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Visual Art

  The Taj Mahal by Shah Jahan

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 The Taj Mahal by Shah Jahan

Artwork History

The Taj Mahal is an architectural art created by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his deceased wife, Mahal. The artwork borrows design elements from Turkey, Persia, and India (Dewitte et al., p278).  The building is located in India, overlooking the Yamuna River. The Taj Mahal is built using white marble and resembles a mosque. The architecture epitomizes not only an engineering genius streak but also longevity. Most of the work was done on-site and took several years to complete. Despite repairs done on the building, it has retained its authenticity and originality (UNESCO Centre). The building is a world heritage site and has been a tourist attraction over the years since its inception. The location near a River gives it a serene feel away from the hustle of the city. It is thus not only a tourist attraction but an attraction in a tranquil location.



Structures such as the Taj Mahal attract crowds unintentionally. The goal of the artist was to build a structure that would last for eternity. Due to its outstanding structural design, the building became a community attraction. The building is a form of art due to its unique design and its remarkable longevity. The artwork can be viewed both from the outside and inside, which means that public viewing is inevitable. The community in this regard does not only refer to the people living in Agra, but India as a whole. Tourists from different locations and backgrounds come together when visiting the world heritage site. The architecture thus brings together people from different walks of life. In this regard, the community theme is portrayed.

Impact of the Artwork

Jahan, the artist, started working on the architecture in 1632 after the death of his wife Mahal (UNESCO Centre) to honor her memory. Such structures did not exist at the time. It, therefore, means that the architecture was the first of its kind during the era. The artist wanted something unique and would stand the test of time existing forever. It is in this regard that the architecture was unique. It was not only its kind in India but the world as a whole. Even though it took years to complete, it was finally completed, with most of the work being done on-site. At its completion, it was a unique structure and one of its kind. The love story behind its inception contributed to its fame.

Reflection of Artwork

Mughals and nobles buried loved ones in structures such as the Taj Mahal. In this regard, building such a structure for the burial and memory of his wife was not unique. The uniqueness was in the size, interior and exterior design, as well as the gardens of the Taj Mahal (Kapadia). Being Muslim, the artist built the Taj Mahal resembling a mosque. The mosque design in this regard was based on the religious aspect of the artist. The building of the structure in Agra at the Yamuna River was based on the where the artist lived. The artist was from the Mughal dynasty and became emperor of Agra in 1628 (Kapadia). Agra was close to the waterfront, which made Agra a self-sustained location due to its strategic location. Building the Taj Mahal near the River in Agra was therefore based on the artist’s location. The building of a mausoleum was, on the other hand, based on the artist’s social status as a Mughal.

Perception of the Artwork Today

The artwork is one of the world heritage sites under UNESCO. It, therefore, means that the Taj Mahal has been viewed as a unique form of art. Tourists still visit the Taj Mahal to date. The building has undergone repair works over the years but still retains its beauty and unique status. Its longevity status is, however, questioned due to changes in climate, which would ultimately affect its structural foundation. The white marble has, over time, yellowed, which is equally attributed to high pollution in India (Dewitte et al., p279). Despite the changes in appearance, the Taj Mahal has retained its structural strength since its inception in the 1630s. As such, the artwork has been a realization of the dream the artist had in mind at inception. The magnificent gardens and the size of the mausoleum make the Taj Mahal a beautiful and unique structure to date.

Location of the Artwork

The Taj Mahal is located in Agra India near the Yamuna River. The location of the structure is based on where the artist lived at the time the building was constructed. The artist was an Emperor in Agra hence the construction of the Mausoleum in Agra India. Agra sits near the Yamuna River. The artwork is built along the River, giving a beautiful light reflection into the River.

History of Ownership

The Taj Mahal belonged to Jahan, an Agra emperor. The emperor built the structure as a Mausoleum for his deceased wife. Over the years, the ownership was taken by UNESCO as the structure got listed as a world heritage site.

Opinion of the Taj Mahal

The artwork is an architectural art form spanning over three hundred years. It not only epitomizes ingenuity through the use of unique materials and gardens but also its magnificent size. It not only showcases architectural ability but evokes a love emotion as well. The Taj Mahal is not complicated and is easy to understand hence the focus on the artwork.




















Works Cited

Dewitte, Debra et al. Gateways To Art: Understanding The Visual Arts. 2nd ed., Thames &

Hudson, 2015.

Kapadia, Roshna. “The Taj Mahal (Article) | India | Khan Academy”. Khan Academy, 2020,

UNESCO Centre. “Taj Mahal”. Whc.Unesco.Org, 2020,




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