from the way patients are handled with care to the love they are shown and a high level of understanding. The culture has strengthened the relationship between nurses and patients. The involvement of customs, beliefs and values together have improved nursing services.
Baddock SA. Galland BC, T. B. (2007). Health beliefs and practices.
Savage, S. (2008, May 6). Transcultural nursing: Its importance in nursing practice. Pp. 37-43.
Scherman, J. (2017, August 3). What is Transcultural Nursing? Learn More About This Critical Aspect of Healthcare.