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Topic 10: Organizational Justice and Employee Wellbeing

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Topic 10: Organizational Justice and Employee Wellbeing

Work Experience

How the employees are engaged in an organization implies the perception of a firm’s operation. In fact, i must admit that the employee’s wellbeing relies on the decisions that the top executives will make in an organization. Hence, the latter involves how the majority will be influenced in terms of their attitudes as well as work behaviours. However, I understand that the concept focuses on the employee’s principle of fairness; thus, the employee’s wellbeing revolves in the ability to concentrate on decisions made by employers. In fact, the subordinate staffs would want to judge decisions either fairly or unfairly. Hence the justice in the firm involves the contentment of the workers with the expectations of their leaders being held constant. Therefore, the injustices that arise in the firm can result in deviance in the workplace.

The firm’s justice results in the fairness of employees in the firm which more often will lead to the achievement of worker’s wellbeing. I would say that concept of achieving justice in an organization depends on two primary forms; that is, procedural and distributive justice. The former implies a perception of fairness in procedures that are initiated to achieve justice in the firm. More importantly, I would say that the wellbeing of staff in the firm aligns to the application of promotions as well as appraisals. Achievement appraisal and promotions in a fair manner will often ensure that the wellbeing of the employees is achieved. Besides, distributive form depends on the employee’s perception that revolves around fairness in reward of inputs. Such inputs would include more than just their efforts, but also education and experiences.

Workplace Experience Theory

According to (), the agency theory explains the entrustment of a principal (owner) to an agent (manager) in the firm. However, () says that the concept would tend to elaborate on the conflicts that arise in an organization due to injustices. Of course, the key aspect of the theory of agency is to address what results to misunderstandings between the agents and the principles in the firm. Notably, I would say that failure to provide incentives to the employees translate to the injustice that distorts their wellbeing. If you do not motivate your workers through by rewarding their accomplishments, then you do not take care of their wellbeing. However, the majority of the organizations find themselves in a position that they are

Strategic Proposal

I would propose for the interpersonal strategy of justice that relate to communication and conduct of parties involved in a firm. The most important thing is the concentration of how individuals in the firm are treated concerning dignity and respect. The latte will ensure that the employees are allocated to their various positions with fairness. In fact, the firms, allocation of resources rely on the employee’s wellbeing; thus, their needs will be considered before other external wants.

However, the strategy of interpersonal justice allows timely updates that regard making of decisions. Hence, i would say that the staff’s considerations in the process of making decisions will be considered. Also, their airing their views allows the employees to feel more recognized in the firm. In fact, () says that an organization’s effectiveness relies on the employees who in return would satisfy the clients. Therefore, I would say that the interpersonal strategy will attend to the wellbeing of the employees. The latter translates to the effectiveness of the firm in which the mission of satisfying the customers is accomplished.


Luckily, justice in the organization is more adorable if the employee’s wellbeing is maintained. I have discovered that the agency problem is among the most significant issues that result in a firm’s injustice. In fact, the wellbeing of the staffs depends on the organization’s owners having to allow equal participation for all workers. However, I would agree that the incentives granted to employees are among the key aspects that would make the workers satisfy the clients/customers. Besides, both procedural and distributive aspects in an organization result in prevailing of justice in the organization. However, I would admit that the latter can only be effective with an interpersonal strategy being initiated. Hence, such a strategy revolves the involvement of all parties (employees) in running the organization. Truly, I must admit that employees are the most vital elements in an organization; thus, their wellbeing must be maintained.

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