The significance of a 3D printer within the makerspace
Statement of Need
A Makerspace is one section that has the biggest potential on campus for helping students explore innovative areas and develop cutting edge skills. It isn’t just a service or a place but a community of people who gather in a collaborative environment to engage in maker-oriented endeavors. It enables unique possibilities on curricular and co-curricular activities. Chris Anderson the editor-in-chief of the ‘Magazine’ dubbed the maker movement as a “new industrial revolution,” based on differences with historical movements (Halverson & Sheridan, 2014). Anderson specified three important distinctions with the maker movement from others: standard design practices throughout the maker community, the open culture of sharing everything about projects with other makerspace participants, and the common use of similar computer-based tools (Halverson & Sheridan, 2014). A major difference with previous movements is that makers create physical objects from their work, instead of merely computer output or general ideas (Halverson & Sheridan, 2014). For students, makerspaces are not just a place to learn, but provide ways to literally produce what they have learned through advanced means. Even though this is well known by the whole academic community, there are still a substantial number of people that are not aware of what a makerspace is and all it has to offer. It’s necessary to actively engage students, mainly from non-STEM majors, to develop all its potential.
Project Summary
This proposal explores the construction of a makerspace at Lehman Library, and the grant funding that can begin the process. Makerspaces increase practical learning opportunities for students, providing students and faculty with a unique combination of formal and informal learning practices. Makerspaces are hands-on centers for learning not just about a subject, but getting students involved directly with how science, technology, engineering, art, and math can be practically used. Students will be able to design their own unique creations, and hold a final physical object in their hands. The theory students learn in classes gives way in a makerspace to reality, important practical knowledge that students can use as they move on to college and the working world. A planning process across multiple years is important to help the Lehman Library to grow from a traditional library to a respected technological marvel respected throughout the district and state. In the first year, initial grant funding would help construct a makerspace so as to expand into 3D printing, electronics, and textiles. This expansion would drastically increase the makerspace footprint in the library, and would provide an expanded vision of a makerspace to more students.
The deeper learning opportunities provided by makerspaces promote creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication with peers. 21st Century Skills are necessary for students to succeed in the fast-paced, technology-driven careers of tomorrow. Hands-on learning Doing something, rather than merely listening to a lecture, helps students hold on to knowledge. Learning is strengthened when students present their work and teach other students their process of making. A 2015 University of Chicago study showed that students who physically experienced scientific concepts understood them more deeply – and scored better on tests. Authentic learning in these spaces provide relevant learning experiences that mirror real-life problems helping students “get” concepts. Much of what’s made in a makerspace is a solution to some kind of real-world need. The makerspaces stimulate the design thinking process often culminating in a designed product. Along the way, the designer (student) will be able to think through every step, from understanding a need to testing a prototype.
Pre-Installation Fundamentals
We will ensure that we leave some room for work. A common regret of most makerspace planners is that they don’t set aside enough room for students to work. A general rule of thumb is that 15 students need a total of 350 to 500 square feet of workspace, excluding storage. We therefore intend to start out with smaller projects that don’t require a lot of big tools if the space will be insufficient.
We also intend to parcel out the footage by properly collaborating, planning and thinking so as to separate areas for each activity. There’s also a need to construct a store for supplies and to store projects in a way that can be accessed quickly. We will also leave a little space to display projects so as to show off the results as well to make the students proud and build interest in our space. Another issue we need to address is the comfort of the makerspace.
High quality seating will also be required to promote good posture and lessens strain. Floor surfaces and mats will also make it easier to stand for long stretches. Additionally, task lighting will need to be top notch so as to keep eyes focused, not strained. Simply put, our makerspace will be outfitted to feel good. We will start by imagining who will be doing what in there and what they’ll need to be comfortable. Another important factor to considers is the power. In most cases a usual classroom does not require a huge electrical capacity to work efficiently, however, a workerspace on the other hand needs a high electrical capacity to accommodate multiple computers, fabrication equipment, and other technologies. Thus, we intend to plan for more electrical outlets than we might think we’ll need. We will then talk with professionals to learn about the best safety procedures like fire safety, adequate ventilation, first aid, and clear, well-publicized procedures.
In the next phase we will brainstorm and design an area where individual thought and collaborative genius co-exist. Students will be able to explore, research, sketch, imagine and also work together to conceptualize a plan or idea.
This zone might have any or all of the following:
- Comfortable seating, set apart or at collaborative tables
- Computers for research and ideation, some of which have CAD software
- Whiteboard or chalkboard (or even Smartboard)
- Surfaces painted with iron-flecked “magnetic” paint, allowing magnets to stick to them
- A resource library, with picture books for young kids and books about projects and tools for older students
- Plenty of pencils, markers, and paper for sketching
- Making and Production Here is what will be needed to conduct the specific activities envisioned for your makerspace. A few examples:
- “Breaker space” station: An area for taking things apart – as part of construction or an activity by itself.
- Prototyping / one-off manufacturing: 3D printers of varying sizes and capabilities, with software
- More prototyping / manufacturing: Laser cutter to engrave or cut out a computer designed schematic in all kinds of materials
- Positioning tools: Vises and clamps to secure projects for further work
- Machining equipment: Drill press, lathe, CNC machine, or milling machine
- Art supplies: Paint, glue, cardboard (especially suited for younger makers)
- Sewing: Machines and needles, fabric scissors, tape measures, steam iron
- Electronics: Computers, soldering iron, circuit boards, Arduino (open-source platform to write computer code to a programmable circuit board connected to a computer)
- Other: Scroll Saws (for metal and wood working), band saws, miter saws, belt sanders,
- General tools: Hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches One other essential to a good production zone: Plenty of table space. Some projects require room – not only for materials, but because more than one student will be working on it!
Storage is often an after-thought, but storage is key to how well our makerspace functions. And it could take up more space than we imagined. That’s because storage has two dimensions:
- Accessibility of tools and supplies. Consider grouping them by activity and use, rather than type. We might separate them into materials that anyone can use, anytime; those that are used just one at a time; and those that require help or permission to use. Clear labeling and signage are crucial for ready access.
- Project storage. Bins and baskets are good for small projects. Larger work pieces need shelving, and movable furniture can help maximize space. We might also consider a display case, or area, so that those walking in or by the makerspace can see what’s in the works.
The significance of a 3D printer within the makerspace
The most popular machinery at a Makerspace are the 3D printers these printers are a game changer as they provide the latest features in the field and allow many new possibilities; users can 3D print using up to 50 different types of materials and fabricate objects 3 times larger than what was previously possible. Students will be very excited and eager to fully use the new equipment; however, the Makerspace operations budget isn’t big enough to acquire a large variety of materials nor able to provide supplies for more than a couple large prints per month. Additionally, we feel that the arrival of the new equipment can provide momentum to advertise these amazing features. Also, the equipment will allow all students to explore what is possible inside the Makerspace. This project proposes to make available unique filaments in order to allow advanced users to explore the full potential of the new 3D printers in the Makerspace. In addition to support events to attract new students as well as to advertise the full potential of the devices and help novices to use it. Such events will be a great opportunity to promote a better integration of the learning community and to expand the usage of the space.
Most 3D printers are not used to their full potential if they are only used to print pre-designed trinkets downloaded from the internet. A makerspace is only as vital to innovation and collaboration as its users are educated and skilled to use it. Users need to learn how to 3D model and design in order to 3D print their own creations. They need design and editing skills, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, to create complex designs and prototypes on the laser and vinyl cutters. Programming and hardware
development skills are necessary to prototype on common makerspace electronics like Arduinos, Lego Mind storms robotics kits, and Raspberry Pis. In addition, users need to learn how to record and edit 3D film footage or develop standalone video games for the wide array of virtual reality apparatuses available for checkout. Depending on the individual makerspace, this list of skills may vary greatly depending on the space’s mission, equipment and resource offerings, and user base.
In an effort to help its users acquire these skills, our Library looks to repurpose existing models of library instruction commonly used to teach information and digital literacies and instead teach 3D modeling
and scanning, design, intellectual property, and other skills utilized in the makerspace.
Supervision of the Makerspace
These makerspaces will be supervised by the teachers as well as the student body. The teaching assistants, who will be supervising the space throughout the quarters, will be invited two weeks earlier, in order to hone their skills and go through an intense bonding experience. Consequently, they will form a tightly bonded group with shared values. One shared value at our library regarding failure, is “until you have everything figured out – just start.” Failure and iteration are seen as key factors for learning and part of the prototyping process. During important working hours, there will be at least two teachers present to supervise the space and provide guidance and advice to the users. Our Library knows that good supervision is a critical factor for makerspaces and their users. Moreover, we also intend to start a Maker Club so as to enable the student body to manage the space. This Maker Club will be responsible for maintaining and supervising the space, and it will also have the benefit of having knowledge being handed down through generations of students. Thanks to the funding, the space will be able to grow constantly over the years. Consequently, the students will be eager to own and manage their own space and there will be potential for further growth of the space and the community. The fact, that the space will be located at the library will make it less intimidating for the student is located inside the department of mechanical engineering, can be intimidating for students. This will make it open for everyone, therefore, this will give it much room for expansion and growth.
Evaluation of the Makerspace
Experiential learning and student-driven projects are usually challenging to assess than standardized learning content and therefore we will need an alternative evaluation model. Recent attempts have been made to create and test a new assessment instrument for exploration and fabrication technologies (EFTs) literacy (Blikstein et al., 2017). Experts suggest that the ‘survey instrument tracks student confidence in EFT skills and assesses how that confidence relates to actual task performance’ (Blikstein et al., 2017:149). It has been tested in several schools in the USA and the analysis showed a ‘marked difference between students’ confidence in EFT and their performance in it’ (ibid:167). This gap between confidence and performance may reflect the difference between knowing technology and being able to use it effectively. We therefore intend to evaluate the success project by walking around the space to see how students are actually using the tools and technologies so as to see the creative ways students are using the resources they already have, and if new programs should be developed or if new tools should be purchased. We also intend to get valuable to feedback and statistics to know what’s working and what isn’t. One way to evaluate usage is to have a suggestion box and a daily form for staff to fill out, helping to keep track of statistics and other information. Comments, suggestions and observation can fuel future program ideas. Taking photos of students using the space and the projects that will also be useful for evaluation but for publicity purposes and tracking the number of students who use the makerspace. Moreover, we will solicit feedback through focus groups or in-depth survey are other ways of gauging the success of a makerspace