- The role of Aboriginal community-controlled health services (ACCHS)
Equality vs. Equity
ACCHS has specific policies and creates a supportive environment to empower aboriginal people to participate in matters of healthcare fully and reduces geographical isolation. ACCHS brings healthcare close to the people and provides services tailored, culturally acceptable, and specific to a particular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders community. Health care services are offered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders local provider’s, thus reducing discrimination and encouraging health-seeking behaviour (Panaretto, 2014).
Equally, ACCHS has made maternal, child health essential services available locally, consequently reducing child and obstetric related mortalities, reducing healthcare cost burden especially given the socioeconomic status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people. Easy access to healthcare also helps prevent complications arising from delayed response to minor illnesses (Panaretto, 2014).
ACCHS Improving Health and Wellbeing
Having local workers has more economic and health benefits. Health services are tailored and provided in a friendly environment by and with the people themselves (Panaretto, 2014). Researches showed that simple things like having an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders receptionist and a culturally friendly waiting room equipped with the local radio station and indigenous staff greatly improved patient satisfaction and wellbeing (Holland, 2014.
ACCHS, for example, Anynyingi Health Aboriginal Corporation in the Northern Territory, delivers various community support programs like employment, cultural and spiritual activities and addresses issues like family-based violence (Holland, 2014).
ACCHS provides other measures aiming at improving population health ranging from a campaign for herd immunity, breastfeeding, to positive, healthy behaviours. ACCH is close to the people and can prioritize emerging health issues Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders need and also advocate to improve their voice so that their needs can be met (Panaretto, 2014; Holland, 2014).
- The Role of Hospitals
Strategies To Implement Action
Action 1.2 the governing body ensures that the organizations safety and quality priorities address the specific health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders
The organizations partner with consumers standards works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders to ensure services meet standards. To promote safety, all organizations implement and evaluate safety and quality measures geared to meeting cultural, economic, social and psychological needs peculiar to the specific aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders community. The governing body emphasizes cultural awareness and competency of healthcare providers, and the general workforce to ensure quality and efficiency is achieved. Cultural awareness is a vital element in making specific health needs of the aboriginal /tress Strait Islanders
Design and implement quality improvement measures for hospital-acquired infections preventions and provide information on that regard. Encourage reports and incidence management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who are hospitalized. Regularly evaluate performance and identify areas of improvement.
1.33 The health service organization demonstrates a welcoming environment that recognizes the importance of the cultural beliefs and practices of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Achieving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders welcoming environment required that organizations work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to come up with a design that suits cultural practices and beliefs and use public spaces to name wards and buildings using Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders names. The organizations also design the environment in a way that maximizes privacy, confidentiality and comfort in clinical spaces (Panaretto, 2014; Lalancette, 2017).
Health service organizations should also evaluate the perception of aboriginal people concerning what symbols and signs to use. The governing body also requires the use of cultural activities/vents, flags, and artwork that acknowledge traditional custodians. The health service organizations should also work to promote access to culturally accepted services and provide conference s for consultation with health care providers (Panaretto, 2014; NSQHS, 2014).
How Implementation of Action Will Improve Patient Outcome
Welcoming environment is designed in a way that is promotive and culturally sensitive and serve to detach associations from the impact of harmful past policies of segregation and seclusion. Such an environment helps promote a feeling of comfort, acceptance, safety and confidence that their health needs will be met and that they are respected and listened to (Lalancette, 2017).
A welcoming environment also promotes a productive and meaningful partnership among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community health service organizations. It also promotes a feeling of belonging, bonding and attachment between the health care system and the people (NSQHS, 2014).
ensuring that the organizations safety and quality priorities address the specific health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders help value consumers voice, experiences and help in achieving better health outcome, improve care efficiency and experiences of consumers as patients are partners of their health (Walker,2014; NSQHS, 2014).
- The Role Of Individual Nurses And Midwives
Minimize The Power Differentials Between Yourself And Your Client
Work alongside or with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and provide a service that does not alienate them (Lalancette, 2017). Nurses should develop care plans that comprehensively address health needs by actively involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in designing a nursing care plan. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have different diverse languages. Nurses should tailor nursing care to accommodate such variance by ensuring safety, comfort, and culturally diversified care (Best, 2014).
Undertake A Process Of Decolonization
Nurses have to learn and appreciate the role colonialization and adverse history has had on the lives of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Other than learning such history, nurses also need to learn about the history of the community, people and families, and the system nurses work in and how it has affected the lives of clients/patients (Best, 2014).
How These Strategies Can Improve Patient Outcomes
Working along with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders help in actively engaging them as partners of their health and not as recipients of health. Doing so encourages them to be actively involved in matters of health and create a working relationship with long term positive impact(Best, 2014; Walker,2014).
Understanding the history of health care organizations is ideal in appreciating why Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have poor access to health. Thus, it is one way to guide how to provide culturally appropriate nursing care. Either way, decolonization of care centers promote health-seeking behavior by removing physical barriers. Understanding the history of the client and the community help ensure services are provided in a sensitive and friendly way that promotes cordial, safe, comfortable and respectful working environment (Best, 2014; Walker, 2014).