the use of portfolio management in the selection of fundable projects
I am glad that you propose the use of portfolio management in the selection of fundable projects to limit the uncontrolled utilization of resources. Further, you argue that adopting this strategy will enable the department to focus on finances only on what is productive to the business and leave out the irrelevant projects. The argument sits well with the theme of the discussion, which calls for strategies to limit expenditure in the IT department. Portfolio management is thus one proactive solution to the menace though more research is necessary to understand the implementation process and conflict management in the selection phase. In implementing this strategy, it is crucial to include a full representation of the departments therein, to ensure that neither misses out in the decision-making table. The move helps integrate management so that the organization handles all prioritized projects while postponing the less demanding ones. As such, leaders must implement sustainable solutions to conflicts that may arise in the selection of prioritized projects.
Post 2
Hello Mackenzie,
I agree with you regarding the contribution of IT in the health sector and its benefits. It reduces delivery time, trim levels of production, and lead to optimized productivity. Integrating the goals and visions of the organization with the IT department indeed would ensure that the two departments support each other in the fulfillment of a shared goal. I am also glad that you contribute significantly to the discussion at hand by proposing the use of interlinked strategies across all departments. Nonetheless, the argument raises a concern regarding the choice of an effective project implementation framework. It needs further exploration to determine the role of streamlined services in cost reduction. Problems arise when an organization has departments with contradicting goals as the system may not effectively cover all aspects of the business. To curb this challenge, I believe managers should consider a comprehensive framework to sustain both ends of the company. Alternatively, integrating organizational systems to run concurrently can also enhance the applicability of newer implementations.