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Understanding consumer behaviours

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Understanding consumer behaviours


Understanding consumer behaviours is a critical facet of any business seeking to thrive in today’s competitive market. The concept of consumer behaviours involves studying how people make choices about what they purchase, want, or need in regards to a product or service. Hawkins and Mothersbaugh (2010) observe that it is important for marketers to understand consumer behaviours since it helps them to forecast how potential customers will respond to a new product or service when launched in the market. More importantly, it helps them to identify new business opportunities that currently may not explored (Stávková, Stejskal & Toufarová, 2008). Often, consumers change their preferences for goods and services. Thus, having a clear insight on consumer’s tastes and preferences always gives a business an edge in the market. To have a better understanding of this fundamental concept of marketing, the current discussion presents my consumption behavior in the past four weeks. Further, it reflects on the consumption behavior theories and how they account for my satisfaction or dissatisfaction in regard to my acquisition, purchase, consumption, or disposition.

Week 1


Pedigree cats are my favorites pets. Throughout my life, I have purchased countless of them. My admiration and love for cats is endless. Recently, I visited the website,, where I browsed through the looking for the best pedigree cat to purchase.  The online store offers a variety of pets for sale. There were a variety of cats that were up for sale. While on the process of searching, I came across the Savannah Sbt Boy Tica Reg Pedigree Kitten that I could not resist my admiration for. The pet cost £900. It looks very unique with pretty symmetrical face, a feature that made it stand out more among the rest. It white in color and has classical eyes that enlivens me every time I look at them.

Figure 1. Pedigree Kitten ( Source: Author)

My fancy for cats does not end in acquiring one and raising it in my house; also, it extends to their makeups. I purchased two make ups for my kitten. One is a smooth and straight long weave locks. For long lasting results, I choose the Remy human hair. It makes it look adorable and cute to the extent that it attracts everyone that visits me, especially when due to its funny portrayal and attitude. The other was a color make up that I apply- brown eyes and noses with amazing lashes. All these makeups make the kitten to have a unique stylish design that is eye-catching.


I like enjoying cold beverages, especially after a tiresome day. For this reason, I always find it difficult to cope without an ice cooler. On Friday afternoon, I visited the Amazon online store where I ordered for a home ice cooler. It works very well and I can recommend anyone looking forward to own one to purchase it from Amazon store. There are available in different specifications and the price is affordable.  It works perfectly for cooling food items, especially in extreme hot weather conditions. Moreover, it is easy to use and carry. I always keep it on my bedside table. The sound it produces is not too loud. Interestingly, the LED light can be used during the night. Thus, it is a good product that I would find extremely difficult to live without.

Figure 2. Cooler (Source: Author)

Week 2

Makeup Cosmetics

Makeup cosmetics comprise some of the products that I like purchasing most. On Saturday afternoon, I visited a cosmetic shop that I frequent a lot located a few miles from my house. The owner has been a close friend of mine for quite a long time. As usual, a purchased an array of makeups and beauty products ranging from Face Primer, Burnish Gel Liner, Concealer Cream, Garnier BB Cream to setting powder. Markedly, while some people do not consider face primer as vital, I view it as an integral step in in my daily routine. This is because it keeps my skin smooth and moist all day long. On its part, I prefer concealer cream because it comes in full body coverage, especially when one wants to cover a black spot in her body. On the other hand, when I apply the Garnier BB Cream, it makes me look so natural whilst making my skin feel lighter. Moreover, it can be applied using a finger. The setting powder works much like the face primer since it helps in keeping the makeups in your face in place all day. I like applying these cosmetics products since they make me a natural and stunning look all day long.

Week 2

iPad Pro

In March 2020, iPad Pro updated its 12.9-inch model with faster Bionic chip and a new ultra-wide camera (The Guardian, 2020). Also, the new device has a a LiDAR depth scanner that is augmented for reality experiences (The Guardian, 2020). As an enthusiast of Apple products, I could not wait any longer to purchase the newly released updated version of the iPod Pro. It is completely redesigned and comes with Apple’s most advanced technology. The other factor that influenced me to purchase is its new intuitive gesture that makes it easy for the user to navigate through its interface (The Guardian, 2020). It is also responsive. Overall, it is far much better than its previous version due to its large screen, added cameras, and greater processing speed.


Figure 3. iPad Pro (Source: Author)

Tracking Smart Keyboard

The smart keyboard is designed to provide great typing experience to users whenever one uses it. More importantly, it is durable and lightweight. Also, its cover protects both the front and back of the iPad Pro (The Guardian, 2020). The user is simply required to attach it to the device and commence typing. Having experienced its ease of use from my uncle’s iPad Pro, I made a decision to also purchase one.

Sichuan-Folk Chinese Restaurant

One of my favorite local Chinese restaurants. On Tuesday, after classes, I checked in the hotel where I ordered my favorite cuisine meal, the Sichuan pork. It included spicy materials and pepper. The meat pieces contain abundant juices with fragrant spicy aroma. What is more, the services offered are unparalleled with the atmosphere being very welcoming. Indeed, it is a place that I would recommend anyone seeking delicious Chinese food in the UK.

Week 4

Denim Jacket

I can best describe this attire as my wardrobe essential. On Wednesday, as I walked in the city, I came across a boutique cloth shop that was full of trendy clothes. If there is one thing that I am fond of wearing is Denim Jackets, and the moment that I saw one on sale, I made an impromptu decision of purchasing one. I like wearing it with any graphic t-shirt.

Figure 4. Denim Jacket (Source: Author).

Reflection on My Consumption Behaviours

There are many things that I have learnt after reflecting back on my consumption behaviours in the past four weeks, some that I knew while are have caught me by surprise.

Firstly, there is no doubt that I am enthusiast of Apple products. The observation is affirmed by the fact that many of my electronic devices, mobile phone, laptop, and wrist watch are all products of Apple. Moreover, this is despite many of my friends being avid users of Samsung and Huawei products. As such, by the virtue of purchasing the latest iPad Pro, it suggests that I am a fan of Apple products and I keep myself always updated on the latest technologies in the market.

Secondly, the reflection has also confirmed that my most favorite pet is cat. This is a personality that I have held since my childhood. I find them mesmerizing and adorable. Indeed, my adoration for cats has made me go to an extent of purchasing books that educates people on how to domestic them, including the best meals to offer them. However, one aspect that I found surprising is purchasing their makeups. Indeed, I have never envisaged myself buying makeups for my cats. Nonetheless, I cite my adoration for cats as the leading factor that may have influenced me to purchase them.

The idea of purchasing an ice cooler is one that I can say was influenced by my need to consume cold beverages. However, it should be noted that the idea of purchasing an ice cooler was informed by the fact that I failed to identify a similar product that is relatively cheap that can offer similar services. Thus, the best alternative in this case was to purchase a cooler.

However, the act of purchasing a denim jacket without any prior plan is one that surprises me when I reflect back. Although I am passionate about such attires, I can hardly understand how I purchased one without having previously planned. However, the idea can be attributed to my desire of wearing trendy clothes.

Relevant Concepts and Consumer behavior Theories that Accounts for My Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

From a marketing perspective, the mix of cultural, personal, social, and psychological factors played a key role in influencing my consumption behavior in the past four weeks.

Cultural Factors

In the simplest terms, culture refers to people’s way of life that differentiates it from one group to another (Rani, 2014). It was one of the overarching determinant factors that influenced my consumption behavior, especially in regard to eating the Sichuan pork. I have been brought up in a society where Sichuan pork is considered as one of the most favorite meal. Markedly, this is affirmed by the fact that most of the Chinese guests present in the hotel had ordered the same meal. In contrast, I could see white people order very different meals.

Personal Factors

The personality of an individual is yet another key factor that influences his or her consumption behavior. Markedly, personality refers to the unique characteristics of an individual, described in terms of habits, attitudes, traits, and the like (Rani, 2014). Alluding to my consumption behavior, I can assert that my habit of liking Apple products influenced me to purchase cats. This is because over the years, I have been a great admirer of cats.

Social Factors

Social factors contribute immeasurably in influencing consuming behaviors. Essentially, they encompass all consumption effect that arises as a result of interaction between the consumer and the surrounding external environment (Stávková, Stejskal & Toufarová, 2008). Family is one of the social factors that influences consumers purchasing behaviours. Today, any decision that impacts the family as a whole is taken by the entire family. The findings of a study conducted by Fan, Qian and Huang (2012) revealed that children, to a large extent, influence parents when making decisions pertaining to any purchase of any products. Similarly, friends also influence consumption behavior, particularly through making recommendations (Fan, Qian & Huang, 2012). In the case of purchasing the iPad Pro, the decision was partly informed by the experience gained after using my Uncle’s iPad Pro. Also, I decided to buy the Burnish Gel Liner after my friend recommended it to me as an effective skin moisturizer.

Phycological Factors

Psychological factors are also known to influence individual’s consumption behavior. They include perception, attitudes, learning, and motivation (Stávková, Stejskal & Toufarová, 2008). People leverage such factors to interact with the external environment. In reference to my decision of purchasing denim jackets can best be attributed to psychological factor. In particular, I made this decision since I like trendy clothes.

Consumer Behavior Theories

Many theories have been advanced to explain the concept of consumer behavior.

Behavioral Learning Theories

Sometimes referred to as Stimulus Response, the Behavioral Learning theory posits that there is correlation between responses and stimuli (Rothschild & Gaidis, 1981). In this case, individual responses denote their learning process. According to this theory, habits are learned overtime (Rothschild & Gaidis, 1981). In the context of my consumption behavior, it is undeniable that my selection for the cosmetics is as a result of learning from the experiences of other people. Thus, this habit can best be described using the behavioral learning theory.

Cognitive Learning Theory

A great deal of people’s consumption behavior occurs due to their ability to think using mental processes (Stávková, Stejskal & Toufarová, 2008). For instance, while some decisions are made promptly, others are made after a careful evaluation of information. Therefore, the cognitive learning postulates that learning is a function of excerpting one’s mind (Stávková, Stejskal & Toufarová, 2008). The theory can best explain my decision of purchasing the denim jacket. This is because it was made instantly, simply because I fancy wearing such attires.

Involvement Theory

The involvement theory suggests that it is what individual do and how they behave that defines their involvement in consuming products (Huang, Chou & Lin, 2010). In this case, the theory can be adopted to explain the reason behind purchasing a cosmetic makeup. Throughout my life, I have made friendship with many people that are models. Most of them emphasize on the need of putting the best make up in order to stand out among the rest in the public. Consequently, I have found myself following the same suite, and as such, my involvement with them has played a key role in influencing me purchase make ups.

Social Judgment Theory

The theory is closely related to the involvement theory in the sense that it is founded on the premise that an individual’s view concerning an issue is largely determined by their involvement with the issue (Vargo & Lusch, 2015). Thus, it postulates that individuals who are highly involved in the development of an issue have a strong opinion about it (De Mooij, 2019). In my case, the primary reason why I purchased an iPod Pro is because I have been an enthusiast of Apple products for a long time.


Motivation-Need Theory

The theory was put forward by Abraham Maslow in 1943. It posits that people fulfill their needs based on a priority system (Kaur, 2013). The needs are survival, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization (Kaur, 2013). Consequently, this means that all products that I consumed in the past four weeks fall under one of these needs. For instance, the idea of purchasing the cooler can best be described as a survival need while that of buying a jacket falls under the need for self-esteem.

Impulse Buying Theory

As afore-noted, many of the consumer behavioral theories focus on rational decisions, the Hawkins Stern’s Impulse Buying Theory is founded on the concept of impulse behavior (Moser, 2018). Such decisions are largely influenced by external stimuli and they paint a picture of the average consumer (Moser, 2018). The application of this theory was evidenced when I made an impromptu decision to buy a jacket.       

Advertising Strategies

All businesses involved in selling the products that I purchased in the past four weeks leverage myriads of strategies to advertise their products. The online store for selling pet animals,, use social media platforms mostly to advertise their products. For instance, they have Facebook page that they use to reach other people. Also, they have twitter accounts as well as an Instagram Page.  Amazon, arguably, the largest online marketing store, uses a host of strategies to market its products, including TV commercials, social media, and email marketing. On the other hand, the Sichuan-Folk Chinese Restaurant mostly leverages posters and radio ads to market the products and services that they avail to customers. The retail beauty shop where I made my purchase for cosmetics uses social media and posters to market its products. Correspondingly, the boutique cloth store also uses online social networks marketing platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to market its products.


To wrap up, this discussion reflected on my consumption behavior in the past one four weeks. Some of the major products that I purchased, include cats, makeups, Denim Jackets, iPad Pro, keyboard, and a cooler. Also, I visited the Sichuan-Folk Chinese Restaurant where I ate the Sichuan pork that was very delicious. As revealed in this discussion, there are many factors and theories that can be drawn to explain the rationale behind me making these consumption decisions. Also, the discussion has highlighted some of the techniques leveraged by these businesses to advertise their products.




De Mooij, M. (2019). Consumer behavior and culture: Consequences for global marketing and advertising. SAGE Publications Limited.

Fan, X., Qian, Y., & Huang, P. (2012). Factors influencing consumer behaviour towards store brand: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Market Research54(3), 407-430.

Hawkins, D. I., & Mothersbaugh, D. L. (2010). Consumer behavior: Building marketing strategy. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Huang, C. Y., Chou, C. J., & Lin, P. C. (2010). Involvement theory in constructing bloggers’ intention to purchase travel products. Tourism Management31(4), 513-526.

Rani, P. (2014). Factors influencing consumer behaviour. International journal of current research and academic review2(9), 52-61.

Rothschild, M. L., & Gaidis, W. C. (1981). Behavioral learning theory: Its relevance to marketing and promotions. Journal of marketing45(2), 70-78.

Stávková, J., Stejskal, L., & Toufarová, Z. (2008). Factors influencing consumer behaviour. ZEMEDELSKA EKONOMIKA-PRAHA-54(6), 276.

Vargo, S. L., & Lusch, R. F. (2015). Consumers’ Evaluative Reference Scales And Social Judgment Theory. Review of Marketing Research, 245.

Kaur, A. (2013). Maslow’s need hierarchy theory: Applications and criticisms. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies3(10), 1061-1064.

Moser, C. (2018). Impulse Buying: Interventions to Support Self-control with E-commerce. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-4).

The Guardian. (2020). Apple 2020 Ipad Pro 12.9in Review: The Best Mobile Tablet Can Now Get Real Work Done. Retrieved from

















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